Marvel Star Wars Monthly Series plus Annuals, miniseries and reprints
Monthly Series
#1 Star Wars: [Untitled]
#2 Star Wars: Six Against the Galaxy
#3 Star Wars: Death Star
#4 Star Wars: In Battle With Darth Vader
#5 Star Wars: Lo, The Moons of Yavin
#6 Star Wars: Is This the Final Chapter?
#7 New Planets, New Perils
#8 Eight for Aduba-3
#9 Showdown on a Wasteland World
#10 Behemoth from the World Below
#11 Star Search
#12 Doomworld
#13 Day of the Dragon Lords
#14 The Sound of Armageddon
#15 Star Duel
#16 The Hunter
#17 Crucible
#18 The Empire Strikes
#19 The Ultimate Gamble
#20 Deathgame
#21 Shadow of a Dark Lord
#22 To the Last Gladiator
#23 Flight Into Fury
#24 Silent Drifting
#25 Siege at Yavin
#26 Doom Mission
#27 Return of the Hunter
#28 What Ever Happened to Jabba the Hut?
#29 Dark Encounter
#30 A Princess Alone
#31 Return to Tatooine
#32 The Jawa Express
#33 Saber Clash
#34 Thunder in the Stars
#35 Dark Lord's Gambit
#36 Red Queen Rising
#37 In Mortal Combat
#38 Riders in the Void
#39 The Empire Strikes Back: Beginning
#40 The Empire Strikes Back: Battleground: Hoth
#41 The Empire Strikes Back: Imperial Pursuit
#42 The Empire Strikes Back: To Be a Jedi
#43 The Empire Strikes Back: Betrayal at Bespin
#44 The Empire Strikes Back: Duel a Dark Lord
#45 Death Probe
#46 The Dreams of Cody Sunn-Childe
#47 Droid World
#48 The Third Law
#49 The Last Jedi
#50 The Crimson Forever / Chewbacca's Story: Rage in the Red Nebula / Against the Scarlet Night
#51 Resurrection of Evil
#52 To Take The Tarkin
#53 The Last Gift From Alderaan / A Stranger Among Us
#54 Starfire Rising
#55 Plif
#56 Coffin in the Clouds
#57 Hello, Bespin, Goodbye
#58 Sundown
#59 Bazarre
#60 Shira's Story
#61 Screams in the Void
#62 Pariah
#63 The Mind Spider
#64 Serphidian Eyes
#65 Golrath Never Forgets
#66 The Water Bandits
#67 The Darker
#68 The Search Begins
#69 Death in the City of Bone
#70 The Stenax Shuffle
#71 Return to Stenos
#72 Fool's Bounty
#73 Lahsbane
#74 The Iskalon Effect
#75 Tidal
#76 Artoo-Detoo to the Rescue
#77 Chanteuse of the Stars
#78 Hoth Stuff
#79 The Big Con
#80 Ellie
#81 Jawas of Doom
#82 Diplomacy
#83 Sweetheart Contract
#84 Seoul Searching
#85 The Hero
#86 The Alderaan Factor
#87 Still Active After All These Years
#88 Figurehead
#89 I'll See You in the Throne Room
#90 The Choice
#91 Wookiee World
#92 The Dream
#93 Catspaw
#94 Small Wars
#95 No Zeltrons
#96 Duel With a Dark Lord
#97 Escape
#98 Supply and Demand
#99 Touch of the Goddess
#100 First Strike
#101 Far, Far Away
#102 School Spirit
#103 Tai
#104 Nagais and Dolls
#105 The Party's Over
#106 My Hiromi
#107 All Together Now
#1 The Long Hunt / A Duel of Eagles
#2 Shadeshine
#3 The Apprentice
Miniseries: Return of the Jedi
#1 In the Hands of Jabba the Hutt
#2 The Emperor Commands
#3 Mission to Endor
#4 The Final Duel
The Marvel Comics Illustrated Version of Star Wars (reprints #1-6)
The Marvel Comics Illustrated Version of TESB (reprints #39-44)
The Marvel Comics Illustrated Version of Return of the Jedi (small paperback, reprints miniseries #1-4)
Return of the Jedi In Full Color (large edition, same cover as small paperback, reprints miniseries #1-4)
Star Wars: Marvel Movie Showcase #1-2 (reprints #1-3 & 4-6)
Star Wars: Marvel Special Edition #1-3 (reprints #1-3,4-6, & 1-6)
Marvel Super Special #16: The Empire Strikes Back(reprints #39-44)
Marvel Super Special #27: Return of the Jedi (reprints miniseries #1-4)
Clear-packaged set of Star Wars (reprints #1-3)
Clear-packaged set of The Empire Strikes Back(reprints #39-44)
Clear-packaged set of Return of the Jedi (reprints miniseries #1-4)
Classic Star Wars: A New Hope #1 -
(reprints #1-3 & 4-6)
Classic Star Wars: A New Hope (reprints #1-6)
Classic Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back #1 -
(reprints #39-41 & 42-44)
Classic Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (reprints #39-44)
Classic Star Wars: Return of the Jedi #1 -
(reprints miniseries #1-2 & 3-4)
Classic Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (reprints miniseries #1-4)
Classic Star Wars: The Comic Book Adaptations Boxed Set (reprints #1-4, #39-44, and ROTJ miniseries #1-4)
Classic Star Wars: The Vandelheim Mission (reprints #98)
The Empire Strikes Back: Special Edition (reprints #39-44)
Return of the Jedi: Special Edition (reprints miniseries #1-4)
The Star Wars Trilogy: Special Edition Boxed Set (reprints #39-44 and ROTJ miniseries #1-4, plus new ANH adaptation)
Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago.... #1 (reprints #91,Annual #1,Annual #3)
Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago.... #2 (reprints #28,38,49,50)
Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago.... #3 (reprints #51,52,60,66)
Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago.... #4 (reprints #68,69,79,81)
Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago.... #5 (reprints #59,86,Annual 2)
Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago.... #6 (reprints #80,83,103)
Adaptations Into Other Media
Star Wars: The Further Adventures -- Droid World (Buena Vista Records, adapts #47)
Star Wars: The Further Adventures -- Planet of the Hoojibs (Buena Vista Records, adapts #55)