this elderly Menahuun male worked as the Shaman of the Hua'Bal outpost, located beneath Mount Hugo on the planet Lamaredd, during the years surrounding the Battle of Naboo. Eeytch foretold that a group of freelancers would be able to locate Hua'Bal and bring about "a day of reckoning." These freelancers turned out to be a group of beings who had gone to work as deputies for Mix Liddell, and had gained the confidence of a frightened Guther Bartyn. Eeytch challenged the freelancers to personal combat, although the freelancers were unaware that Eeytch was also a champion fighter among the Menahuun. After being injured in the fighting, Eeytch called for peace, having tested the mettle of the strangers and found them adequate. Note that this character is also referred to as Eeycht.