Star Wars Captioning #37

"Chewie you dimberdolfe you turned on decompression chamber, I'm gonna
by alexpicard@excite.com
A rare R. Crumb print called, "Keep On Smugglin'"
by Cirrocco
"Hey! What happened here! I look like
a $@%^ loonytoon, @#$@##$ it!"
by Jedi Thespian
So THIS is what Star Wars would've been like if Christopher Walken played
by Exar Kun
We would have got away with smuggling it too, if it weren't for you nosy
teenagers and that dog of yours
by cool_kyle_15
Hoping to cut back on costs, the animators at ILM chose to abandon the
CGI characters, and return to old fashion hand animation.
by Drew Corbitt
Grrrrr..Chewie....I thought you said this new laxative worked!!!
by Neo Jedi Bryan
I thought this was a great special! Why doesn't anyone show it anymore?
Why does George Lucas deny it ever happened?
by Darth Deus
Eh! Fonnsy.
by Condar
Chewie, turn down the artificial gravity!
by sandtroopertk9
The Tonight Show! With Han Leno!
by Gasgono
Whoa, Chewie, this is what it's like to be in a Beatles video.
by Moron
"Ask yourself one question, do ya feel lucky today punk?"
by Cheeseman
Come on Chewie, just a little tuft. Leia won't date a guy that doesn't
have a hairy chest
A Star Wars Fan's acid trip
by Sithwitch
I dunno why they made us look like Shaggy and Scooby Doo either!
by Basham
And where else was I supposed to put the PlayStation 2's? Ya know Jabba,
even I get boarded sometimes......
by Beral Teora
Han: "Here, rip my arms off if ya can, I'm tired of your bragging!"
by Uncle Kettch
Dude...where's my ship?
by Doubleclick
Hey man, where'd the '70's go?
by jason007
"...Attsa SPICY meata-ball!"
by Mylkmee
Why the long face, Han?
by buh buh ray dj
Has the artist even seen Star Wars?! My chin isn't this big.
by HunterFSM
Han grimaces after seeing the picture for caption #36.
by HPS00
Just shows you: NEVER anger Doug Chiang
by ChewTobacco The Wookie Monster
by Warbuff
What Happens when you mix Star Wars with Any Which Way You Can
by YodaFeak
Han Solo had a brief stint as a Religious cartoonist: here we have a
scene from Han Solo, Intergalactic Evangelist
by Fortune & Glory
Don't they drugscreen these animators?! Look at us for cryin' out loud!!
by KnightStryke
"First 'The Star Wars Christmas Special', now a guest appearance on 'King
of the Hill'... what the heck was Lucas thinking?!!"
by Darth Nader
E-Bay Item #4563653653536 Cel of an earlier "Star Wars" during Lucas's
"Yellow Submarine" fascination
by Exar Kun
Disaster strikes when ILM misread 'Han draws Gun' for 'Hand-drawn Han'.
by Emperor Palpatim
Hi, I'm Indiana Jones and this is my pal Short Round...
by Gonff the Jedi Mousthief
Chewie quick! Call my Chiropractor!
by Tim Horton's
"I dunno, Ash. I was watching Pokemon and the TV kinda pulled me in!"
by Pineapple Jedi
I once caught a MYNOCK this BIG!!!
by hedbangah
"I am not a crook..."
by Ghandi Bob
Chewbacca first meets Han Solo as a street performer. Here Han performs
the "man trapped in a glass box" routine.
by Stormdrooper
Han Solo impersonates Jimmy Stewart, "And so ya see.. there was this
really big bunny..." Chewie nods.
by The Littlest Stormtrooper
Han: Luke, what are you doing with those mushrooms?
by Darth Bo-Bo
In another previous, and short-lived career, Han Solo practices his juggling
act, only to find out that remotes don't make good juggling balls because
they don't come back down.
by Krayt Dragon
Original drafts for the NJO had Chewbacca surviving and taking on his
new partner Max Headroom
by Charlemagne
Zoinks! Like, where're the Scooby snacks, Chewie?
by Darth Nooner
Lucas's next "great project"...Cool World 2 starring Harrison Ford.
by Joe Fera
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