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this was the rigid honor code adhered to by the Coynite race. In short, the En'Tra'Sol stated that a Coynite's word was his honor; that combat is the natural order of life; that an unsheathed sword must be used; that there is no mercy in battle; that poison, deception, or cowardice are unforgivable sins, as is issuing a challenge to an injured or weakened opponent; that an individual had to unquestionably obey all to whom he had sworn allegiance; only a formal breaking of allegiance can break a warrior's bond to his superiors; that emotions of the af'harl - pain, sadness, guilt, regret, or reluctance - were not to be expressed without loosing honor; that one individual could not physically touch another without expressed permission, or be put to death; and that af'harl are no longer Coynites in any sense. (AE, PG3)

this was the formal title used by the En'Tra of the Coynite people. It translated into Basic as "King-Master of Law, Land, and Cities." (PG3)

this was one of five major starports located on the planet Coyn, during the height of the New Order. Located in the city of En'Tra'Tal, its name literally meant "Kingland." (PG3)

the capital city of the planet Coyn. In the Basic tongue, this translated into "King-City." (PG3)

Entropy, The
this was another of Lando Calrissian's mystical references. (LCM)

this temperate, ocean-covered world was known as the recreation capital of Trax Sector. Entrus' economy is primarily based on incomes from gambling, supplemented by catering to the whims and desires of the sector's wealthiest inhabitants. The city areas are located on small islands, and are densely populated. Weather on the planet was remarkably consistent and very pleasant, due in part to the system's powerful sun. During the Galactic Civil War, the Alliance established its Trax Sector command center on Entrus, under the noses of the Imperial officers who vacationed on the planet. (GMK)

Entukan Yesosko
this Rodian female was the flamboyant leader of the Rodian Galactic Drama Troupe. A member of the Chattza clan, Entukan alerted Navik the Red whenever she discovered a rogue Rodian attending one of the Troupe's performances. She kept her work for Navik a tightly-kept secret, and would only manek contact with the hunter Inntak in order to maintain her identity. (SPG)

a planet. (AIR)

this was the name used to describe the human inhabitants of the planet Entuur. (AIR)

Entuuran Resilience Test
developed on the planet Entuur, this was a form of torture used by the Empire's High Inquisitor Slosin. (AIR)

this was the Mandalorian word for a debt. (OWS)

an alien race from the planet Endex, the Entymals were used as slave labor by the Amber Sun Mining Corporate in the Bextar System. These lanky, humanoid insects had a green exoskeleton, and had specialized gliding membranes under their arms. They make excellent pilots, as their brains were highly developed, giving them excellent spatial reasoning capability. Although not part of a hive mind, the Entymal society was based on the classic hive arrangement. A queen ruled each nation, with barren females serving her. Male drones were only good for two things: performing labor and mating with the queen. In the wake of the mating ritual, the males died quickly. (SWJ3, AE)

this race of near-humans is characterized by their thin bodies and their large, pale eyes. They are native to the planet Deylerax. (WBC)

this was a common female name given to Sullustan females. It meant "kind" in the Sullustan language. (GCG)

this model of reflective body glove was produced by Syncronics. It allowed the wearer to survive a blaster shot by reflecting the effects of the weapon. The suit could only absorb a limited amount of energy before needed to be discarded and replaced. (GG10)

this was the codename of the datafile package provided by Mal Biron to any prospective smugglers and spacer who wish to work for him. Biron usually waited until he had a group of candidates before handing out the Envelopes, and he always had Kalend Thora watching them. The instructions in the datafiles explain a series of runs to be made along the Sisar Run, with the smuggler or crew completing the runs in the best time eventually gaining the new contract. (SSR)

Enver Hoxha
this young being was one of the many students of the Force who were training at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant during the height of the Clone Wars. Enver was defeated by Pirt Neer in the Apprentice Tournament that was eventually won by Tallisibeth Enwandung-Esterhazy, when Tallisibeth grabbed his lightsaber in a melee, leaving him weaponless and at Pirt's mercy. (YDR)

this device was developed for use by scouts and other galactic explorers. This compact, rectangular box held a number of sensors, including radiation detectors, spectrameters, temperature monitors, mineral spotters, and lifesign sensors. (GG8)

