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Star Wars Captioning #8

"Hey George, look at this model of Mos Espa I made out of graham crackers, OH NO! STOP!!!! SOMEBODY HELP ME! GEORGE IS EATING MOS ESPA!" - Bitmap

Lucas: "Zzzzzzzzz!!...."
Guy: "Uh..Mr. Lucas. Time to wake up . Your ten minute break is up." - Jeff Kula

"Sand? on a Tatooine model? I swear, what were you thinking?!"

Guy on left: "So there shouldn't be a Java the Hutt caf?, but Sebulba's caf?? C'mon, you have to admit I have better taste!!" - MusicalZac@aol.com

George: *sniff* "Eeew, man, were you cleaning the Ewok's litterbox with your hands again?" - Callista85@aol.com

"...and if you put the staff of Ra here when the light hits the map room..." - Michael "Klatuu" Bach

Model Guy: "And here's where we'll put the slave quarters..."
George: "I've got two words for you...Mini Mall..." - Jason Westbrooks

Man: "Oh uhh.. Let me just remove that little cochroach there.."
George: "Did you just chop off the head of that miniature yoda?" - Erik Beyerman

"See George, if I move my thumb up and down it looks like a face talking. We'll call him Handy...and he could be the old Dark Lord of the Sith..." - Jim Clancy

Lucas: "I like what you've done here..."
Guy: "Hmm? Oh... That's just a toy my son brought in here- I assure you, I wasn't playing with the model, Mr. Lucas..."
Lucas: "Mmm hmm..." - Bradley Gilliland

"And right over here is where we can build a McDonald's - location is everything!" - Grant Johnson


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