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Star Wars Captioning #4

"If I give you a colt 45, will you let me rub your lucky wookie scalp?"
"Yo Quiero Taco Bell." - Mike Still

"What the Heck are you looking at?!"
"Nothing. Absolutely nothing." - PAML

"I'll see your StormTrooper and raise you a bald guy with a wraparound hearing aid." - JS

"Boy, Boba's been starin' at that wall for hours now, bet Solo's freeze really freaked him out. Wonder if my gun under my cape will make him snap out of it?...." - Steba

Lando: "Ah ha! You blinked! I win!" Boba: "What are you talking about?!?! You can't even see my eyes! Is that the famous "Bespin humor"? - RMontonye@otpco.com

"Napoleon? Imitation? Just out of curiosity, why do you ask?" - Eileen Tuuri

"You know every once in awhile you might want to take a shower or something. I mean, I can smell you right through the armor." - Jim Clancy

"Man! just how long does a guy have to wait in line to use the restroom." Fett: "I wouldn't know. I don't need them." - Madelyn Blair

"You're not from this 'hood...are you?" - Ken Mencher

"What did you say about the Psychic Network!?!?" - Marc Gardner

"You have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen." - Craig Hatler

"What you talkin bout Bubba?" - Ron Womack

"You look upset, what you need is a nice, smooth Colt 45!" - Anthony James Bishara

"Bless you!" - StarFool

"Wha' you looking at, Willis??"

"Does it get hot in that armor?" "Only when people ask me stupid questions."

- Luke & Ben Simmons

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