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Star Wars Captioning #96

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A message from TFN
Thanks to everyone who sent in entries. Our favourite submissions are listed below.

* Failed Star Wars playsets: Darth Vader's Hoth party
by Icebreaker

* Stormtroopers delight playing in the background: 'I said a shoot, miss, a shoot and a shoot and a miss, miss, miss.'
by Kenpasck

* I've got three...either it's "Force Train", "Coruscant Bandstand", or "Studio 1138"
by Darth Alf

* The Star Wars cast party!
by T-RCX

* After the fall of the Empire the most sought-after vehicle was the AT-AT. The manufacturer started making them again under the name Phat AT-AT.
by Cirrocco

* Why TK 421 really wasn't at his post....
by Rurouni Jedi

* check out the lowrider AT-AT!
by Vesp

* Eminem enters the Sci-Fi genre in his next movie "8 Parsec"
by purplefacedmonkey

* Well, at least stormtroopers are good at SOMETHING.
by Cr33dos3

* The Annual Galaxy Hip Hop Jam on Dancetowine. Pictured: Yoda Rhymes, De La Solo, Notorious B.I.B Fortuna, KRS-Wan Kenobi, Pad-May Z, and Wookie Smalls amongst others?
by purplefacedmonkey

* Early blueprints for this year's christmas special....
by Chew-Tobbaco The Wookie Monster

* Yoda, over there in the bottom left corner: When 400 I was, dance the pants off of him I could... :(
by Chew-Tobbaco The Wookie Monster

* How Steve the stormtrooper got his groove back.
by Chew-Tobbaco The Wookie Monster

* Look sir, Gangstas
by Zedium

* Go white boy! Go white boy!
by Brandon York

* When I met him your father was already a great dancer but I was amazed to see how strongly the groove flowed through him
by megayoav

* 'The Ultimate Special Edition's' new, extended Endor Celebration Scene.
by Nick Denney

* Vader: Explain to me why we teach them to break dance but not how to shoot?
by Jedi Master Gourry

* I see the guys over at Star Wars Gangsta Rap have improved their graphics
by Kenya Starflight

* When Good Action Figures go Bad, next on Fox.
by Darth Lairdman

* While TK-421 distracted everyone with his fancy break dancing, Han, Jar Jar, and TK-415 made off with the AT-AT.
by Darth Lairdman

* Would this be where the song "Jedi from the Block" comes in?
by Smokey the Narcoleptic Arsonist

* The Imperials also celebrated when the emperor was killed....
by A-kaz

* New from Mattel!! Realistic star wars sets with new vandalizing stormtroopers!
by darth_vaderess

* The Tatooine version of "Soul Train" was an instant hit...
by The Jedi Master of BBQ's Daughter

* with the emperor gone, the stormtroopers had so much to do and so little time
by fett13

* yoda-"much groove I sense in him........a great playa' he could become."
by jedi_girl_solo

* screw zion! The hoth system is where the party's gonna be
by look who's tarkin

* Go, Stormy! It's your birthday! Go, Stormy! It's your birthday!
by Mr. Whitmarsh

* Maul: So, why is it called, 'breakdancing'? Yoda: Easy, the answer is. Dance, you do, until break, something does. Mmm... Wicket: Yub-yub!
by That crazed wench called Tom Blonde-adil

* Bust a fly move this trooper does. But much to learn he still does fo' sho'. Match Master Yo-yo Yoda he does not, word hmm..yes.
by Jedi Errant

* Club Obi-Wan takes on a brand new meaning...
by Jedi_Solo

* What Stormtroopers do when they should practicing at a firing range
by CptnSuz

* What happens when Blue Milk is drunk after the expiration date.
by Padawan Drew

* "Oh wait, you meant an _actual_ battle?"
by Rin, Destroyer of Keyboards

* Screenshot from "Pa Rappa The Rapper Episode III", only for XBox.
by doggans

* The new line of toys is out for christmas. 1. Hiphop AT-AT w/ breakdancing stormtrooper. 2. Rapping Yoda everything you need for the holidays this year
by Anakinos

* Wild night at Club AT-AT.
by Skaiwalkuh

* Storm Troopers: What they lack in aim they more then make up for in rhythm.
by The Trickster Fox

* It would appear that this contest won't be solved through our knowledge of the force, but rather our skills on the cardboard
by Han Samwich

* Storm Trooper: "And they said you can't break dance to Star Wars Music!"
by Wookie-Ewok212

* What happened when George tried to make "Star Wars" and "American Graffiti" at the same time.
by Stormtrooper20NIE7586J96739K2 or Bob

* I'd like to know where I can get an SCT-AT (South-Central Terrain Armored Transport) toy... Hasbro doesn't seem to stock them...
by Kenya Starflight

* This is why the Empire banned Death Sticks...
by PU-1138

* This scene required too many special effects to be included in the movie: Maul had to be put back together, Jango had his head reattached, and Oola and Boba had to be coughed up by various creatures.
by Mab

* After the animatics department went on strike, George had to depend on the action figure department.
by Darth Paul

* In an attempt to capitalize on the Beneath The Dome concept, Hasbro announced today the release of Behind The Plastic.
by Darth Paul

* The beat is strong in this one.
by Kettch-22

* Boba Fett shows off the pimpin' backyard of his Tatooine mansion on the next episode of MTV's Cribs!
by Chris K

* After the success of the "Yo Da Man" AotC commercials, LucasFilm decided to take their urban marketing gimmick one more step.

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