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Eelien Kirat
this tall, muscled near-human was distinguished by his silver eyes, white hair, and dark gray skin. A stubborn man, Kirat had been abandoned by his parents on Genesia, and he grew up in the streets. Kirat was eventually taken in by Ral Nalmar, and worked har dto learn everything he could about Nalmar's criminal organization. Kirat moved up through the ranks very quickly, and was named as Nalmar's second in command, shortly before the Nalmar estate was attacked and destroyed by the forces of Qual'om Soach. In the wake of Ral's death, Kirat assumed command of the Nalmar organization, a move supported by the majority of its members. This move came as a surprise to Elana Nalmar, Ral's only surviving child, whom Kirat was obliged to name as his own second-in-command. After assuming command, Kirat expanded the Nalmar organization beyond its smuggling roots, branching into extortion and fraud. He also worked to maintain an uneasy truce with Soach, despite their mutual goal of controlling Genesia's criminal underground. (FBS)

Eelie's Luck
this starship was owned by a Quarren smuggler, who named it after the note Twi'lek dancer and party-girl, Eelie. (GORW)

this ancient race of beings was once native to the planet Polis Massa, before the planet was torn asunder in a devastating cataclysm many millennia before the Clone Wars. According to research done by the modern Polis Massans, the Eellayin lived beneath the planet's surface. (SWDB)

this was one of the many names given to male Bothans. In the Bothan language, it meant "fun-loving." (GCG, WOTC)

Eelo Begraas
this Bothan was known as one of the scrawniest members if his race, during the last decades of the Old Republic. Nonetheless, Begraas became one of the most formidable starfighter pilots in the Mid Rim, and was a member of the Thaereian Military. He was often loaned out to the Hutts for sizable sums, but Begraas never botched a job, and his attention span was not wide enough to handle long-term planning activities. Over time, he became the Thaereian Military's ranking pilot, chief flight instructor, and tactical advisor. Begraas owned the modified Z-95 Headhunter Dicer, which he used to attack his targets with stealth and cunning. Shortly before the Battle of Naboo, Begraas and the Thaereians appeared in the Cularin System, but their intentions remained hidden. (WOTC)

this was one of the most common female names given to human children across the galaxy. (GCG)

this young woman was a native of Coruscant. Born after the Battle of Endor to parents who showed no aptitude for the Force, her Force sensitivity was spontaneous and never discovered or abused by Palpatine's ambitions. She later attended Luke Skywalker's Jedi praxeum on Yavin 4, and was known as a highly resourceful woman. She was highly-attuned to the Force, despite the fact that neither of her parents were Force-sensitive. During the initial months of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, Eelysa was dispatched to Barab I as an intelligence agent. It was there that she encountered Saba Sebatyne and the members of the Wild Knights. Eelysa trained them briefly, with Saba achieving a level of control equal to that of a Jedi Master, but she realized that the Barabels needed more formal training. She sent Saba and her three apprentices - the hatchmates Bela and Krasov Hara and Saba's son, Tesar - to train with Luke Skywalker at Eclipse, while Eelysa herself remained behind on Barab I. She later infiltrated the planet Corellia, in an effort to determine the extent of the Yuuzhan Vong's own presence in the Corellian Sector. After taking several injuries, Eelysa was rescued by Izal Waz and the Barabel hatchmates Tesar Sebatyne and Bela and Krasov Hara. Unfortunately for the Barabels and the Jedi, Eelysa was one of the first Jedi Knights to be killed by the voxyn, unleashed by the Yuuzhan Vong in an effort to destroy the Jedi. (TNR, REC, SBS, WOTC)

E-elz, Entoo Needaan
this small, slender man served as the primary contact for anyone dealing with Jorj Car'das, in the years following his disappearance into the Kathol Outback. He preferred to go by the name Entoo Nee. He met up with Talon Kaarde on Dayark, and offered to bring him to Exocron. Kaarde was forced to decline, after being intercepted by some of Rei'kas' goons. Entoo Nee later met them at Rintatta City, on Exocron, when Karrde finally made it to the planet. Entoo Nee led them to Car'das' compound, and introduced them to an aging old man. When Karrde returned later, after defeating Rei'kas and his pirate fleet with the help of the Exocron Combined Air-Space Fleet and the Aing-Tii monks, Entoo Nee allowed them to greet the real Jorj Car'das. (VOF)

