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Star Wars Captioning #58

"Take my word of advice, kid: NEVER do Holiday Specials. Okay, I warned you..."
by BrenDarklighter

Ed Norton, after being kicked out by his wife, Trixie, spends the rest of his life in the sewers where he befriends a large brown rat he named Lumpy.
by Ickabod147

"Egad! That is the biggest Tribble I have EVER seen!!"
by Katy Farry

Jedi Master San-ta Claus brought much joy to the little Wookiees.
by The Dread Pirate Solo

"Uhh.. excuse me Chewbacca. Could you tell the little guy here to please return my left arm to me? He appears to have pulled it out of its socket."
by Dax

"Welcome to Brian Fellows' Animal Safari! I'm Brian Fellows! That dog looks weird!"
by Noman

"You're right. I think I will try that Rogain."
by Darth Sillious

"Oy! Son, back in my day, you had to growl without any fancy Ben-Burtt sound effects! You had to use toothpicks!"
by Darth Whatchamacallitt

"I'll be riiiiiiiight heeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrre...." (C.T.: Chewie the Extra-Terrestrial)
by corrancob

"Get your stinking paws off me you damn dirty ape!!" Sorry, wrong movie.
by grob

"Why did I do this Holiday Special? Well, Jackie Gleason and I had two scripts and we flipped a coin. He's off doing 'Smokey and the Bandit'. I got the better end of the deal, don't you think?"
by Deacon

"See, Lumpy, I told you if Bea Arthur had just one more drink, she'd do a table dance."
by Bj H

...and then the TFN server crashed with millions of "pull my finger" jokes.
by Cirrocco

In Australian accent: "Crikey! Take a look at this beauty! Judging by the size I'd say its a young male Wookiee. Lets see what happens when I poke it in the eye."
by Black Sun

Peter Pan, now all grown up, points to the second star to the right.. But it turns out he needs glasses as he's pointing at the Death Star instead...
by The Littlest StormTrooper

"I see a bright future for you, but at all costs don't vacation on planets with falling moons."
by Dark Jedi Wiley

"Are you an Angel?"
by Dark Mark

Gary Coleman's post-"Diff'rent Strokes" downward spiral continued as he became a human guinea pig for extra-strength Rogaine.
by Repo Man

Jack Lemmon (left) and Danny DeVito (right) star in the Star Wars Holiday Special this Sunday...
by Aaron

"Ya know, that Solo kid is gonna get you in trouble."
by Jaro Warren

"No, no, this isn't George's fault. You see those people over there? Those are the writers and producers. Those are the ones who need their arms torn out of their sockets..."
by CorSec Jedi

"Pull the other one, it has bells on it!"
by Darth Penelope

In one bizarre Life Day tradition, young Wookiees decorate their lawn with statues of balding men.
by El Chuxter

Chewbacca: "To the moon!" Art: "That moon?"
by JettFunk

"Sure, I know Dick Van Patten real well! If you want an audition for his new 'Eight is Enough' TV show I can get you one. I think you would be great as the little brother."

"Now you see that hanging rug over there? He was your great-uncle."
by Skillet

"...and never, EVER feed him after midnight!"
by Rob London

Little did Uncle Owen know that his Chia Pet was no longer dead...
by Lady Senkria

Art Carney thinks about this now: "Did I really need the money? I think I did. Oh Lord, I hope I did!"
by origluke2 Steve D

"Well, for Life Day, I want there to finally be action figures for all of those in the Star Wars Holiday Special!"
by JediMistressDragon

On the next "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood"...
by Tiene Leche

I will never forget them, those 'Wookiees in the mist"
by Tahiri

"So how do I use this thing? I just squeeze him out after mopping?"
by Ryan Czaplinski

"Said the grey haired man to the Wookiee near, 'Do you see what I see?'"
by dogstar

"Blue screen shots are 100 times easier than working with this fool," thought Peter Mayhew.
by Grandma Tarkin

I always knew that Tolkien had a hand in Star Wars!!
by Kenobi-Wan Obi

"I told you TFN would continue torturing the fans with pics from the Holiday Special!"
by Darth Sade

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