Star Wars Captioning #61

"I am the Dread Pirate Roberts... you shall all die! Ooops,
I mean, 'so be it Jedi!'"
by jedijosh@snet.net
After running short on money, Episode III becomes Star Wars Episode
by Eric Brown
The new Sith decides to use fresh tactics and demonstrates how
he will do away with the Jedi by chasing them away with a massive
bogey on the end of his finger. Cunning eh?
by goongsta
Darth Andre tells Westley that Princess Buttercup is his sister,
totally ruining the love story.
by Ethan
Clearly, Darth Sidious was influenced early on by the school bully.
by Tusken Jawa
"Pull my finger."
by LisaFett
"Beweah the Dwead Piwate Woberts, oh you will witness the fiahpoweh
of this fully awmed and opewational battle station!"
by Drak Tanner
"*urk* Give me *urk* my *urk* mediccaattiioonnn!"
by Jedi Bob
While controversy raged regarding the N'Sync cameo in Episode II,
little was said about the appearance of "Darth Fezzik".
by JB-Jedi
"If you will not be turned, you will be body slammed!"
by Azeem
Everyone reels in horror as Andre the Giant's ghost crashes the
Episode II set...
by Mike M.
"You have just made the second biggest mistake! The first
of course is getting involved in a land war on Naboo... The second
is trying to outsmart a Corellian!"
by Peter Tutham
Uncle Sidious Wants YOU!
by Maulbert
...So this is what happens when you let Rob Reiner direct a Star
Wars flick.
by DraX
What Hulk Hogan will see when he dies.
by Jedi Bib
"I am the Dread Pirate Roberts! There will be no N'Sync cameo!"
by Grandma Tarkin
My Dinner With Andre The Emperor
by Dex1138
"That was a fumble, not an incomplete pass!"
by Karen Christensen
"My name is Darth Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to
by Vesp
"And I would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for
those meddling kids!"
by DarthQueeg
After a screen test George decided that Andre the Giant just wasn't
right for the role of Palpatine.
by Clonetrooper
"Shiiiiiiiiiiiiire... Baaaaaaagginssss..."
by rufus holmes
"Westley...I AM you father!"
by shaquira
"You will pull my finger. I have forseen it."
by Mooman III
"I am the Dread Holiday Special! I have come for your souls!"
by Darth Monkey
It's the WWF's Sith Smackdown ... with Darth Giganticus!
by Darth Penelope
"Hey! You! Weren't you on the Holiday Special? You know! The
scene with Maude?"
by jedimaster7705
Taking a page from Robotech, Lucas has Palpatine cloned into a
Giant Emperor with a bad French accent
by Darth Karg
The Emperor became stupefied at seeing Viggo Mortensen stealing
his trademark "dark cloak" look!
by Marco Hughes
No matter what he did, Palpatine always was terrified of becoming
over weight.
by LanceJade
After the gate guard pulled Fezzik's finger Westley and Inigo fell
to the ground like burnt spiders.
by Tyson of Tucson
"E.P. phone home..."
by DaftMaul
"Look Boss, Da Plane!!!!"
by Eric Ono
"I am the dread Darth Fezzik! There will be no survivors!"
by Stelmarta
"Hogaaaaaaan I am your father..."
by Jedi Ottolam
"Bah sooon you Jedi will noh be heeeeere... Da Dwead Piwate Palpatine
is comihn foh your soullllllsssss!!!!
by Darth TK421
In the Episode II DVD extras, we see here a game of Red Rover where
Darth Chunk "sends Dooku right over".
by Maul of America
Darth Andre wants YOU to join the Sith Army!
by Princess Lobelia
"Pssst! Wanna increase your midiclorian count?"
by jedi_who_married_sith_lords_daughter
It's Darth Gastric!
by JettFunk
"Oh, I'm afraid the shield generator will be quite operational
when your friends arrive. THERE WILL BE NO SURVIVORS!!"
by Alcander Caedmon
"Inconcievable! Oops, wrong line, wrong movie, I need some coffee"
by The Big Cheese
The Imperial Lottery: It Could be you!
by darkside childe
"Eff yoo will nah bwee tuhned, yoo will bwee destwoyed!"
by Jomero
George Lucas' enforcers track down the creator of the Phantom Edit.
by Keith
"We are the Knights Who Say...."
by Ben Williams
Does anyone else think this guy looks like the giant from "The
Princess Bride"?
by mara
"Jabba, I squeeze! I will squeeze your neck like Hulk Hogan's
at Wrestlemania 3!"
by Landocolt45
"If you will not pull my finger then you will meet your destiny!"
by Schnoogs
"I sentence you to watch the Holiday Special till the day
you die. Mawhahahahahahaha!"
by XB-70
"I am Darth Giant, kneel before the two guys behind me set
me on fire."
by Hades
Sith Practical Joke #47: slipping growth hormones into your Master's
morning coffee
by Ell Jay
"Pull my finger Luke... it is your destiny!"
by Maniac2001
"...But nobody would surrender to Emperor Fezzic, so he gave me
his robe, taught me how to shoot lightning out of my fingers...
like this!"
by Darth Cade
After terrorising a credit card customer he turns to you and says,
"What have you got in YOUR Wallet?"
by Chris Carter
And tales were told of the Dread Sith Roberts' mysterious "Seeping
Gas" ability
by Boston Salamander
"The Dread Pirate Tyrannus takes no survivors. All your worst
nightmares are about to come true."
by Campbell Evans
Uncle Palpatine's favorite joke
by Steve E.
"Hi, I'm George Lucas' newest CGI creation: Freaky Leering
Guy With Too Much Time On My Hands."
by The man who knew WAY too much
"Another DIFFERENT actor playing me? AGAIN?! Can't the just
stick with Mcdiarmid?!"
by the clumsy plum
"Don't lay a finger on my BUTTERFINGER!"
by Des Osorio
by DarthQueeg
"The Dread Pirate Skywalker is here for your SOULLLLLS!"
by Doraebon
After falling once for the old gag, Anakin would permanently don
a black mask to repel the Emperor's toxic dark-side flatulence.
by Darth Neil
"My name is Daath Fezzik. You killt my Fadder. Pwepare to
by Bippo
"Hey, I didn't know we were going to talk about that Alderaan incident,
so you turn that camera OFF!"
by Darth Lairdman
"Hulk Hogan, I am the ghost of Andre the Giant, and I'm here
to kick your butt at Wrestlemania, BROTHER!"
by mike henderson
And TFN has managed to scrounge up yet another picture that will
bombard them with "pull my finger" captions...
by Kenya Starflight
"Allo, wot's this? A ring...?"
by Ian Brackley esq
"I am de Dwed Empwrer Roberds...der will be no subibers!"
by fsuchris
"Mr. Bimbo would like a word with you." Darth Fozzie's career goes
downhill with the mention of the man who lives in his finger.
by The Guy With the Face
Lucas nixes plans for a CG Andre the Giant Sith Apprentice when
it's discovered that he's too huge for the camera to keep all of
him in focus at the same time.
by Captain EO
"Now, young Humperdinck... you will die."
by Ell Jay
"What's this nice golden ring here for? It looks so... Precioussssss!"
by Darth Gollum
Thats no Jedi, thats Andre the Giant in his Holocaust Cloak from
The Princess Bride... SHAME ON YOU GUYS!
by Jon
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