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this starfighter, which was one of the first ships to employ the R7 astromech droid, was the first starfighter to be fully designed and built under the auspices of the New Republic, and was created by FreiTek Incorporated. The ship, while visually like the X-Wing, had a pair of stable wings. It dished out punishment and could take it equally well, being armed with three heavy blaster cannons and a proton torpedo launcher. It used the R7 droid to take advantage of a redesigned hyperdrive system. The only drawback to the E-Wing's weapons systems was the fact that they were based on a synthetic Tibanna gas that isn't as good as the real thing. The New Republic employed several models of the E-Wing. The basic A-Model was equipped with a Class 2 hyperdrive, measured 11.2 meters in length, and could attain speeds of 1,300 kilometers per hour in atmosphere. The E-Wing Type B was nearly identical to the A-model, except that Mon Calamarian techs helped triple the power input to the weapons systems. This made the Type B extremely powerful, but if the couplings failed and the weapons overheated, they could be extremely dangerous. A Series 4 E-Wing was introduced after the death of Grand Admiral Thrawn, to utilize more stable blaster gas and a dedicated power generation system for the weapons. These E-Wings could also use R2 astromech droids.
E-Wing Type B
this updated version of the first E-Wing starfighter was produced by FreiTek shortly before the Yuuzhan Vong began their invasion of the galaxy. It measured 11.2 meters in length, and was armed with three heavy laser cannons and a proton torpedo launcher.
a diminutive race of furry creatures on the Forest Moon of Endor, they resemble teddy bears. They have large, bright eyes, small black noses, and hands which possess two fingers and an opposable thumb. Although they have no true technology, they have developed a highly developed civilization based on various mechanical devices built from tree limbs, bones, and animal hides. They live in the huge trees of Endor, but have farms and fields on the ground. They are friendly by nature, and have cunning minds capable of solving puzzles. They worship a religion based on the legends of spirits living in the moon's giant trees.
this was the name given to the native language of the Ewoks. There was no written form of the language, as most lore was passed from generation to generation through stories and lessons. Linguistic experts found that the modern Ewokese language was descended from the Yuzzum language.
Ewsli, Jo
this Incom Corporation engineer was credited with the original design of the I-7 Howlrunner, which he named after the vicious predators of the planet Kamar.
this Ithorian surname was believed to mean "librarian" or "record keeper", according to historian who studied the Ithorian race.
this young man was Ido's brother, and he held the position of Mor Glayyd on Ammuud during the early years of the New Order, despite the fact that he was younger than Ido. Distinguished by the henna-colored hair that was common in his family, Ewwen had been forced to accept the rank of Mor when his father was poisoned, about a month before Han Solo and Fiolla arrived on Ammuud to investigate the Corporate Sector Authority's slavery ring. Unknown to Ewwen and Ido, their father had been murdered in order to prevent him from exposing the Reesbon clan's part in the CSA's plot to cover up their slavery ring. Additionally, the other Mors wanted him brought down in an effort to reduce the Glayyd clan's power. In order to silence Ewwen, a plot was put together in which Gallandro was hired to pose as an offworld visitor working for the Corporate Sector Authority. During a reception, Gallandro approached Ido and tried to win her favor, but she refused his advances. He feigned anger, and struck her on the face. Ewwen was then forced to challenge Gallandro to a death-duel in order to preserve his clan's integrity, unaware that Gallandro was an expert duelist. As defined by the Ammuud Code, Ewwen either had to step down or fight, once he had issued the challenge. In his own opinion, either option was preferable to his maintaining the position of Mor Glayyd and spilling the beans on the Corporate Sector Authority's slavery ring. However, Han Solo intervened on Ewwen's part and made Gallandro back down. Ewwen then told Han and Fiolla everything he knew about the slavery ring, allowing Fiolla and Odumin to bring the ring to an end.
an alien student of the Force, Ewyrin nearly succumbed to the Dark Side on Dantooine.
this was the designation of one of the TIE Bombers dispatched by Darth Vader to pursue the Millennium Falcon through the Hoth Belt, just after the Battle of Hoth.
this was the designation of one of the TIE Bombers dispatched by Darth Vader to pursue the Millennium Falcon through the Hoth Belt, just after the Battle of Hoth.
