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Star Wars Captioning #45

As the lone man rides into the sunset, the people of the small town ask, who was the stranger that helped them out.
by Obi Von Mando

"Come with me if you want to live."
by Purp

"And here's a picture of George riding the mechanical bull at that bar on Tatooine." "HUZZAH!"
by Jedi_Master_Allya

Anxious for extra funding, Lucasfilm merges with Outback Steakhouse.
by Merry Piglet

he does know that that thing doesn't move, right?
by Coconut Boy

"Hurry Rick, put another quarter in!"
by DT Carel of Elited.Net

"Jawa crossing? Are they nuts?"
by Skaiwalkuh

It's amazing the things you can get at a Stormtrooper seizure auction.
by Wooko The dancing bibble

music in the background: " Rollin,Rollin,Rollin..."
by Dark Lord

"Ride to live, live to ride!"
by Edmund Campion

"What does this button do...?"
by Jedi Gribble

Darklighter is now ready to attempt to jump Beggar's Canyon. He has been obsessed with jumping the canyon ever since his last attempt failed when his emergency chute opened prematurely.
by Waterfarmer

The newest addition to Skywalker Ranch: Bucking Speeder Bikes.
by Mufasa

"Mr. Lucas.. we know how much you loved your tauntaun... but it's time to let go."
by Randall Flagg

It appears even Star Wars has its rednecks...
by Pyro Sith

Lucas: "Vroom Vroom" Crew member: "Uhm, somebody get George OUT of the sun!"
by EmprsHand

The Indiana George Chronicles
by david low

During his "mid-life crisis" years, Obi-Wan Kenobi was simply refered to as "Swoop-Man."
by Darth Me

ZZ Top's career ended when someone stole the wheels off their bikes.
by Timmayyyh!

"I wasshnt shpeeedin offica! " "Right! Step off the bike and keep your hands up!"
by Martial law

Thank goodness Lucas overcame his Willie Nelson phase quickly.
by Chad Evans

YEEHAW! Lets go and round up those banthas!
by Kyp.Obiwan

What do you mean I ran over an ewok?
by Wookiepie

Wow!A DorkBikey 2000! Can I have it Mom? Can I?
by WierdPalstankyvitch

The newest biker gang: The Tusken Raiders
by Jerhhhh

Lets see if anyone well notice that we replaced the real pilot of the speeder with a hillbilly!
by Darth Loopy

In a fit of heatstroke maddness, Lucas thinks he is Indiana Jones trapped in a Star Wars universe and tries to make his escape!
by Darth Sillious

An aged Indiana Jones breaks onto the Episode II set!
by anakin_walker_of_sky

Waaaaaaait a minute! You don't look like a Bunker Scout!
by Mara Jade Skywalker

You know you're a redneck jedi when...
by Bash

It's 300 kilometers to the city of Mos Eisly, I've got a full tank of gas, it's very bright, and I'm riding a prop. Hit it.
by Brian

Between sets at the famous Caesar's in Las Vegas, a very stoned Willie Nelson inserted a quarter in the kiddie ride and waited patiently for it to start...
by Kittenmommy

"Zed's dead baby, Zed's dead."
by Don

Hey wait hunny, he's not Sirius Black from the Harry Potter Series! whatta ripoff!
by Araviah

Its that "Cool rider" from Grease but with better dress sense
by DJ Darth

George Lucas during his wild years before he found flanel.
by The Littlest StormTrooper

After years in hiding, George Lucas' evil twin brother Burt returns.
by Erew?

Man on speeder bike (Sings): ...Fire all of your blasters at once and explode into spaaace!"
by Brian

I would rather ride a Harley
by Winch Kafor

The Gilley's Saloon mechincal bull riding scene was eventually cut out of Episode 1. Poor George never got to live his dream of being an Urban Cowboy.
by dogstar

There are rumors that George Lucas is going to play Don Johnson's role in the remake of "Harley Davidson and The Marlboro Man"
by The joker

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