this was a common name among the Ortolan race. (UANT)

meaning "inventive", this was one of the most common names among Rodian females. These names generally described characteristics of historical individuals, and different Rodian clans used up to three names to describe an individual. (GCG)

this name was common among Ithorian females. Although such names do not generally have meaning, Ithorians who studied their race's history learned that the name meant "miracle". (GCG)

this female name was common among the Kel Dor. Like all Kel Dor given names, it was short enough that it didn't attract the attention of certain wind spirit, which would carry away young children with long-winded names. (GCG)

this was a common name among Quarren females. It meant "inquisitive". (GCG)

meaning "celestial", this was a common female name among the Mon Calamari race. (GCG)

this was one of the more common Kel Dor surnames. It referred to a stealthy, serpentine predator native to Dorin. (GCG)

native to the planet Dorin, this serpentine predator was infamous for attacking young children. It was a stealthy hunter, using camouflage and patience to capture its prey. (GCG)

this Bith bounty hunter was among the group that agreed to help Risso Nu eliminate Boba Fett on Ma'ar Shaddam. Unfortunately, Fett got the drop of Eermik and managed to drive a knife into the Bith's back, eliminating him from the fight. (T18)

Eero Iridian
this tall, spindly being, distinguished by his wabing antennae and bright yellow eyes, worked in the Senate Rotunda on Coruscant some 68 years before the Battle of Geonosis. Eero was a friend of young Dooku, even though Dooku had once publically embarassed by Dooku at a presentation he was making. Dooku, many years younger, pointed out several flaws in a presentation Eero was making, Eero had hoped to impress is father, an Old Republic Senator, but Dooku's questions merely humilitated him. Eero, however, recognized Dooku's knowledge and sought him out later. Years later, Eero tried twice to run for Senator on his own homeworld, but lost the election both times. His father had spent the family fortune, leaving Eero with no way to fully finance either campaign. He decided to retire from public service, although he remained attached to the Galactic Senate as a special aide. Years later, while serving Senator Blix Annon, Eero was reunited with Dooku briefly, until their ship was attacked by Lorian Nod. Nod managed to capture Senator Annon, leaving Eero badly wounded and their ship adrift in space. When the Jedi managed to get the ship back to Voltare Spaceport, Eero quickly recovered, and followed them to Von-Alai. There, he revealed that he was part of Lorian Nod's plot to exact revenge on the Old Republic and the Jedi Knights, having helped sabotage the starships of several Old Republic Senators so that Lorian could capture them and hold them for ransom. On Von-Alai, Senator Annon died of a heart attack, and Dooku managed to capture both Nod and Eero. They were sent back to Coruscant to stand trial for murder and conspiracy. (LOJ)

this was the ancient and strict religion practiced by the Aramandi race. It documented the four castes of Aramandi society, and explained how leaders were to be elected. The Eeronon also held the following commandment for each and every Aramandi akia: all clans must work for the day when they can leave Aram and settled their own star systems. At the time of the Galactic Civil War, only the Orma akia had successfully done this. Among the most basic tenets of the Eeronon was that the Aramandi were the only intelligent life in the universe, a belief which was shattered when humans from the Lant Mining Corporation entered the Aramand Cluster in the hopes of gaining mining rights to its planets. Priests of the Eeronon quickly claimed that earlier interpretations of the Eeronon were wrong and, in fact, predicted the coming of humankind. Many Aramandi questioned this new interpretation, claiming the priests to be liars and opportunists. These seelas were eventually forced to hide on unpopulated planets in the Aramand Cluster in order to escape religious persecution. (AE, FBS)

this Core World was located near Coruscant, and served as a major refueling station for starships destined for Coruscant. (JQ4)

Ees hoppoda nopa!
this Huttese phrase literally translated into Basic as "I'm not going to pay for that!" (GMR5)

Eeshrin Ot'Hyne
this Caamasi served as his homeworld's Senator to the Old Republic, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. Senator Ot'Hyne was one of the loudest detractors of the Military Creation Act. (HNN4)

Eet Ptaa
a Jawa clan leader whose fortress was once attacked by Sand People and destroyed. (TME)

this was a common name given to Zabrak males. Like many Zabrak names, it related to survival characteristics, and meant "fearless". (GCG)