this was the designation of one of the TIE Fighters dispatched by Darth Vader to pursue the Millennium Falcon through the Hoth Belt, just after the Battle of Hoth.
this was a measurement of the amount of storage a computer system had, used during the last years of the Old Republic. As a reference, the AA-1 verbobrain often used five exabytes of storage.
this pseudo-religious event was concocted by the Hutts and the t'landa Til, for use in maintaining a calm slave-labor pool on Ylesia. Described to pilgrims as contact with the Oneness, the Exaltation was actually a physical manifestation performed by the t'landa Til. These creatures were able to use a throat pouch to inhale air and expel it in sonic vibrations. The t'landa Til could manipulate the wavelength and force of the vibrations by forcing air over cilia in the pouch, creating inaudible waves that affected the brains of other sentients. In reality, male t'landa Til use the process to stir females into mating readiness when they are in heat. The Exaltation revolved around the pilgrims receiving intense waves of pleasure and serenity from a t'landa Til priest. Over time, the pilgrims became addicted to the Exaltation, and required it every day in order to continue their lives. The Hutts and the t'landa Til were more than happy to oblige, for it kept the pilgrims blind to the true nature of the work they performed. However, it was sometimes boring for them, since the males got no pleasure out of it themselves.
Exalted Torcaigne
this crime syndicate was based on the planet Attahox. They made most of their money controlling the export of phosovane salts in the Rimworlds.
Exar Kun War
this was a given used by certain historians to denote that portion of the Great Sith War in which the Jedi Knights devoted their resources to hunting down Exar Kun and his apprentice, Ulic Qel-Droma.
this ore-producing world managed to stay far from the front lines of the Galactic Civil War, while secretly supplying the Alliance with materials. Following the Battle of Endor, Excarga became an active member of the New Republic. Note that this planet is referred to as Excarga in Boba Fett: Crossfire.
(SWJ7, BF2)
Exargan Mining Authority
this was the primary body which oversaw the wide variety mining operations that occurred both on Exarga, and in the asteroid belts found in its neighboring space. Shortly before the Clone Wars, Exargan was fined by the Mining Guild for doctoring their accounting records, when a shortfall of more than 200 million tons of doonium was discovered.
see Exarga
an Alliance Mon Calamari MC80a cruiser used during the Galactic Civil War.
this starship construction corporation often modified Seinar Fleet Systems craft for personal usage by non-military pilots.
Exchange, The
this was the name of the criminal organization of Davik Kang, which was based on the planet Taris during the height of the Great Sith War. The Exchange was perhaps the most powerful crime syndicate in the Outer Rim Territories at the time, and was under the control of a being known only as the Compeer. This being was later revealed to be Goto.
developed by Merr-Sonn, this device was manufactured for scouts and explorers. The Excluder emitted a wide range of subsonic and ultrasonic frequencies which could be tuned to discourage many forms of wildlife from getting to close to the device. This allowed scouts to protect their campsites without harming the local fauna.
this was a branch of the Imperial Security Bureau answerable only to Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine.
this was the name given to one of the many podraces which wound through the caverns and energy domes of the penal colony on Oovo IV, during the last decades of the Old Republic.
Executioner's Hack
this was a form of sword that was used exclusively by the killers eof the Black Sun organization.
Executioner's Row
this slum was located on the outskirts of the town called Dying Slowly, on the planet Jubilar.
Executive Results
this company served as a front for Syndicate One. On the surface, Executive Results claimed to be used equipment retailers. However, the company actually hired all kinds of mercenaries and freelance businessbeings to transport cargoes across the galaxy for the Syndicate, in the years following the Battle of Endor. Executive Results also outiftted many of the mercenaries it hired, paying for five percent of equipment costs and one-third of fuel and provisions costs.
the title given to the seven elite Dark Jedi appointed by Emperor Palpatine to carry out the plans behind Operation Shadow Hand.
