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Eicroth, Joi

this scientist worked for the New Republic's Alpha Blue team. She was romantically involved with Hiram Drayson, a relationship they kept secret for more than thirteen years because of their working duties. It was Joi Eicroth who performed the first autopsies and investigative analysis of the Qella bodies recovered from Maltha Obex by Joto Eckels. She discovered the existence of the Eicroth bodies, which were named for her. Eicroth eventually married Drayson, but their marriage was a short one. Eicroth remained a valued member of the Alpha Blue team, and was part of the task force created to determine the origins of the Yuuzhan Vong. Unfortunately for the New Republic and Doctor Eicroth, a living Yuuzhan Vong body was hard to locate. Whenever individuals were captured in battle, they ultimately committed suicide rather than become subjects of study.
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