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Star Wars Captioning #66

"And over here by the eye, we'll paint another happy tree. Now, doesn't that tree look happy?"
by John yaya

"This eyeliner will really bring out your baby blues!"
by Grant W. Goldenstar, III

George Lucas, ever insistant on putting creature cameos in his movies, went way overboard this time when he decided to include Swamp Thing
by ObiRonKenobi

"Next time, paint the contact before you put it in."
by Dark54555

The future least-desirable action figure.
by Mara Jinn

"Kiss me, I'm Irish."
by Metyl Gunnm

No one was really sure about the scene where Boba Fett revealed his true face, but Renaldo, the makeup artist, loved him just the same.
by A-Moore

"Look, kid, there's a REASON Lucas hired me to appear 'as is'..."
by Darth Billybobjoe

Crazy Bernie's rendition of "Cher" finally got him fired from the Wax Museum
by Jeremy S.

"If you get that in my eye, I'm turning you into a Newt."
by The Black Knight

"Well Mr. Jackson, I'm not sure I can fix this last plastic surgery with some make up."
by Theodore Whittington

Free facials at Coruscant Macy's.
by Megatron

Putting on makeup for the Yoda car crash sequence.
by Jedi Master Egan

Ben Stein: "Clear Eyes gets the red out... wow..."
by Sarah

"I think this eyeshadow will bring out your color, it worked well for Prince Xizor."
by Darthhoss

"A little make up will cover that thing growing out of your head right up."
by Darth Shaft

The extra from The Lord of the Rings keeps quiet, hoping no-one will notice he turned up at the wrong set.
by Keith

Nope, I can't associate this with "pull my finger" at all...
by Paul Fallon

For once, the human probes the alien
by BrenDarklighter

"Dude! You were awesome in 'The Exorcist'!!"
by Mike Gunther

"Would you mind drawing me some pupils?"
by Mikos_Epistimi

"AHA! So THAT'S where the Green Goblin is hiding!"
by spiderman

Next on Fox - "When Facials Go Bad"
by Jedi Keith

"I tell you, my day is rough. I go in for 6 hours of makeup, then we film for 30 minutes, then another 6 hours of taking the makeup off. Then yesterday I found out I'm being replaced with a CGI."
by The Great Jedi Wannabe

"And I apply zee last stroke... voila, zee Queen's make-up is completed. How you like?"
by Yoda's Luv Shack

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