the Super-class Star Destroyer used as Darth Vader's flagship, the Executor was the first in a long line of fearsome warships that descended from the Imperial-class Star Destroyer. There are many rumors surrounding the construction of the Executor: Many claim that the ship was built at the shipyards of Fondor, while others contend it was built by an unspecified Kuat Drive Yards facility as reported in the Imperial Defense Daily. However, the true Executor was built at Fondor. The Kuat ship was built under the same name, but was later renamed Lusankya when it was launched. Note that the short story Small Favors claims Vader took command of the Executor directly from Kuat Drive Yards, which contradicts the Kuat ship's becoming the Lusankya. Equally enigmatic is the Executor's construction period. The only real knowledge is that the ship was turned over to Darth Vader between his escape from the Battle of Yavin and the Battle of Hoth. The plans to the huge ship were stolen by Luke Skywalker and Tanith Shire, but revealed no weaknesses to Alliance technicians. The ship's name was given by Vader on its maiden voyage, as it destroyed the Alliance outpost on Laakteen Depot while en route to Yavin 4. Its first commander was executed by Vader for failing to complete a mission to eradicate the Massassi Base. It was then placed under the command of Admiral Ozzel, during the search for the Alliance leading up to the Battle of Hoth. It was Ozzel who brought the fleet out of hyperspace too far out from Hoth, alerting the Alliance to the fleet's presense. Vader executed Ozzel on the spot, and promoted Captain Piett to Admiral, and commander of the ship. Following a number of victories over the Alliance, the Executor was finally destroyed during the Battle of Endor, when a concerted attack by Alliance pilots disabled the ship. Without steering and navigation, it plowed into the surface of the second Death Star and exploded.
Executor II
this was the designation of the second Super-class Star Destroyer built for the Empire. It was created at the Kuat Drive Yards, during the same period as the Executor was being built at Fondor. In this way, Emperor Palpatine ensured that at least one of the massive ships would be built. It was the Executor II which was later renamed the Lusankya and buried on Coruscant.
Executor-class Star Destroyer
an immense, heavy-duty Imperial Star Destroyer designed and built just before the destruction of the first Death Star, the Executor-class Star Destroyer was essentially an 8-kilometer-long battle station. Note that the official Star Wars Databank indicates the Executor-class Star Destroyer measured 12,800 meters in length, while Star Wars: Star Pilot provides a length of 19,000 meters. Four of these huge capital ships were initially built by Kuat Drive Yards, displaying the depths of the Emperor's coffers and his desire to flaunt his power. The initial Executor-class design was created by Lira Wessex, and although it was deemed militarily impractical - several smaller ships could have performed the same job - it was ultimately successful in support of the Tarkin Doctrine. It was most often used as a command ship, and was manned by a crew of 279,144 accompanied by 1,590 gunners. Its weapons systems included 250 heavy turbolaser batteries, 250 turbolaser batteries, 250 concussion missile tubes, 250 ion cannons, and 40 tractor beam projectors. Darth Vader's command ship Executor was the first of these ships to be commissioned and completed, although its exact origins remain the stuff of legend. The ship was presented to the Dark Lord to assist in his search for the Alliance, in the wake of the Battle of Yavin. Alliance forces often referred to this type of ship as a Super-class Star Destroyer, or simply a Super Star Destroyer, since it was larger than anything they had ever seen.
manufacturers of podracers and racing engines.
Exelis Hunters
this band of criminals terrorized Strabin Sector, until the Ubese bounty hunter Arcuse captured the entire band.
the ruling class of individuals living on Bespin's Cloud City, the Exex forms the bureaucratic caste on the outpost. The ranks of the Exex were made up of the business leaders who maintained headquarters on the floating city, and was balanced by the city's Administrator and the Parliament of Guilds.
(GG2, ISU)
this starship was an Imperial weapons and propulsion testbed built at the Black-15 shipyards during the Galactic Civil War. It was a Dreadnaught-scale ship, and was part of the bounty of ships stolen by the Yevetha, and was later renamed the Glory.
ExGal Society
this under-funded, independent exploration company sponsored several remote outposts at the fringes of the galaxy during the years leading up to the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. They hoped to be the first to report on life from beyond the known galaxy.
this was the name given to the ExGal Society's outpost on the planet Belkadan. Fifteen members of the ExGal Society were dispatched to Belkadan to maintain the ExGal-4 listening post. It was established three years before the start of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, and was destroyed by the Yuuzhan Vong in order to draw attention away from their base on Helska.