Eeth Koth
this Zabrak Jedi Master was a member of the Jedi Council when Qui-Gon Jinn recommended that young Anakin Skywalker be tested for training as a Jedi Knight. Born in squalor on the Smuggler's Moon of Nar Shaddaa, Eeth Koth wasn't discovered until he was four years old. However, his determination and clarity of mind convinced the Jedi Council to accept him as a trainee. As a Jedi Master, Eeth Koth was known for his ability to use the talent of Crucitorn, which gave a Jedi the ability to withstand pain. Master Eeth Koth was one of the contingent of Jedi Knights and Masters dispatched to the Battle of Geonosis, although he died when the LAAT/I that was transporting him was shot down and crashed on the surface of Geonosis. (SW1, IG1, SWI62, IWE2)

Eeusu Estornii
this unusual being served as a Senator, representing her homeworld in the Galactic Senate during the height of the Clone Wars. Her pallid, triangular face was surrounded by bone-white braids that she wore draped over her shoulders. Her large, all-black eyes were separated by an elaborate tattoo that covered the bridge of her nose. (OWS)

this was one of the most common male names used by members of the Ithorian race. Although most Ithorian names were not used for a specific meaning, historians found that this name meant "authority" or "leader". (GCG)

this Jawa term was used to indicate an individual's tired acceptance of information, as in "yeah, yeah, I got it." (T10)

see Eeytch (GMR7)

this elderly Menahuun male worked as the Shaman of the Hua'Bal outpost, located beneath Mount Hugo on the planet Lamaredd, during the years surrounding the Battle of Naboo. Eeytch foretold that a group of freelancers would be able to locate Hua'Bal and bring about "a day of reckoning." These freelancers turned out to be a group of beings who had gone to work as deputies for Mix Liddell, and had gained the confidence of a frightened Guther Bartyn. Eeytch challenged the freelancers to personal combat, although the freelancers were unaware that Eeytch was also a champion fighter among the Menahuun. After being injured in the fighting, Eeytch called for peace, having tested the mettle of the strangers and found them adequate. Note that this character is also referred to as Eeycht. (GMR7)

this was a common name among the Menahuun people. (UANT)

this planet was the homeworld of a race of tall, pale-skinned humanoids. (JQ10)

this was the Snivvian word for "female." (HNN5)

this was the Snivvian word for "male." (HNN5)

this was the capital city of the planet Vorzyd 5. (GORW)

Efavan Port
this was one of the six major districts of the city of Efavan, located on the planet Vorzyd 5. Efavan Port was situated outskirts of the city of Efavan, and was the location of the Felana Spaceport. (GORW)

Effhod, Zelebitha
this woman served as the Minister of the Coruscant Ministry of Ingress, during the years following the Battle of Naboo. Effhod was generally credited with implementing the closure of Coruscant to all immigration and transportsation, shortly before the Clone Wars, despite the fact that the planet remained a safe haven in the eyes of many beings and societies. Minister Effhod cited that the disaster in the Desrini District, where a garbage launcher misfired due to an illegal power tap, was a direct result of overcrowding in Coruscant's cities. (HNN5)

this modified Subla Ransom Medium Cargo Hauler was the smuggling ship owned by SCr-114 and his droid crew. The droids of the crew performed all the necessary tasks, leaving SCr-114 to concentrate on the business end of smuggling. The Efficient was armed with six turret-mounted blaster cannons, a proton torpedo launcher, and a turret-mounted ion cannon. (SWJ5)

this was a form of anesthetic drug that was developed during the final decades of the Old Republic. Use of effitol had to be carefully monitored, as it could induce Rhees-Verk breathing by dropping a being into a deep state of anesthesia. (SWI83)

Effluvial Rinser
found in many spas and resorts, this device had a number of recuperative and medical uses for humans and aliens. (HSL)

these two-headed worms were a favorite snack of Jabba the Hutt, although the endorphins they produced caused drowsiness when ingested. (TJP)

this power droid was donated to the Alliance by the Bothan resistance. It was designed to be deployed on inhospitable worlds, and was used at Hoth's Echo Base. A pair of modified power sockets were mounted on top of EG-4, providing easy access. (CCG3)

