Eero Iridian
this tall, spindly being, distinguished by his wabing antennae and bright yellow eyes, worked in the Senate Rotunda on Coruscant some 68 years before the Battle of Geonosis. Eero was a friend of young Dooku, even though Dooku had once publically embarassed by Dooku at a presentation he was making. Dooku, many years younger, pointed out several flaws in a presentation Eero was making, Eero had hoped to impress is father, an Old Republic Senator, but Dooku's questions merely humilitated him. Eero, however, recognized Dooku's knowledge and sought him out later. Years later, Eero tried twice to run for Senator on his own homeworld, but lost the election both times. His father had spent the family fortune, leaving Eero with no way to fully finance either campaign. He decided to retire from public service, although he remained attached to the Galactic Senate as a special aide. Years later, while serving Senator Blix Annon, Eero was reunited with Dooku briefly, until their ship was attacked by Lorian Nod. Nod managed to capture Senator Annon, leaving Eero badly wounded and their ship adrift in space. When the Jedi managed to get the ship back to Voltare Spaceport, Eero quickly recovered, and followed them to Von-Alai. There, he revealed that he was part of Lorian Nod's plot to exact revenge on the Old Republic and the Jedi Knights, having helped sabotage the starships of several Old Republic Senators so that Lorian could capture them and hold them for ransom. On Von-Alai, Senator Annon died of a heart attack, and Dooku managed to capture both Nod and Eero. They were sent back to Coruscant to stand trial for murder and conspiracy.