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Star Wars Captioning #67

Harrison feels healthy enough to pull the ears off a Gundar...
by Qui-Gonn Gin'n'Tonic

"And that's when I killed him, Your Honor."
by Bubba Fett

Indiana Jones' search for the Holy Grail has ended...in a highly unlikely place.
by El Mariachi

"Yeah, but Harrisons don't pull your ears off if they lose."
by Paul Landri

DATELINE: Hollywood. At a preview party for "Indiana Jones and the Attack of the Jones", Harrison Ford covers Carrie Fisher's ears while George Lucas gives away the plotline.
by Evil Leprechaun

"Its actually Kenny Baker in here. Look, I'll grab the ears and twist off the head..."
by Craig Gaddis

Suddenly, without warning TFN switched tastes to "Pull my ear" gags.
by Mikos_Epistimi

The reunion was going well, until George realised that he forgot to bring the nachos for his dip bowl.
by o.c. ( Took Skywalker )

"Okay, when you get them out, put them in this here wooden dish."
by Maul, Jr.

Fearing the worst over "Howard The Duck II", Lucas began hitting parties, looking for donations.
by Varth Dader

A double discovery! Princess Leia's Hair was fake, and George found the Holy Grail!
by Ben

Jackpot winners from the Big Game finally come forward...
by Donster

"Uh, Harrison? I think the 'mind meld' is from that other sci-fi franchise..."
by Rob London

"Who stole all the Hershey Kisses from my candy bowl?"
by Johnny Knoxville

Ford: "Don't listen to them Carrie. Thats NOT the cup of a carpenter..."
by Jedi Mary

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