this series of power droids, similar to the GNK series, was manufactured by Veril Line Systems, and were marketed as ambulatory power generators built to support equipment and vehicles. A standard EG-6 could re-energize the power cells of a large, ground-based vehicle in about a day. Despite their utility, EG-6 droids were stupid at best, and would respond blindly to any command. There are many stories of children telling an EG-6 to walk off a balcony, just to see how high it would bounce. On a more sinister note, many Hutts have packed EG-6 droids with explosives and told them to walk off a ledge, plunging onto an enemy's speeder and destroying it. The Jawas that captured C-3PO and R2-D2 had also recently acquired a EG-6 droid, and had wiped its memory. The droid was stumbling around their Sandcrawler hold with the other droids. (TME, CCG, FTD)

this EG-6 droid was stranded at the Mos Eisley Spaceport during the Galactic Civil War. (GG7)

this flat-headed, humanoid automaton performed a number of duties aboard the Trade Federation command ship, under the leadership of Nute Gunray at the blockade of Naboo. Like his counterpart PK-4, EG-9 was disdainful of lowly protocol droids. (IS1)

an Alliance Nebulon-B frigate destroyed during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)

this doctor was part of the team assembled by Moff Sarne to work as the prison colony established on Q'Maere. Egamo was known as a second-rate psychiatrist with skills in treating neuroses. (KR)

Egast, Keela
this young pilot was member of Naboo's Echo Flight, shortly before the Battle of Naboo. As Echo Eight, Keela was shot down by Dren Melne, during the defense of station TFP-9, but her fighter was recovered and she survived the attack. She was later promoted to a position within Bravo Squadron. (SFT)

this was a slang term used by Alliance pilots to describe a TIE Fighter. The name arose from the fragile nature of the TIE Fighter, as well as the round shape of its cockpit. This term gave rise to many other related terms, such as Egg Basket, which referred to a wing of TIE Fighters. (SWJ10)

Egg Basket
this was a slang term used by Alliance pilots to describe a wing of Imperial TIE Fighters. The TIE Fighters were known as Eggs, because of their shape and their fragile nature. (SWJ10)

Egg Lab
this was the name used by the Kaminoans to describe the laboratory section of a cloning facility in which artificial embryos were created from host or donor cells. The living embryos were then transferred to incubation tubes for warming and growth. (NEGW)

Egg, The
according to Nediji legend, their race was birthed from a single egg. (MJH)

this is the term used by the Brubbs to describe pregnancy of a female. The experience of egging often kills the female Brubb. (GG4)

this was Alliance slang for an Imperial TIE Bomber. (NEGV, SWJ10)

this was the Nediji name for an individual's mother. (MJH)

this was considered a delicacy by the Toydarians. (IWE1)

this was an Alliance starfighter pilot slang term for an Imperial TIE Fighter, and referred to the TIE's fragile, shieldless hull and shape. (SWJ10)

this alien race is from an extremely hot world, and can withstand incredible temperatures. (GG2)

an Imperial Major, and commander of a squadron of stormtroopers serving under Moff Fasel. (XWRS)

the fruit of this tree is a required food of the natives of the Tal Nami System. The tree itself grows nearly a meter a day. Any trader who tries to swindle another is tied to the tree, with his feet in the roots and his hands in the branches. As the tree grows, the devious trader is literally pulled apart. (GOF2)

Egome Fass
this Houk enforcer was employed by J'uoch and R'all to guard their mining operations on Dellalt, during the early years of the New Order. Egome Fass had a history of violence to back up his position. Once native to Coruscant, he was part of a group of Houk youths that became engaged in a brawl with a similar group of Weequay youths, just before the onset of the Clone Wars. For his part in the brawl, and the fight which occurred between himself and Ker-Zakk during their arraignment, Fass spent many years in prison. After his release, he was hired by J'uoch and R'all. Fass was killed by Chewbacca in a hand-to-hand battle at J'uoch's mining camp, during the search for the Queen of Ranroon, several years before the Battle of Yavin. (HSL, GG12, HNN4)

Egoreg *
a Captain in the Alliance, and head of the super vaporator project on Tatooine. (MRR)

this man served as the Imperial Governor of the planet Chibias, during the early years of the New Republic. He came into possession of a computer core that he believed contained the control codes of an Imperial-class Star Destroyer, and planned to slice the core open in order to sell the codes to the New Republic. He employed Markko to perform the slicing operation, but Markko was unable to do it himself. When he contracted Ghent to do it, Markko was unprepared for Ghent to bring along Mara Jade. Governor Egron himself evaded Mara Jade's attempt to kill them while covering her escape, and eventually caught up with her. Unfortunately for Egron, he underestimated Mara's reflexes. He tried to fire on her, but his shot went wide when she flung her lightsaber at him. Mara then shot Egron in the chest, killing him instantly. (GMR10)

