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Star Wars Captioning #72

A Bemused Grin from Chris Hanel

Time to put a myth to bed... this picture does not have Photoshop influences. According to multiple sources, GL's little side venture exists. The picture was taken by David Plichta as he was passing through Patterson, GA. (I wonder if that's on the way to DragonCon... photo op anyone?)

Speaking of DragonCon, i'll be walking around the Convention all weekend so look for me and be sure to say hi. I'll be in the FanFilmmaking Panel on Saturday night (Dunwoody Room). Here's what to look for... clickie.

Anyways, back on subject, loved the submissions, and had a good chuckle by a very special submission guest... you'll see it when you read. If only it were real.... (sigh)

That said.... here's the pick of the litter.

Not to be outdone, Steven Spielberg opens a laundramat with TWO game rooms!
by CTHD1303

We get your clothing Force-fully clean.
by Smokey the Narcoleptic Arsonist

Where else did you think George got his flannels cleaned?
by Smokey the Narcoleptic Arsonist

Make sure you have plenty of quarters.......republic credits are no good here.
by i have a bad feeling about this......

The production of Episode III requires Skywalker Ranch to expand and accomodate the long working hours...
by Sreya

"And the sign will say "George Lucas Laundromat and Game Room" and Satan will laugh." Revelations 2:14
by Crimsonboyy

Sure, it LOOKS like a run down old laundromat, but those aren't gas pumps..... GONK! GONK! GONK!
by Blowmi-one-Cannolli

Too bad we can't see Rick McCallum Pet Shop across the street.
by Not-So-Darth Vader

"Old George lives out beyond the Train Station. He's kind of a strange old hermit..."
by AntiPersonnell

... far too remote to make an effective demonstration.
by Jayson Peters

The poor owner of George Lucas Laundramat asks kindly to stop asking for a T-14 Hyperdrive Generator, Thank you.
by Jedifan 1986

If Trekkies ruled the Earth.
by Jedi Knight Tao

You can't read the sign on the window, but it says free autographed picture with fill-up.
by huh?

"What the? Howard the Duck arcade game?"!"
by Jedi Chance

Will somebody get Hamill off the Galaga machine, he's been on it for hours!
by Rafiennes

You can do one load of laundry this year, but you have to wait three years before you can do the next one.
by Darth Lairdman

The one place that sells real Blue Milk and gasses up your car at the same time!
by Darth Koopa

"That's no moon. Its a gas station!"
by FUNKMastrGeneral

"Young fool. You have paid the price for your lack of fabric softener."
by JediBravo

This is the laundromat that makes you use up all your quarters on buying "Tide- Special Edition", which does make your clothes look better.
by Ertin Guroc

Very funny guys... very funny.
by G. Lucas

Chewie + washer + dryer = Ewok
by Washed up Rookie pilot

Home of Industrial Light and Fabric.
by Hybrid

"We specialize in removing rebel scum!"
by Darth Alf

"Know what, grampa? Maybe you should have made episodes 7-9."
by Gungun_Slayer

Into the laundry chute, fly boy.
by ComicKook

she don't look like much, but she's got it where it counts
by sleepless in selonia

you wash your clothes in that piece of junk? you're braver than I thought.
by sleepless in selonia

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