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Star Wars Captioning #11

"Nice helmet....Bugle boy?"
from Cyberzen

"Guy on left: "Dude it is going to take one gondo huge can opener to get these off!""

"Guy in middle: "So uh guys when we're done with David Prowse's dressing room do you want to sneak into Carrie Fishers'?"" from MusicalZac

"Ooh, I got one! I got one! Guess who... Ahem... The Emperor is not as forgiving as I am."
from Chris Reed

guy on right: ok ok, it's my turn to be darth.
two other guys: but our five minutes not up yet
guy on right: fine then, i'll just play with these face masks
guy on right: how do you open these things any way???
from N. Wood

Star Wars movie writers put on their "Thinking caps" in the hopes to create new money making scams..oops I mean movies.
from Starr455


"I am not only the President of the Helmet Club for Men, I am also a client."
from Chris C.

"Am out fit for every occasion."

Middle Guy: "Yes i do look quit stylish in this don't I?
Left Guy: "Do you think this accents my eyes?"
Right Guy: "Hey how come I don't get one!"

After watching the original Star Trek Lucas comes up with the idea that if dispensable ensigns worked for Kirk, maybe he could have dispensable Vaders.
from Flynn Taggart

Middle Guy:.....and I said to George, he lets me call him that, "George", I said "I don't care how much you pay me I'm not going to be Darth Vader!"
Guy on left: "Cool!"
Guy on right: "Can I wear a helmet??
from Darkdragon

from ANDnonymous

"Now WE are the dork lords!"
"That's dark lords."
"He had it right the first time."
from RAPTOR1484

" Guys...if these don't get us chicks I don't know what will!"
from Cyberzen

After a day of shopping at the Darth Mall. (Get it? Maul? Mall? Awwww...nevermind)
from Scott

A meeting of the Darth Helmet Fan Club.
from Joanna

"I see your Schwartz is as big as mine."
from Studicus

"Lets rule Lucas and the Star Wars universe as father and son ..................MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
from tkhuri

"Does this helmet make me look fat?"
"I think I'll take the DX49 helmet model - but does it come in pink?" from Sean Perkins

Guy on right: Get it off quick George Lucas is coming!
Guy on left: I hate it when he makes us do the stunt work!
Guy in middle: I can feel the Dark Side arising in me already
from Pastor Stephen J. Higgins

"So okay. We have al-l-l-l these extra Darths, and Lucas wants to somehow recycle them for the new movies. Any suggestions?"
"How 'bout we just rename 'em? Ooh, I have a few ideas... What about Maul... And Sidious! Yeah, those names sound cool!"
from Kirana Ti

Vader (out of nowhere)- "Who broke into my closet?"
from K. Knutson

"Hey guys, maybe with these helmets that bully won't take our lunch money anymore."
from Raptor 1484

"How are we going to fit the kid into one of these?"
from Keith Roberts

After the "He wouldn't mind if we tried one or two of them on" incedent several of Lord Vader's personal tailors were never seen again.
from Lincoln

"I may be biased, Serge, but we look FAAAABULOUS!!!"
from Darrell L. Walker

"So, what do you think he'll do when he finds out we're the ones who stole'em?"
"Hmmm? I don't know maybe...ack....can't breath!!"
from Garth Mayhew

"Man in the middle.- I've got an idea.. Spaceballs!!!!!"
from Alfredo Perez Fernandez

Luke and his close friends find themselves playing with his dad's work outfit, when suddenly, the door unlocks.
from Mikesdcool

"Uhhh uh huh huh. I'm like, your father and stuff... uh huh huh huh huh.
"Heh heh yeah, yeah. HHHOOOOO PAAAAA... heh heh heh heh."
from Rick Levine

"A sneak peek at Bill Gates latest techno fashions"
from MusicalZac

"So I says to him, I says, 'Darth baby, black is SO last week. If you really want that promotion, you have to go with pastels. TRUST me.' So you know what the buffoon did? He came right in the very next day for a new fitting, and sent me all this because he said he didn't need it any more! What an idiot! What a maroon! What a-ackkk.....*gasp*....gurgle......"
from John Myers

"All right...who gets to be Darth this time?"
from Grayman

A peek inside the cloak room of the 1st Annual Dark Lord Connvention
from Damien Wilson

Man on left: Now that Luke killed Vader, what are we going to do with all these helmets?
Man on right: Go back into the past and make George McFly do what ever we order him to?
Man on left: Nah...
Man in Middle: I got it! see this one in the middle of the table towards me? you know what that is?
Man on right: It's no helmet, its a ashtray!
from Kreskin

More lost footage from the "Behind The Magic CD": Larry, Darryl and Darryl's screen test as Darth Vader, seen for the first time ever! Relive the movie as you never knew it before...

The guys down at the Death Star laundry room take a few minutes to reflect on their lives.
from Ruddiman

"So, you see, this is all we really have to work with for the prequels."
"Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha Hahahahahahahahahahahahhhaahhahahhahahahahah!!!!!!!!"

Middle Man: "Hey, guys? I can't get this thing off! Guys?" - the other two begin laughing maniacally. The man in the middle laughs too, a single tear trailing down his cheek.
from Ruddiman

Never-before-seen footage of Darth Vader screen tests, 1976.

The Jedi Council, before CG is added...

Employee #1: "George will be so proud when he gets back from that convention in Australia and finds out how we've discovered the power of the Dark Side!"
Employee #3: "Can I join?"
Employee #2: "Not until you force-grab us a few brewskies..."

Employee #3: "Won't they notice all the Vader masks missing?"
Employee #1: "Quiet! You'll ruin the tea party!!!"
from Brian "ObiWannaCracker" Haughwout

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