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Star Wars Captioning #71

A Triumphant Yell from Chris Hanel

They said it couldn't be done, and yet, here it is... NEW CAPTIONS ONLINE IN 7 DAYS! WOO HOO!! (ahem) Okay, got it out of my system.

So i took a risk putting such an obscure picture up on the page, but it completely paid off. A weird picture was answered with TONS of great submissions. Whittling down on this one was hard. REALLY Hard.

That said.... here's the pick of the litter.

Dooku looks around, "Aw crap!"
by um

Episode3 hits a low buget point and are forced to use 3 plastic yoda figures
by darkjediknight5

Yoda's Line of Fall, Spring, and Winter Fashions
by Stacy-Wan Kenobi

After hearing about the Wizard of Oz muchkins, the Yodas decided to unionize as well.
by Darth Bear Builder

Their creepy and their shorty, mysterious and lurky, the Yoda family. (apolgies to The Adams Family)
by Logan

Will the real Master Yoda please stand-up.
by JediDude

Yoda's Angels
by Chase Peterson

See no dark side, hear no dark side, speak no dark side
by Chase Peterson

Yoda celebrates Life day with his Family
by bantha_slap

by HaHaRich

They're making a new Gremlins film?
by Luke Skyrunner

When 900 years old Charlie's Angels reach, look as good they will not.
by zukman

"All we need now is Weird Al and we can have a sing along!!"
by Brion Rector

Vintage Yoda: $64.00... PotF2 Yoda: $23.00... Delux AotC Yoda: $12.00... That scene in AotC you paid $8.00 to see: Priceless...
by Mighty Mass

Hey! Who fed the Ewoks after midnight?
by Jedi Chance

Retired Puppets Union Local 359. Cursed CGI it is!
by AZ

The newest movie: Even Grumpier Old Men
by Miana Kenobi

For some reason, Percy Yoda felt alienated from the other Yodas since joining the cast of Cabaret.
by TheFrankEinstein

It was at this moment the Episode 3 crew told George 2 things:a) the cloning thing has gone WAY too far and b) quit drinking before noon
by Darth uh...um... let's leave it at that

That's three toy Yodas, not three Toyotas!
by Grandma Tarkin

How many Yodas does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? The world may never know ...
by Grandma Tarkin

And after hundreds of thousands of requests, TFN makes a sad attempt to revive their "Action Figure Captioning" contest (P.S BRING IT BACK...OR ELSE I'LL WHINE LIKE LUKE.)
by Kevin "Uncle Kettch" Ray

"Light" - "Sa" - "Ber!"
by Darth_Idiot
(I got 49 "Bud-wei-ser" jokes, and only one of this. Congrats to Darth_Idiot for the point of originality. -Ed)

Need three of us, we do, to keep up with the babe action in Coruscant!
by Angelica

Warning to SW Humor Editor: Update now, or we send to you these angry little green men with lightsabers.
by Newbie Wan Kenobi

The Yoda Version of "The View"... low ratings, it had.
by 00790

VH1: Behind the Music- the "blue man group" unpainted...
by grand admiral gary

"I'm a yoda, he's a yoda, she's a yoda... wouldn't you like to be a yoda too."
by Walter Danek

Palpatine: "You take the ugly one." Dooku: "Which one's the ugly one?!?"
by Michael Mackey

We are The Three Aaaaaaa
by Darth-Wets-His-Pants

by Darth-Wets-His-Pants

by Darth-Wets-His-Pants

by Darth-Wets-His-Pants

by Darth-Wets-His-Pants
(CLASSIC. One of my all time favorite submissions. Way to go, Darth! -Ed)

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