Star Wars Captioning #41

Escorted by imperial deathtroopers, Liam Neeson was arrested for
trying to enter the set as one of his disfigured "Darkman" characters
by Jimmy Crack Vader
Obi-Wan was wondering if his black cloak was sending Anakin the
wrong message.
by Kalit
Dork Vader and Emperor Palpatation in the Star Wars B-Movie
by YOda Mama
Sith Lord: And this plastic man is my boss?!?
by Ali-wan
Lucas's next project "YOR: The Hunter From the Future - Special
Edition "
by Captain Chris
The Palpatine action figure was recalled after complaints were
made about it looking a bit to much like Quentin Tarantino...
by Katy Farry
Would you PLEASE stop bugging me?! We're out of openings for TIE
pilots right now. Call back in a few weeks.
by Dan Reyes
Lord of the Rings mania hits Lucasfilm as Aragorn makes a guest
appearance on the set...
by Tary
Vader and Palpy, the early years
by Jedi Bib
"You can never really tell where these guys are looking,"
thought Darth Hooded Dude as he glanced at the Dark Trooper Person
by Jedi Gribble
"What do you mean we didn't make the cut for 'Star Wars'? Oh well,
there's always 'Battlestar Galactica'."
by Darth Nader
Wanted: For Impersonating Imperial Copyrights
by Lobot Monster
"We spend all these years training to be Sith Lords, and then Sidious
and Maul tell us there can only be two?!! Those Dark Side instruction
videos were a rip-off!"
by Dubya Fett
Finally, the prequel to Spaceballs is made!
by Darth Silliness
Dave thought he could dress as a Sith Lord until he met Lucasfilm's
dreaded copyright police.
by Admiral Akbar & Jeff
Bill and Chuck came THIS close to being cast as Vader and Palpatine.
by Mace Windex
"Hi, we're here to audition for the new openings in the Sith Order.
No, we can't foresee the future, but Dave here can Force-choke an
officer within a thirty mile radius."
by The Third Sith
The Imperial Yearbook photos show Palpatine in his goatee phase
and Darth Vader in his awkward years.
by Bubba the Hutt
"No, we're not actually IN the 'Star Wars' movies, but we've got
a Hasbro action figure anyways."
by Assistant Manager Piett
Yes Palpatine, your stormtroopers are very menacing looking, but
MY stormtroopers look like PIGS!
by Singing Aurra
We've secretly replaced these regular Sith Lords with Folger's
Sith Lords... let's see if anyone can tell the difference!
by Chris Knight
Here's a title for Episode II: "Sithz N the HOOD!" Get it? (Ow!
Stop throwing stuff at me!)
by Repo Man
This isn't the Gimp you are looking for!
by Steve and Simon Pickett
When the entire Star Wars cast fell victim to the flu, Lucas found
that the stand-ins for the 'bad guys' didn't quite fit in....
by GonkH8er
Come, Darth Black Death Mask, we will take over the universe!!!
by http://marajade10.tripod.com/ gwahahaha!
In an early, version of Star Wars, Darth Vader was an evil hockey
player and Emperor Palpatine looked a lot like Ewan McGregor...
by TLJ
But Daddy I don't wanna go to programming class, the other robots
bully me.
by diskerror
Does that creepy black droidy-thingy HAVE to follow me everywhere??
by Aleksi Amaru
"That's just great, Palpatine gets Darth Maul to be his minion,
and all I get is some reject from an old Dr. Who Episode"
by Jason "last man at Fort Tusken" Lee
I'll bet your're sticking your tounge out at me behind that helmet,
aren't you?
by Rick Schultz
There is a new evil in the galaxy: Darth Lowbudget.
by Jason
Random picture from the last support group meeting of Siths Anonymous.
by *Rebel Jedi Girl*
Darth Vader was not impressed with his original helmet design.
by Saesee Tim
Darth Altoids and Bobba Frett out for a stroll.
by Republic
Darth Vader's attempt at expanding his wardrobe didn't go over
very well, but then again, neither did Palpatine's clergyman look
by Kenya Starflight
"But I AM a Jedi. Can't you tell by the cloak? Now let me in to
the council meeting."
by "Big Cat" Sniegowski
Original design for Darth Vader's hemet, before NASA sued and said
it looked too much like the Lunar Module.
by Rebel against the Clinton Empire
Darth ViggoMortenssen declared that was the worst Vader costume
he'd ever seen.
by Emperor Palpatim
Hmmm...I wonder if a stormtrooper in black armor has better aim
then one in white....
by Ali-Wan
One of these troopers just doesn't belong
by Tyranus
After so many movies, George Lucas's costume budget finally went
by Jedi_Brent
Taking their "let's see if George notices" gags way too far, the
ILM gang splices scenes from "Yor: The Hunter From The Future" into
Episode II ...
by Darth Austin
Zaphod Bebblebrox was not convinced his first extra head would
be a big hit with the ladies
by Darth Kernow
By shoddily dressing up kinda like the rulers of the galaxy, Dengar
and 4-LOM got free blue milk at 3 out of 4 cantinas.
by HPS00
Back when Palpatine was young he had a beard and hung around with
Darth Gimp.
by Nathanielstarr
Uh, Mr. Moranis? Spaceballs:Episode II is shooting next door.
by Rob London
After Lucas spent the whole episode 3 budget on flannel shirts,
the costume department needed to 'improvise' on the Palpatine and
Vader costumes.
by Tahiri
"What do you mean who are we? Don't you know your Emperor and his
Sith Apprentice when you see them?"
by Black Sun
Looks like these characters woon't me making the Phantom Edit for
Episode 3.
by Loopy Gizzard Chunks
Next week on Jerry Springer:"Dark Jedi's and their cheating
by Corran Corny
Here we have test screenings for bad guys for TPM: On the left
we have Darth Porky.
by darthwedge2000
Has anybody seen the hose attachment for my vacuum droid
by Charles Hickman
Hi, I'm a Jedi, and this is my pal Harvey. Say hello, Harvey.
by Edmund Campion
Pssssttt Hey buddy you wanna buy a few grams of spice?
by Darth Rezmann
No!!! I am Darth Sidicious
by Donnie
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