Enviro-Tent 2A
this was the name of TasCorp's smallest pressure tent. Like its larger brothers, the 2A model was a domed tent that was equipped with airlocks and gas regulator to protect the user from a hazardous atmosphere. Included with the tent were individual oxyegn tanks for each person it could accommodate. The Enviro-Tent also provided a measure of protection against harsh weather, but was useless against weapons or explosions. The 2A model could accommodate two human-sized beings. (SWJ15)

Enviro-Tent 30C
this was the name of TasCorp's largest pressure tent. Like its smaller brothers, the 30C model was a domed tent that was equipped with airlocks and gas regulator to protect the user from a hazardous atmosphere. Included with the tent were individual oxyegn tanks for each person it could accommodate. The Enviro-Tent also provided a measure of protection against harsh weather, but was useless against weapons or explosions. The 30C model could accommodate twenty to forty beings, depending on their size. (SWJ15)

Enviro-Tent 9B
this was the name of TasCorp's intermediate pressure tent. Like its other brothers, the 9B model was a domed tent that was equipped with airlocks and gas regulator to protect the user from a hazardous atmosphere. Included with the tent were individual oxyegn tanks for each person it could accommodate. The Enviro-Tent also provided a measure of protection against harsh weather, but was useless against weapons or explosions. The 9B model could accommodate up to twelve beings, depending on their size. (SWJ15)

this gas giant was, unusually, the innermost planet of the Bandomeer System. It was orbited by four moons. (GORW)

Enwandung-Esterhazy, Tallisibeth
a native of Vorzyd 5, this young, red-haired girl was one of the many Jedi students who were being trained at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant during the height of the Clone Wars. Rather than use her full name, Tallisibeth often went by the nickname Scout, which she had earned from her ability to use the Force to scope out a situation before acting. Scout's family had been exceptionally poor, and practically begged the Jedi Order to take her away from the poverty. Although she had been discovered like any other candidate by Jedi Master Chankar Kim, Scout lacked a deep connection to the Force, and many wondered if she would ever be chosen as a Padawan. When Master Kim was killed during the Battle of Geonosis, Scout's future in the Jedi Temple was believed to be near its end. She knew that her connection to the Force was spotty at best, and compensated by striving to be the best she could be at other aspects of her training. Among these were physical combat and bookwork. It was Master Jai Maruk who openly voiced his opinion that she should be sent to the Agricultural Corps, but he was forced to change his mind when Scout won the Apprenctice Tournament shortly after the retaking of Praesitlyn. Yoda had made a bet with Master Maruk, challenging him to take Scout as his Padawan if she won the tournament. Scout surprised even herself by winning the tournament, although her fellow competitors were quick to point out that she won through trickery and guile more than from her abilities with the Force. These characteristics were what Master Yoda wanted to develop, and Scout strove to do her best, especially after learning that Master Maruk had taken her as his Padawan. Their first mission together came just days later, when they were assigned to accompany Yoda to Vjun, along with Maks Leem and her own Padawan, Whie Malreaux. Scout was just a year older than Whie, but had defeated him in the tournament after escaping a particularly painful thumbhold. While on Phindar, the group of Jedi were attacked by Asajj Ventress, and Scout was injured by a stray blaster bolt. Although she escaped, Scout was forced to witness the deaths of both Master Leem and Master Maruk at the hands of Ventress. As Maruk died, he promised that his spirit would always be with Scout. On Vjun, Scout found herself cut off from Yoda, when the tiny Master went off alone to find Dooku. Scout and Whie were forced to fight their way free of the Chateau, but Fidelis was ordered by Whirry Malreaux to lead them into the Crying Room, where Asajj Ventress was waiting for them. The Padawans were spared when Solis distracted Ventress, and were later rescued by Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, who had tracked Yoda to Vjun. (YDR)

this flesh of this creature was considered a delicacy by the natives of the planet Ukio. Grilled kabobs of enyak meat were often served over teerlop-zikody. (SWJ11)

