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Star Wars Captioning #78

A giggle of glee from Chris Hanel
Yeah, so I'm excited for Galaxies so it's pretty obvious i had that on the brain when i did this week's updates. This week's caption was a bit more challenging and not as obvious, and there were no real obvious puns that 50% of the submissions went for. "I caught a Fish THIS BIG...." came up a lot, but that doesn't even count as being funny. :)

C3PO: "We are... no longer the droids who say 'bleep'."- - - R2D2: "Bleep!"- - - C3PO: "Shhh!"
by Ajent Orenj

Did I miss something? When did we get to Disneyland?
by Padawan Drew

"Beep beep beep." "Artoo says, how do you keep your hood all pointy like that?" "Uttini!"
by rancor_fury

uuummmmmmmmm shouldn't this caption be in TF.N games Caption Action?
by csenosiain

There is no chance to survive make your time. MWA HA HA HA.....
by eh?

STAR WARS Episode 9: The CGI Gets Even Worse
by Rufus Holmes

An image from one of lucas' dreams. So he sdoes dream in digital!
by Jason M.

"One day, all this will be yours." "What, you mean the Jawa?"
by Sithwitch13

by Macaroni Penguin

I beg your pardon, sir. Have you seen Master Anakin? He rides a swoop bike, wields a lightsaber, and decapitates Tusken Raiders for fun.
by Darth Lairdman

Galaxies(TM) will have cool mini games including the Ultimate Staring Competition
by Mr. Fluffy

"I'm experiencing an odd feeling of dejavu... Oh, dear! We're in The Matrix!"
by Matthew Hutchinson

C3PO: "Ask me the questions, jawa. I'm not afraid."
by Ajent Orenj

I Need a new motivator for my counterpart R2D2, Its about Yay big.
by Spot

C3PO: "Am I worth anything? Listen pal, I am fluent in over six million forms of communication. And on top of that, you can play LPs on my chest."
by Ajent Orenj

Aren't you a little low polygon for a Jawa?
by Matt

Star Wars Christmas Special, 2004
by Yoda Soup

C-3PO attemps the Macarena.
by Obi Von Mando

I don't think I could give a caption. I've been stating for five minutes and I can't figure out who's flashing who?
by Obi Von Mando

OK! I got it. C-3PO is flashing the Jawa!!
by Obi Von Mando

Nope, sorry. I was wrong... The Jawa is flashing C-3PO.
by Obi Von Mando

No, wait. The Jawa is... Ah, forget it!
by Obi Von Mando

"What pirated copy of the Two Towers?"
by Jared Ward

Dude, where's my sandcrawler?
by Rogue -13

I am fluent in over 6 million forms of communication, but I have no idea what "d00d G1V3 m3 5U|\/| pH4t 13Wt" means.
by Paul

When the TFN Humour editor finally got to play Star Wars Galaxies he found he was always getting killed by some angry being shouting "You should be updating the site not lazing around here!"
by Kar'Ghun

C-3PO chose the WORST person to ask for directions to Mos Eisley....
by Gidman

"Hey, remember the time you zapped me, put a restraining bolt on me, sucked me into your mobile dungeon, and sold me to a farmer? Good times, man."
by Rin

"How do you get to TFN.Games?"
by Rainer

'No, we are NOT looking for this "Yogurt" person!'
by Metroid Prime

That's funny. You seem taller in my memories, Obi-Wan.
by Her Highness Julie

You've failed, Your Shortness. I am a droid, like my partner behind me.
by Wili

C-3PO is John Doe. "I know 6 million forms of communication...and nothing else."
by Son Of Jorel

No, no, no. I'm scum. Villiany is over there.
by Son Of Jorel

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