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Star Wars Captioning #40

Palpatine's first attempt at clone troops revealed they just didn't have enough "evil" in them.
by Dex1138

"Wow! Training to be a Stormtrooper IS hard!"
by Yoda Mama

Hehe... look at me! Wheeeeeeeeee! (stormtroopers need to unwind too)
by Stormtroopin' Hula Hoopin' Fool

TK-421 auditioning to become one of Jabba's dancers.
by Qui-Jon

Argh! Must..... find...... black.... head....... remover! Curse...... you....... Wal-Mart!
by Collin

"Hey Guys, get over here. You've got to try this. This thing gets my heart rate up even more than morning training."
by Captain Morgan

"You think this is cool? Wait till I set my utility belt to Hyperspace Mode."
by Queen Silverdolla

Oh man, we'll never get into the Cantina if he doesn't sober up a bit...
by Emperor Palpatim

Yet another one of the Christmas party pictures that Vader uses to get people to obey...
by Jade's Fire2003

Luke's right... you really CAN'T see in this thing!
by Hama

Perfect, with these pantyhose on my head, no one will no that I'm an Imperial spy!
by Yoda47

Well this is a better punishment than being choked to death.......
by tenorjedi

Presenting Hasbro's new Stormtrooper figure, with hula-hoop action and kung fu grip!
by Darth Nader

After the pressure of being a stormptrooper became too much, TK895 finally cracked.
by Jacob "Somewierdalien" Ross

"Attention shoppers, there's a dork in aisle 11."
by Joe Antilles

The new "Epiosde II" Select photo gives us a glimpse of Bymor, the toyshop planet.
by Bubba the Hutt

Look ma,...no face
by Aditya Chauhan

"Will TK-421 please come to the front desk. We found your missing helmet."
by Dubya Fett

This is the last time I volenteer to be a ring toss peg!
by darth pansy

And in our toy department, we have one of our own Stormtroopers demonstrating the latest in Coruscant childrens fads, a bargain at only 39.95, and thank you for shopping at Darth Mall.
by Ashion

"Attention K-Mart shoppers... would the man in Aisle Three please stop hula-hopping...you're scaring the children."
by Katy Farry

Oh no, not "Magwit's Mystifying Hoop" again
by Darth Baker

The truth behind the Bluelight Special.
by Yaddle

I would just like to note that THIS is the reason why I quit working at Target!
by Singing Aurra

Lucas decides to digitally map faces on the storm troopers using innovative "Black Screen" technology. He still can't figure out how to get rid of that hula hoop though.
by Mercury

Marco! Polo!
by dannyboy

"Man, they're taking this whole body glove thing waaaaay too far."
by Sasquatch

I wanna be a Toys R Us Clone!!!!
by Aurra Lee Gifted

New Spy Report: This is our first glimpse of Episode III's most deadly creation... Hula Troopers.
by Iceheart

"Next on ESPN, 'Stormtroopers: Behind The Glory' you only THOUGHT you knew them."
by Uncle Kettch

A scene from the upcomming Lucasfilm project, The Huttsucker Proxy. "You know, for kids"
by Scott Woodard

And so the robber disguised as a wannabe stormtrooper tried the toys before stealing them...
by Sharrad Hett

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