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this alien race was native to the planet Kariek. For much of their history, the Eickarie were engaged in a civil war with the other race native to the planet, the Lakra. The Lakra were the more aggressive race, and believed themselves superior to the relatively harmless Eickarie. Thus, when the United Tribes of Kariek was formed, the Warlord set out to disrupt any attempt to bring about a peace between the two peoples. Individual Eickarie were distinguished by their black-scaled bodies and green faces, which were highlighted by orange ridges that changed color in response to the Eickarie's emotions. Green indicated disappointment, and brown seemed to indicate sorrow or regret. Dark yellow meant frustration while bright yellow showed surprise or elation, and a muted yellow was something akin to a negative shake of the head. Dark pink represented irony, a lighter pink meant understanding, red to purple indicated anger and distrust, and amber was a sign of resignation or a request for forgiveness. A pale blue color indicated curiosity, and a faded shade of the normal orange indicated disgust or hatred. When an Eickarie bled, their blood had a pale orange color. After the defeat of the Warlord on Kariek, the Eickarie people eagerly joined the Empire of the Hand.
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