Eg'ros Akala
this Caamasi was befriended by Leia Organa, several years before the Battle of Yavin. Leia first metEg'ros on Coruscant, when the Caamasi was being mistreated by a squad of Imperial stormtroopers. Leia bristled at the Empire's blatant xenophobia, but found herself powerless to say anything to Emperor Palpatine about it. Instead, her father Bail arranged to have Eg'ros set free from prison. Grateful to be set free, Eg'ros never forgot Leia's bravery and kindness. (T15)

this was one of the many Bothan clans. Membership in the clan was denoted by the suffix 'hag added to an individual's family name. (GCG, WOTC)

this Old Corellian term is derived from the Socorran word for an elf or trickster, and comes from popular Socorran mythology. (SWJ8)

Ehartt Brihnt
this wealthy Rodian was one of the four hunters who established big-game safari operations within the Etyyy, or the Rodian Hunting Grounds, on the planet Kashyyyk, during the height of the New Order. Brihnt was the most recent arrival of Kashyyyk, and allied himself with Sordaan Xris', which didn't endear him to the other safari owners. (SWGAL)

ths small planet, located near the center of the Kathol Outback, began emerging from an ice age during the last centuries of the Old Republic. Much of the planet remained locked under polar ice caps after the Battle of Endor. Ehjenla is the homeworld of the Tuhgri race. (KO)

Eia dag lightsabers
this Yuuzhan Vong phrase translated into Basic as "They have lightsabers." This phrase struck a kind of fear into the hearts of many warriors, since it indicated that they would be fighting against Jedi Knights. (NJOSB)

Eiattu 6
this jungle planet was the home of Plourr Ilo. It was controlled by Moff Tavira and, later, is young wife Leonia, shortly after the Battle of Endor. The planet liberated of Imperial control when Plourr returned to claim the throne she gave up years before. (XWWP, XWRR)

Eibon Scimitar
one of Xim the Despot's largest starships, it was eventually destroyed. (DESB)

an Imperial freighter under the protection of the Warspite near Dellalt. (XW)

this alien race was native to the planet Kariek. For much of their history, the Eickarie were engaged in a civil war with the other race native to the planet, the Lakra. The Lakra were the more aggressive race, and believed themselves superior to the relatively harmless Eickarie. Thus, when the United Tribes of Kariek was formed, the Warlord set out to disrupt any attempt to bring about a peace between the two peoples. Individual Eickarie were distinguished by their black-scaled bodies and green faces, which were highlighted by orange ridges that changed color in response to the Eickarie's emotions. Green indicated disappointment, and brown seemed to indicate sorrow or regret. Dark yellow meant frustration while bright yellow showed surprise or elation, and a muted yellow was something akin to a negative shake of the head. Dark pink represented irony, a lighter pink meant understanding, red to purple indicated anger and distrust, and amber was a sign of resignation or a request for forgiveness. A pale blue color indicated curiosity, and a faded shade of the normal orange indicated disgust or hatred. When an Eickarie bled, their blood had a pale orange color. After the defeat of the Warlord on Kariek, the Eickarie people eagerly joined the Empire of the Hand. (FB, SQ)

Eicroth Body
this biological formation, identified by Joi Eicroth, is a small, capsule-like body encased in solid protein. These bodies contain the three unique genetic cell structures characteristic of the Qella, as well as the various combinations of the 62 chromosomes that define the Qella. The contents of each and every Eicroth body is virtually solid genetic material, and five percent of the Qella body is made up of these bodies. It was believed that each Eicroth Body contained the complete genetic blueprints of the Qella race, including its history and consicousness. The smallest bodies were no larger than a grain of sand, while others were the size of plates. Unlike the normal genetic code - which has four letters, two-letter words, and three-word sentences - Eicroth bodies have genetic material with six unique letters grouped in six-word sentences. The formation of the Eicroth body is duplicated on three distinct scales. There are somatic cells which make up the Qella flesh, lesser Eicroth bodies which make up the basic genetic material, and greater Eicroth bodies which contain instructions for creating starship-sized eggs (such as the Teljkon vagabond) for transporting unborn Qella. (TT)