this species of blue-skinned humanoids was from an unknown world, and were not often encountered in the galaxy. They had needle-like spikes in place of hair on their heads, and were chubby in form. They were apprehensive about the modern technology of the galaxy, but were very friendly to other races. Borborygmus Gog relocated a colony of Enzeen to the planet D'vouran as part of Project Starscream. They immediately formed a symbiotic relationship with the bioengineered world, attracting tourists and luring them into the forest, where the planet could devour them. In return, the Enzeen were allowed to insert their tube-like tongues into the planet's crust and suck out sustenance of their own. They were protected from the planet's hunger by wearing small pendants that projected a sort of force field around them. After Mammon Hoole exposed the secrets of D'vouran to the Alliance, certain discoveries led the possible conclusion that the Enzeen were also bio-engineered by the Empire to watch over the planet. (GOF1)

this device was used by merchants who worked on alien worlds or with imported merchandise. It scanned a piece of material and provided details about its chemical makeup. It accomplished this by retrieving biological residues and growing them in small cultures. With this data, the enzymer can then develop counter-agents to any potentially poisonous or dangerous bacteria. (SWJ14)

Eoaq the Expansive
a descendant of Uueg Tching, Eoaq was one of the few rulers of the Tching Dynasty who bothered to read from Uueg's Sayings. (SWJ14)

EoBaam Shipping Lines
this starship manufacturer purchased the rights to the Rin Assid Bulk Hauler designs. (CSA)

Eobbim Figh
this Mhingxin was a business acquaintence of Bossk. Figh worked the information networks of Mos Eisley, and confirmed for Bossk that Gleed Otondon had embezzled the wealth of the former Bounty Hunters Guild and gone into hiding. Figh carried with him a compartmented box filled with stim-enhancing snuff powders. (HM)

Eocho Mountains
this range of mountains surrounded the ancient city of Knossa, in the southern latitudes of the planet Ossus. It was inside the caves that riddled the Eocho Mountains that the ancient Jedi Knights survived the cataclysm of the Great Sith War, although they were forgotten by the Jedi in the aftermath of the battle. It was these Jedi who were the ancestors of the modern Ysanna. (PJSB)

Eol Sha
this new-formed world of immense seismic activity was located near the Cauldron Nebula. It has only one moon, but the moon's orbit is slowly decaying. It has been estimated that, within a 100 years, it will impact the planet. The planet was settled during the Old Republic, just decades before Palpatine rose to power. The goal was to mine the gases from the nearby nebula, but the planet's instability destroyed that endeavor. The planet's day encompasses 19 standard hours, while its year lasts 326 local days. (JS, JASB)

this Jeodu was one of Dequc's personal guards. (MJEH)

Eopei Cream Pie
the receipe for this wonderful-tasting dessert was a family secret kept by Bren Kingal. (WSGAL)

this green-skinned herdbeast, native to the planet Nadiem, was a genetic cousin to the eopies of Tatooine. (CWA2)

this herd animal was native to the planet Tatooine. Eopies had small, bulbous bodies supported by four spindly legs. Eopies could walk within minutes of being born, a defense mechanism against the desert predators of the planet. They were quite sure-footed in the sandy desert, but were awkward in water. The knees of an eopie were covered with thick calluses, developed from years of kneeling down to reach water and shrubs. Adults are also used as beasts of burden, while the young and elderly eopies are useful for consuming the desert weeds that grow up near homes and hydroponics labs. The nose and skull of the eopie allowed it to dig and grub for lichens and tubers, and two pairs of sharp incisors helped the eopie bite off their food. Eopies had the annoying habit of spitting the contents of their stomach at an object which startled or angered them. Most eopies maintained by farmers on Tatooine provided a wealth of items, including hides, meat, and a highly nutritious - though extremely perishable - milk. (SW1, GF, WSW, SOT)

Eorin Zal
this was the name of a distinguished Kel Dor individual. (UANT)

this was a common name used by the Geonosian race. (UANT)

this volcanically-active world was the site of a Trade Federation droid production facility during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo. The continual movement of heavy, molten rock and ore made the planet's electromagnetic fields both powerful and variable, forcing the natives to abandon the use of repuslor-equipped vehicles in favor of wheeled or treaded transportation. (STF, NEGV)

this was one of the many Bothan clans. Affiliation with the clan was indicated by the suffix 'pek added to an individual's family name. (GCG, WOTC)

