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Star Wars Captioning #56

As much as the Toydarian tried, no one would believe him to be a pit droid.
by Trinity

Watto got hit rather hard by the recent dot-com crash.
by Ickabod147

"Ack! - Anakin! Where's my UFO repellant?"
by CrazyHarry

"What? You theenk you are zome kind of Jedi os zomething? I am zee Toydarian from France! Mind trickz, zey no work on me. Only good pastries."
by Dan Reyes

While Watto's grandfather, who had served in Mussolini's army, told his endless war stories yet again, Anakin and Amidala slit their own wrists in a desperate double-suicide.
by Sweet Uncle Biggs

"We're staying on your head until you fix the hyperdrive on our flying saucer. And you will take Republic credits."
by Luke 1:26-38

"The hat? I stole it from some guy named Don Quixote."
by The Shiny One

George Lucas is taking on "007" next. Here we see his casting choice for "Odd Job"
by Captain EO

"Not Slytherin, please not Slytherin!"
by Lucy Scarfwalker

(singing)"Hello my baby, Hello my honey, hello my ragtime gal..."
by dave low

"...Put'in on the Ritz!"
by glongman

He lost everything gambling on Podracing: his shop, his slaves, even his SGI rendering...
by HaHaRich!

"The Rabbi's sermon is long today."
by DavidW

The truth is out there... on Watto's head.
by Dancin' Homer

"Ha! I could give that Cat in the Hat a run for his credits."
by Winter:)

Unknownst to most, but known to us, Watto was originally cast as an intricate character in "A Clockwork Orange"
by Katy Farry

Watto confronts the horrific aftermath of a World War I battle in George Lucas' new remake of "All Quiet on the Western Front."
by Repo Man

"...He wore a raspberry beret... the kind you find on a second class planet..."
by dith darth dunce

"After I lost all my money betting on Sebulba's podracer, I had just enough money to buy this stupid hat."
by Donnie

"Yes, I can fly and balance a hubcap on my head."
by Brandon Sanders

After losing his junkyard, Watto decides the only way to pay off his debts is starring in the new film "Crocodile Dundee in Mos Espa".
by Jayba the Hutt

"If looking sexy is wrong, I don't wanna be right."
by Daniel

"So prepare, say a prayer, send the word to beware! I won't come home 'til it's over, Over There!"
by LC

Watto dons his dashing scarf and beret before going out to mingle with the movers and shakers in Mos Espa's nightlife
by Kalendra

The only scene from "Saving Private Watto" before the project was scrapped for "E.T. 2: The Wrath of Elliot."
by Gidman

by JediGirl

"Ok, I've got the cymbal taken care of. Now how are we going to hid the rest of the drum set?"
by ComicKook

ILM couldn't get this hat right the first time around, so they gave it another whirl in Episode II...
by darthmaul_one

So THAT'S what species Gonzo is! He won't age very gracefully.
by Falcona De'Ozse'

"Does this hat make me look like a Fred Sanford?"
by Glen Patterson

Watto had one too many Pan-Galactic Gargle Blasters after the Boonta Eve race ...
by Darth Penelope

Wasted away again in Margaritaville...
by J. Seeger

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