Eicroth, Joi
this scientist worked for the New Republic's Alpha Blue team. She was romantically involved with Hiram Drayson, a relationship they kept secret for more than thirteen years because of their working duties. It was Joi Eicroth who performed the first autopsies and investigative analysis of the Qella bodies recovered from Maltha Obex by Joto Eckels. She discovered the existence of the Eicroth bodies, which were named for her. Eicroth eventually married Drayson, but their marriage was a short one. Eicroth remained a valued member of the Alpha Blue team, and was part of the task force created to determine the origins of the Yuuzhan Vong. Unfortunately for the New Republic and Doctor Eicroth, a living Yuuzhan Vong body was hard to locate. Whenever individuals were captured in battle, they ultimately committed suicide rather than become subjects of study. (TT, HT, BP)

this was one of the most common female names among the Corellians. (GMR9)

this prototype Strike-class cruiser was built in secret by Kuat Drive Yards for the Empire during the Galactic Civil War. It was designed to carry squadrons of TIE Fighters into battle. The Eidolon was lost on its maiden voyage, although it was later learned that the ship had been blind-jumped into hyperspace because it was barely spaceworthy. All this backstory allowed Sate Pestage to use the ship as a hiding place for a storehouse of weapons and armaments, to be used in case Emperor Palpatine' rule of the galaxy was ever destroyed. The ship ended up buried on Tatooine, with its weapons cache still intact. Its whereabouts were known only to Sate Pestage, who kept the location a secret until Lirin Banolt stole a data disk containing the plans to the ship and its location. Its location was also known to Marl Semtin, who discovered that it served his purposes as a remote base. The Imperials lost the ship when Rogue Squadron managed to secure it before Huff Darklighter or Firith Olan could secret away the weapons. (XWBT)

Eidolon Base
this is the name used by Marl Semtin to indicate the location of the Eidolon and its weapons cache on Tatooine. It was discovered by Rogue Squadron and recovered from Imperial control. The base, located along the edge of the Northern Dune Sea, was originally commissioned by Sate Pestage as a storehouse for the materiel which would be needed in order to fight a war against the New Republic. After it was emptied by the New Republic, a group of former Imperials took control of the base and used it as a shelter for those Imperial supporters who didn't want to make the trip to the remote systems of the Imperial Remnant. Over the years, the New Republic ceded the land on which the base was located to the Imperials, and Eidolon Base became a wealthy city unto itself. (XWBT, SOT)

Eight for Aduba-3: The Saga of the Star-Hoppers
this holo-drama was produced by Tri-Nebula Entertainment during the early years of the New Republic, and supposedly told the "true story" of Han Solo's experiences on the planet Aduba-3, shortly after the Battle of Yavin. In reality, much of this "documentary" was created from samples holobit imagery that was combined inside a computer. The resulting imagery was nearly flawless, and convinced many a viewer that what they were seeing was real. (GMR4)

Eighteenth Battle of Zehava
it was during this struggle between the Melida and the Daan that the Daan built a network of tunnels below Zehava city, expanding sewage tunnels and drains to gain secret access to Melida-held portions of the city. The Daan eventually won the battle, reducing the amount of territory held by the Melida. (DOD)

Eighth Cortex
supposedly the most recent addition to the Qang Qahsa of the Yuuzhan Vong Shapers, the eighth cortex was located at the qahsa's core. It supposedly held information on the lifeforms of the New Republic's galaxy, along with information on the Force. Unfortunately for the Yuuzhan Vong masses, the eighth cortex was empty, a fiction created by Supreme Overlord Shimrra to give credence to his invasion plans. Shimrra commanded Nen Yim to develop protocols to fill the eighth cortex, since much of what he claimed to be in it was existing doctrine adapted for use against the "infidels" of the New Republic. In order to maintain the secrecy of Nen Yim's work, Shimrra used his familiar Onimi as his only contact with the Shapers. Among the first things Nen Yim added to the eighth cortex was the cure for the fungal itch that afflicted those Yuuzhan Vong who lived on Coruscant, after the planet was worldshaped into Yuuzhan'tar. (DW, EVR, NJOSB)

Eighth Ilthmar Gambit
this holochess strategy involved sacrificing a highly-rated gamepiece in a single-handed penetration of the opponent's defenses, thereby drawing the opponent's defense out and setting them up for a hidden, but more coordinated, attack. (HSR)