Ephant Mon
this Chevin was known for his mercenary skills. He specialized in gun running, and would sell his wares to just about anyone. Shortly before the Battle of Naboo, Ephant Mon was involved with two intertwined but equally illegal operations for Jabba the Hutt: the import of high technology to Cerea, and the export of malium from the planet. In the business with Bron, Ephant Mon befriended Maj-Odo-Nomor and his techrat friends in order to gain a measure of popular support while remaining behind the scenes. However, the plan was thwarted by the appearance of Ki-Adi-Mundi, who was searching for his own daughter, Sylvn, as well as Maj. Ephant Mon was forced to transport them to Tatooine, but was stowed away on a cargo ship that contained divvik pupae. The pupae hatched, forcing them to hide in an escape pod. The divviks damaged much of the ship's control systems in their rage to find flesh, and left the escape pod's ejection systems disabled. Mon used the presence of Sylvn to lure Ki to their rescue. When the situation turned against him, Ephant Mon jettisoned the escape pod and returned to Jabba's palace with Sylvn and Twin in chains. They tried to diffuse the situation by leaving the two girls at the mercy of one of Tatooine's awesome ion storms. The plan was to distract Ki while they covered their tracks. Ki managed to rescue the girls, but Mon and Jabba the Hutt managed to evade capture. He worked with Jabba several years later, running weapons on one of Glakka's moons. One of Jabba's men had turned them into the Imperial authorities, and Mon and Jabba were forced to fight their way out. They were able to escape, but had to brave chill weather during the night. Jabba wrapped his then-thinner body around Mon, keeping him warm until the night passed and they could get off-world. Since then, Ephant Mon had remained loyal to Jabba for saving his life, and eventually became the chief of security at Jabba's Tatooine palace. Ephant had many offers of employment from Lady Valarian while on Tatooine, but he kept strongly to his loyalties to Jabba. When Luke Skywalker entered Jabba's palace, Ephant Mon was drawn to the young Jedi. Luke appealed to Mon to warn Jabba about his imminent demise, and Mon discovered that he had been following something similar to the Force his entire life. He pleaded with Jabba. but to no avail. Jabba then accused Mon of plotting against him, and spurned the Chevin. Jabba left for the Pit of Carkoon without Mon at his side. The novelization of Return of the Jedi has Ephant Mon in a battle with Ree-Yees aboard Jabba's Sail Barge while Jabba was taking Luke and Han to the Great Pit of Carkoon. Ephant Mon was getting beaten very badly, much to Jabba's pleasure. It is believed that Ephant Mon was killed aboard Jabba's sail barge when it exploded. Mon, upon hearing of Jabba's death, returned to Vinsoth to contemplate the Force and run a few profitable scams on the side. (ROTJ, GG5, TJP, PTR, SWI65)

this planet was the home of a merchant who gave Jabba the Hutt an unsual gift: a small bank in the shape of a native creature. Jabba bequeathed the bank to his nephew, Gorga. The will stated that Gorga had been given control of "...the entire holdings of Jabba's bank." (TJT)

Ephemora, Klasse
this ancient explorer discovered the Klasse Ephemora System, which was later named for him. (FH2)

this was one of the most common given names used for human males throughout the galaxy. (GCG)

this was a common name for Ewok males. Like other Ewok names, it referred to a spirit or character in the Ewoks' mythology. (GCG)

according to Ewok legend, this nature spirit came to life every century to battle the Gorax. (GCG)

this was the native language of the Epicanthrix race. (WOTC)

this was the native language of the Epicanthix race of near-Humans. (RESB)

a near-human race native to the Pacanth Reach, the Epicanthix are geneticall very close to standard human stock. Their variances from baseline humans are subtle: all Epicanthix have long, black hair; they are well-muscled, and tend to be williowy and graceful; and they are extremely warlike in their ways. Their closeness to baseline humans suggested to many xenoarchaeologists that the Epicanthix were descended from a forgotten civilization effort many millennia before the rise of the New Order. Under the guidance of the warrior-chief Canthar, the Epicanthix moved from an industrial society to space-level technologies in a matter of millennia. (SE, SESB, AE)

Epicures Club
an organization referred to by Lando Calrissian, the Epicures Club was one of the most prestigious culinary organizations in the galaxy, during the early years of the New Order. (LCM)

Epicurium, The
this was the most prestigious culinary university found on the planet Alderaan. Located in the capital city of Aldera, The Epicurium attracted students from across the galaxy. (CCW)

