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Star Wars Captioning #100 - Page 1 of 2

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A message from TFN
Captioning picture chosen and submissions edited by guest editor Cirrocco

Submissions: 1-50 - 51-93

* A fuming Vader is thwarted by the only reliable defense against the Force Finger-Pull.
by Timberline_Ridge

* In a cataclysmic genre cross-over, sci-fi fans re-enact the "Three rings for the Elven-Kings" scene from "Lord of the Rings" as they think it *should* have been.
by Timberline_Ridge

* Join us or die!
by Darth Paul

* Seems like all family reunions have at least one Dark Lord of the Sith, doesn't it?
by Dave Schomburg

* One of these things just doesn't belong here, one of these things just doesn't belong...
by snowdog83

* Remember, no disint...oh what the hell...
by snowdog83

* How many Trekkies does it take to stop a Sith Lord? The world may never know...
by snowdog83

* Darth Vader's ultimate nightmare. Assimilation by Trekkies.
by UniversalDestiny

* "we are the galaxy, we are the children"
by jimmie james

* Come on kids, give daddy a hug!
by R2D2 the hero

* Can't we all just get along?
by Whisper

* I'm never using Bob's discount Minions again!!!!!!!
by DoogieTheHutt

* We picked them up just south of the Rishi Maze....(we think they're a little slow...)
by DoogieTheHutt

* So What if I defected? Their reasoning was logical!
by Alhon

* "Look sir! Trekkies!"
by Darth Timmy

* Vader: Dammit Q!
by Kupokpok

* What? You think we won't make it as a Motown group?
by Rogersen

* I'm the Original Borg
by MooVolong

* Both Star Wars and Star Trek are celebrating the 100th caption in TheForce.Net captions. Hooray!
by TK421

* We're running out of storm troopers, so I present to you, the new peace troopers..
by Sid1920

* What are they doing with their hands? Perhaps it's some type of Force gesture...
by Adri

* Does this really need a caption?
by Java the Huttt

* What, me worry?
by Darth Lairdman

* Beam me up, Chewie!
by Darth Lairdman

* the number one way to start a mob riot
by Darth_farfello

* Now, who will our contestant pick? idiot trekkie number 1, idiot trekkie number 2, or idiot trekkie number 3?
by The Curser (in every sense of the word)

* So, come on down to crazy Vaders Rent-a-nerd....our prices are insaneeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
by doogiethehutt

* I *knew* I should have taken that left turn at Albuquerque...
by Jar Jar Bites

* "This is last time I use Watto as my travel agent!
by Kevin Vincent

* Trekkie: "No, Darth, spread your fingers a *little* wider." Vader: "You try doing this with artificial hands!"
by Kyra

* Vader: "You are part of the Star Trek Convention and a traitor! Take them away!"
by Kyra

* And now for something completely different
by The Unladen Swallow

* Try as Vader might, the Star Trek nerds didn't catch onto the Time Warp....
by GanDalfTheStoned

* We take two sci-fi universes and make them live together in the same house for a year! Hilarity ensues on "The Imperial Life"!
by Munki

* "Apology accepted Capt.Roddenberry"
by Ricky

* The Trekkies have landed! You will be assimilated and know as "TheEnterprise.net" from now on!
by Trekkie_Among_You

* Oh no! Not the great Star Trek vs. Star Wars debate! *hides under a table*
by Bird_of_Prey

* Vader: "I caught I fish this big." Tarkin(off-screen): "There's always a bigger fish, Lord Vader."
by Qui-Gon

* After the last top 46, some fans come to add a few new gadgets to Vader's suit.
by Bird_of_Prey

* Even Vader showed up to help the Trekkies in their quest to cancel Enterprise.
by Bird_of_Prey

* Darth Vader was deeply angered when he realized he was on candid holocam.
by your friend

* Another unfortunate part of Lando's deal with Darth Vader.
by Dooku

* Where will YOU be when your diarrhoea comes back??
by Captain Needa

* When Darth Vader first got his suit, he began having hallucinations.
by no one in particular

* "Star Wars" remained popular well into the twenty-fourth century.
by IT

* How do you defeat fans more rabid than your own?
by Lord Avorkin

* Joan Jett and the Blackhearts' 20th Anniversary Tour
by Darth Angst

* And it was at this unfortunate moment that they took the picture for Darth Vader's driver's license.
by Greggory

* Vader: I get no respect around here. No respect at all.
by Sam the Sham


* Vader loved to show off his collection of stuffed Trekkies.
by Dath Tony

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