Eighth Nebulan Scout Corps
this was an independent scouting agency which operated during the last years of the New Order and into the era of the New Republic. They tended to be more realistic in their approach to scouting than the New Republic Scout Service. (GG8)

this was one of the more important Ansionian clans of Alwari, despite the fact that the Eijin were not an overclan. (APS)

this Imperial Army Colonel served under Colonel Niovi aboard the Super-class Star Destroyer Guardian during the ship's repairs at Soullex. Eijul was placed in charge of locating Cryle Cavv and Sienn Sconn, during the pair's attempt to steal the huge ship. (SWJ15)

this was one of the many Noghri clans. (TLC)

this male Ithorian was a Commander in the Alliance, and was Lirisa Casti's commanding officer. (FBS)

this charming woman was Beeyon Nace's fiancee. She claimed that she was being sold into slavery, in order to con a group of spacers into helping her doublecross Nace to Kollan Xa. (MEAS)

Eilnian Sweet Fly
this insect is native to the planet Glottal, and is a favorite food of the Glottalphibs. The more mature the sweet fly is, the better they taste. (TNR)

Ein, Parco
this Imperial Governor controlled the planet Verkuyl, along with its production of alazhi, during the early years of the New Republic. Ein put out an advertisement to all corporations, inviting them to propose to him their plans for a bacta refinement facility on Verkuyl. He hoped that an independent though controlled corporation would be able to maintain production from the rebellious local labor force. (TFNR)

this small corporation produced some of the most sophisticated auditory technology for droids, more than 400 years before the Clone Wars. Their technology was still considered among the best centuries later. (YDR)

this alien race was distinguished by its six limbs and long, four eyed face. Native to the planet Eirrauus, the Eirraucs move cross the plains of their homeworld via a "leaping run," employing the hind and middle pairs of legs to move about. The middle pair of limbs could also be used as arms, to assist the front arms in manipulation. The Eirrauc were omnivorous, feeding on grasses and fruits as well as carrion. They gathered food with their tongues. A peaceful people, the Eirrauc were unprepared to defend themselves against the Empire, and were swiftly subjugated and enslaved. (SWG9)

this grassy, temperate planet was the homeworld of the Eirrauc race. (SWG9)

this young Naboo woman served as one of Queen Amidala's loyal handmaidens. Eirtae' was born to wealthy parents in a remote, river valley town, and was no stranger to the life of luxury led by Queen Amidala. In fact, Eirtae' knew a great deal about court protocols, and often instructed the other handmaidens - as well as Queen Amidala herself - on the ways of the palace. Like the other handmaidens, Eirtae' was chosen by Captain Panaka for her strength, loyalty, and resemblance to Amidala. Eirtae' was also a keen observer, and often spotted danger to the Queen before it became a real threat. (SW1, JQA, IG1, VD1, SON)

Ei'shuun Aa Effect
this hyperspacial effect occurs whenever a star's gravitational curves are not uniform, as in the case of a trans-dimensional energy streamer. Parts of the star seem to emit their own hyperspace shadow, which is then dragged back into the main gravity well of the star. All the while, realspace particles are unaffected. This paradox causes immense distrubances within a localized area of hyperspace, where the "walls" between realspace and hyperspace are stretched extremely thin. (SSR)

Klif told Moranda Savich that he could obtain a group of ratter thists from this planet, during the Caamas Incident. (VOF)

Eislomi III
this planet, located in Eislomi Sector, was the site of a HoloNet relay station. (VOF)

this Imperial Navy officer served on the Intimidator during the Galactic Civil War. When the ship was captured in the Koornacht Cluster by the Yevetha, Eistern was imprisoned on Pa'aal. He was one of Sil Sorannan's most trusted companions, and helped Sorannan lead the Imperial insurrection during the Black Fleet Crisis. (TT)

Eixes, Valorum
this man was once the Supreme Chancellor of the Old Republic, many centuries before the onset of the Clone Wars. Chancellor Eixes was remembered for his love of standing ovations during his speeches, and it was not unusual for simple orations to take hours, due to the continual rising and applause from the Galactic Senate. After Chancellor Eixes left office, the practice of standing ovations was dropped for many years, until the reign of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. (LEV)

Ejaf Ya-Drun
this was the name of a noted Sakiyan individual. (UANT)

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