Epidermal Sensors
any sensors used by a droid to monitor its out shell and signal when it comes in contact with another surface. (SWN)

Epidimi System
this planetary system orbits a double star, and is the birthplace of the Tarong race. (GG12)

Episol System
this planetary system is one of the member worlds of the Kathol Republic. It has four natural planets, only one of which is marginally habitable. It is a desert world which supports several mining colonies. The most widely settled body in the system is Dayark, a moon which orbits the system's single gas giant, Nepe. (KO)

Epo Qetora
see Epo Quetora (SWGAL)

Epo Quetora
this aging Twi'lek served as a sort of historian for the mining facilities on Mustafar, during the final years of the Old Republic and into the era of the New Order. He found himself much in demand, in the wake of the Clone Wars, as rumors spread throughout the galaxy that Mustafar was the site of a vast treasure. Smugglers and mercenaries arrived to seek out the treasure, and often visited with Epo Quetora to learn more about its possible existence. (SWGAL)

Epoch-class Freighter
this was a freighter produced by Shobquix Yards during the last years of the Old Republic. It measured 23 meters in length, and was armed with a single laser cannon. It required a single pilot to operate, and could carry up to seven passengers and 200 metric tons of cargo. (SWJ10)

this was one of the largest islands found on the planet Kabaira, and it served as the planetary capital and the location of the Eponte Spaceport. (SWJ7)

Eponte Spaceport
located in Eponte, on the Madieri continent of Kabaira, this high-altitude spaceport was built from ancient brick-lined streets. However, the spaceport embraces none of the nostalgia they evoke. The damp, foggy weather permeates the disreputable establishments of the spaceport. (SWJ7)

this was the galaxy's largest auction house, found in the wondrous city of Bidamount, where beings from across the galaxy could bid on obscure and often suddenly valuable merchandise. Eport claimed a large percentage of the final price as well as the opening bid, and many believed that additional funding came from secret and sinister sources. (T7)

this man was one of the many professors who were teaching at the University of Sanbra during the height of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. (GMR9)

this was the name used by Tash and Zak Arranda to describe the small child they discovered in the laboratory hidden on the planet Kiva. They first found Eppon as an infant in an egg-shaped creche, and the baby could only say one word: "eppon." They had nothing else to call it, so they named it "Eppon." However, the baby began to grow before their eyes, becoming a toddler just as a team from the Alliance arrived on Kiva to search out Project Starscream. Little did they know that Eppon was the culmination of the Project's research. As Eppon continued to grow at an incredible rate, he required food. He consumed several unwary Alliance soldiers before his true nature was revealed by Borborygmus Gog, his creator. Eppon was the first of Gog's Army of Terror, a group of biologically-created weapons that would never die, could change form at will, could read the minds of its victims and use their deepest fears against them, was impervious to the Force, and grew stronger with each feeding. As Eppon matured, a purple splotch spread from his forehead to cover his entire body with a scale-like armor, and he transformed from a child into a hideous monster. When Eppon turned on Gog after realizing his fate, Gog activated the fail-safe mechanism in each of his warriors: a small explosive implanted in Eppon's brain. The explosion destroyed much of Eppon's body, but a small spark of life remained alive afterward. (GOF6)

EPR Missile
similar to the GAM Missile, the EPR Missile was a form of smart weapon that was developed by Merr-Sonn. The EPR Missile was equipped with a sensor package that could track intense infrared energy sources, like the exhaust of a vehicle. (NEGW)

this Chiss female was a member of the squadron assembled by Jagged Fel to reconnoiter the galaxy at large, after the Yuuzhan Vong began their invasion. Eprill took command of the Chiss pilots of Vanguard Squadron after Shawnkyr Nuruodo returned to the Chiss homeworld of Csilla following the Battle of Ebaq, and later during the assault on Coruscant shortly after the reappearance of the living world of Zonama Sekot. (FH1, UF)

Epsi Nadir
this Rim world is the location of an auction house owned by the Most Honourable Guild of Armourers. (GG9)

Epsilon Nine
this Imperial communications research station was located in the Cron Drift. It had been sending low-level transmissions to New Republic operatives in the Elrood Sector, following the Battle of Endor, until Lumiya swarmed in and retook the station. (SWG3)

