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Star Wars Captioning #60

"I swear officer, those WERE the droids we were looking for!"
by Daniel Biehl

Filming for TROOPS: Episode II was delayed when a worried neighbor called the police.
by Keith

"Just when you thought life in Oz couldn't get any stranger..."
by Darth Nanook

Because of the long security procedures, TK-429 was unable to reach his post.
by imperial waterboy

"Hmmm, that feels suspiciously like a weapon... but since you guys can't shoot anyways, I'll let you off this time."
by Kalahari Karl

Security at Celebration II
by Commander Rick Skywalker

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Conquer the galaxy, serve the Emperor. I've heard it all before buddy."
by Chad Evans

"I swear it wasn't me, it was the one-armed Droid!"
by Jedi Ottolam

"It's just a jump to the left... And then a step to the r-i-i-i-ight! Put your hands on your hips... And bring your knees in t-i-i-i-ight!"
by Katy Farry

"Yeah? And can you tell me why you parked your AT-AT in a handicaped spot?"
by Richard

Tatooine PD finally puts it's Stormtrooper corruption task force to action
by What's all the Haip About

"Son, this area is posted as a .2 past lightspeed zone, not .5. You in a heap 'o trouble,boy."
by Mark Franklin

Shot from the ending scene of "Monty Python and the Jedi Holocron"
by Captain EO

"I swear I was just asking about 'stolen droids', not steroids!"
by Les Scott

Another Enron executive tries to sneak out of the country ...
by Darth Penelope

"I swear officer, i thought it was on stun."
by Michael Gage

"This has got to be the dumbest way to shoplift I have ever seen."
by blah the spider

Ever since failing out of the Stormtrooper academy because of his marksmanship grades, Officer Jones harasses stormtroopers every opportunity he gets.
by Jedi Master Bob

"When the bartender said 'No blasters' he meant it, buddy. You're coming downtown."
by Aubri

Unable to attain the fabled red "Corellian Bloodstripe", many lowly security guards were only given the blue "Corellian Boogiestripe"
by Vader Hater

"Did you really think you would get away with wearing white after Labor Day?"
by clint

"Dang profiling... Hey officer, I didn't see you pull over those CLONEtroopers!"
by Danimus

Rejected auditions for the Village People.
by XorKaya

"You're under arrest for terrible aim with a blaster."
by The Big Cheese

Stormtrooper meets State Trooper
by Justin McCarthy

"Who is this Kevin Rubio guy? Well it doesnt matter, look buddy, this is my show!"
by stelrz

"The Man" keeping the Imp Brother DOWN!
by The Canadian Highlander

Those aren't my drugs, man! I was just carrying them for the Emperor.
by Lord Nate of Sith

"Stormtrooper, schmormtrooper, I know you got donuts in this thing, now hand 'em over."
by Bubba Fett

"I Shot the Sheriff...but I did not shoot his deputy..."
by Chastity

"Bad clones! Bad clones! Whatcha gonna dooo? Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?"
by dogstar

Makes you wonder what the Stormtrooper did to get thrown into 'Oz'.
by Jon W. Lancaster

After the much celebrated Episode II cut, NSYNC member Joey Fatone is caught attempting an Episode III cameo. "Bye bye bye," wryly comments Lucasfilm security guard.
by Darth Gator

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