Epsilon Wing
this was the section of the Binring Biodemical Products facility on Saffalore which was used by the Empire to create near-human intelligence in the galaxy's more primitive, non-human species. It was destroyed by Tuzin Gast, who hoped to free the test subjects he had created. (SOC)

SoroSuub's personal, disposable ion cannon. This shoulder-launched weapon carries four ion bolts in a two-meter tube. Each bolt is fired individually, and the tube is discarded after all four are used. (ISB)

Equalizing Amplitude Unit
this small device carries electrmagnetic impulses from one location to another. Combinations of different-sized EAUs can be grouped together on a large chip, and are used to route impulses from a control panel to certain equipment. Each EAU chip has a certain unique chip stress, which is indicated by the density of EAUs on its surface. (IC)

this alien race was known for its empathetic skills. The Equani were distinguished by their large eyes and pale fur, and the color of the eye pigmentr always matched that of the fur. The Equani race was also known for its resistance to the Force. At the height of their civilization, there were nearly a billion Equani living in the galaxy, most of them on their homeworld of Equanus. By the time of the Clone Wars, there were very few Equani left in the galaxy, after Equanus was razed by an intense solar flare. As a result, only the hundreds of Equani who were offworld survived the devastation. It was believed that the Equani had the capability to understand and psychoanalyze every other sentient race known in the galaxy. (MBS, MJH)

this planet, one of five worlds in the Nharl System, was once the homeworld of the Equani race. Shortly before the Battle of Geonosis, the planet's primary star emitted an intense, ten light-minute long solar flare. The energy - light, heat, and radiation - washed over Equanus and literally cooked the planet in space. Oceans boiled instantly, the atmosphere was stripped away, and the landmasses were scorched barren. Of the billion Equani that were living in the galaxy, only the few hundred that were off-planet at the time survived. Many of the surviving Equani believed that the solar flare ejected by the star was not a natural phenomenon, but the result of a test-firing of the fire Death Star's superlaser. The test was miscalculated, and the star erupted with the solar flare. Although it was of little consolation to the Equani, the scientists who were conducting the test were killed in the flare as well. (MJH)

this alien race was known for their epic poetry. (OE)

an Alliance Nebulon-B frigate destroyed during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)

Equator City
this city, located inland of the western mountains of the Betu continent on the planet Rodia, was the home of a number of seedy casinos. Avaro Sookcool ran his operations there. Up until Navik the Red became the Grand Protector of the Rodian people, Equator City had been the capital of the planet Rodia. Navik moved the capital to Iskaayuma. (SE, SPG)

Equator City First Stage
this was one of Coruscant's most famous playhouses, during the last decades of the Old Republic. Some of the galaxy's most cutting-edge dramas were produced on the First Stage, before being taken to other planets. (HNN5)

Equatorial Belt
this area of the planet Sevarcos was generally regarded as having the richest spice deposits on the entire planet. During the height of the New Order, it was controlled by Lord Cassius Nolath Rha. (SWJ2)

this merchant works on the Ithorian herdship Bazaar, selling personal melee weapons. He was an active recruiter of beings to serve as mercenaries in the Minos Cluster. (GA)

this New Republic MC80a cruiser was commanded by Captain Volahn. This ship was the flagship of the small fleet that descended on the planet Soullex, during the attempt to obtain the Super-class Star Destroyer Guardian. (SWJ15)

this was one of many sleek-hulled destroyers produced at the Contruum shipyards, during the early years of the New Republic. (UF)

this series of exploratory probe droids was produced by the combined efforts of the Naboo and the Gungans, shortly after the Battle of Naboo and the destruction of the Trade Federation's blockade of Naboo. The ER-1 series was created to explore and map the unusual core of Naboo, under the guidance of Graf Zapalo. The lead developers were a husband-and-wife team who had been recruited from Serv-O-Droid, and who retired to their homeworld after the ER-1 was complete. It was a combination of sensitive sensors and components, much the N-1 starfighter, and was hand-built by Zapalo's engineers. They built four droids for their efforts: ER-1A, ER-1B,and ER-1D were used to explore Naboo's core, while ER-1C was deployed to explore the moons of Naboo. The spherical ER-1 can split into two halves on command. The upper half contains a small repulsordrive, and can float over land. The lower half has a specialized engine and housing which allows it to operate underwater. (WOTC, GF)

this Naboo ER-1 series exploration droid was built to explore the core of the planet Naboo. (WOTC)

this Naboo ER-1 series exploration droid was built to explore the core of the planet Naboo. (WOTC)

this was the third of the ER-1 series of probe droids developed by Graf Zapalo and his team of engineers. It was used by the Naboo and the Gungans to explorer the moons of the Naboo System. Like the rest of the ER-1 series, it had an amphibious design. It was also equipped with a sublight drive which could carry it into outer space. (GF, WOTC)

this Naboo ER-1 series exploration droid was built to explore the core of the planet Naboo. (WOTC)

this was a model of combat droids built by the Colicoids more than fifty years before the onset of the Clone Wars. The Eradicators moved about on sturdy wheels, which gave them incredible speed and maneuverability. These droids were armed with a pair of blaster rifles, a pair of ion cannons, and a minimal shielding system. The Eradicator was also internally motivated, so it didn't suffer from the drawback of requiring a remote controller unit. (LOJ, AEG)

this was one of the Empire's Imperial-class Star Destroyers. Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, the Eradicator was under the command of Governor Vellam, patrolling the space around the Bright Jewel System. Vellam dispatched it to hunt down Captain Sodarra and his crew, during the search for Darth Vader's body. The Eradicator was later moved to Kathol Sector, where is was placed under the command of Captain Thulian Merast, who served Moff Kentor Sarne. Unfortunately for Merast and the crew, the Eradicator was destroyed by an intense lightstorm at the edge of the Kathol Rift, during the search for the FarStar. (GG10, SL, E)

Eradicator E8U
this 1.5-meter-tall assassin droid worked for Vanel, duringher tenure as Mon Tondievz's chief of security. (TSK)

this device was developed by the Jedi Knights of the Old Republic. Resembling a large communications dish, the eradictor could lock onto the communications of a Jedi working from a remote location and scramble the incoming transmission's header data. This way, the origination point of the message was unreadable to any being who tried to slice the transmission in order to pinpoint a Jedi's location. The exterior walls of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant were dotted with eradictors. (IWE1)

the third moon of this planet was once known as the primary source of eralam crystals, until it was bombarded by the Sith many millennia before the Battle of Yavin. (KOTOR)

this crystal was mined on the third moon of Erai many millennia before the Battle of Yavin. It was known to the Dark Lords of the Sith to produce a lightsaber beam that was superior to other crystals, with a clear color that was unnerving to look at. After the Sith bombarded the moon, most of the eralam veins were destroyed. (KOTOR)

Erasmus Gambit
a military infiltration ploy in which soldiers are placed aboard supply craft. When the craft land at a base, the soldiers then overtake the base. (RASB)

this was a name which was common among members of the Lutrillian race. (GORW)

an Imperial assault transport destroyed during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)

this was one of the more common surnames used by the Duros people. Like all such names, Erbek was used only for official business, to indicate one individual from another when in the presense of non-Duros. This name literally meant "pollution warden". (GCG)

this being was the head chef and bartender at the Orange Lady Tavern, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (SWJ15)

this was one of the most common male names used by members of the Ithorian race. Although most Ithorian names were not used for a specific meaning, historians found that this name referred to a domesticated, Ithorian guardbeast. (GCG)

this Ithorian predator was domesticated for use as a sentry animal by the Ithorian people. (GCG)

Erd Lumas
this Ithorian was unusual for his species in that he was allergic to trees. He placed himself in a self-imposed exile from Ithor in order to survive, and served as a pilot aboard a spice freighter before eventually finding his way to the planet Genarius. There, he found refuge in the floating city of Friz Harammel and served as the pilot of an AR-25 Bubbleship for the Daedalus Gas Mines corporation. (LFC)

this was one of the most common given names used for human males throughout the galaxy. (GCG)

this human slave lived in Mos Espa at the same time Anakin Skywalker lived there. Erdan had been chemically enlarged by his owner, in an effort to make him better able to do more work. Erdan also had his face painted with permanent colorings to denote his ownership. (IG1)

this series of labor droids was created by taking the basic mechanics of a binary loadlifter and attaching it to a telescoping torso. This allowed the droid to move heavy objects to great heights. (BP)

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