Exhaust Nacelles
the tapering spouts located at the end of a starship's engine blocks, these devices are used to concentrate the engine's thrust to provide maximum velocity generation.
Exhibition Day
this was the name given to a day of training and competition among the trainees at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, during the last decades of the Old Republic. Students were given the chance to show their skills in a variety of events and tests, alone or in small groups.
Exile, The
this was a name used to describe a former Jedi Padawan who was stripped of his connection to the Force and set adrift in the galaxy, during the years following the defeat of Darth Malak and the destruction of the Star Forge. In the wake of the Jedi Civil War, The Exile was sent away because he had abandoned the Jedi Order and followed Revan to join the Mandalorian Wars. After the Jedi Civil War mearly wiped out the entire Jedi Order, The Exile discovered a renewed link to the Force when his ship, the Ebon Hawk, was discovered in deep space by a group of Sith devotees and Jedi Master Kreia. Although the Sith Lord, Darth Sion, was unaware of his true nature, Kreia believed him to be among the last of the Jedi. He reluctantly agreed to be trained by Kreia, after learning that they shared a bond through a Force Chain, a connection that should not have been possible given his exile. As he came to grips with his situation, The Exile remembered fighting in the Mandalorian Wars, where he served as a General under Revan, and was responsible for activating the Mass Shadow Generator that ended the fighting. Kreia's connection to the Force, and the knowledge obtained by T3-M4, allowed The Exile to learn more about his defection from the Jedi Order to join Revan. At the time he regained consciousness on Peragus II, the Exile believed that his connection to the Force was cut off when he abandoned the Jedi Code. After escaping Darth Sion at Peragus II and learning that five Jedi Masters had survived the Jedi Civil War, The Exile set out to locate them, in an effort to being rebuilding the Jedi Order. Along the way, he learned that one of the members of his party, Atton Rand, had been trained in a limited use of the Force. The Exile agreed to train Rand as a Jedi, to the best of his abilities. After finding all the surviving Jedi Masters and getting them to regroup on Dantooine, The Exile was dismayed to learn that Kreia was not the Jedi Master she claimed to be. Instead, she was actually Darth Traya, and part of the triumverate of Sith Lords who were plotting on Malachor V to take over the galaxy. He set out to hunt them down, defeating Darth Nihilus at Telos and Darth Sion on Malachor V before confronting his teacher. Although she was more powerful, The Exile managed to defeat her in combat. Before killing her, though, he demanded to know something of the future, hoping that any information would guide his path. Taking the dead woman's words at face value, The Exile returned to Dantooine to complete his training as a Jedi.
Exis Convocation
this was the name given to the meeting of the ancient Jedi Knights, ten years after the Great Sith War, which was called by Nomi Sunrider and held on Exis Station. The Jedi met to discuss the recent events of the Sith War, and what to do about Ulic Qel-Droma.
Exis Station
Nomi Sunrider called a convocation of the Jedi Knights on this station, located in the Teedio System, ten years after the Great Sith War. The Jedi gathered to discuss how to repair the rifts opened during the War, and how to continue their order. The meeting became known as the Exis Convocation, and it became a large part of the lore of the Jedi. Over the centuries, Exis Station was eventually abandoned, and it began to drift closer to its closest star, Teedio, as its power supplies dwindled. During the last decades of the Old Republic, entrepreneurial miners established a base on Exis Station, and used the Station's proximity to Teedio to collect all sorts of ion and solar-flare energy. Smaller modules were connected to the main hub by an assortment of tunnels and tubes, and Exis itself began to look like a rayed star. Teedio's unstable makeup produced incredible bursts, and the miners made huge profits. When Teedio became too unstable, though, the Station was abandoned again. The Jedi Knights, who had maintained a vast library and storehouse on the station, took their treasures and scattered them throughout the galaxy. During the early decades of the New Republic, Tionne discovered the location of the station from Fonterrat, and there she met Luke Skywalker for the first time. Together, they managed to push the Station's degenerating orbit outward, saving Exis Station from destruction and giving the Jedi time to explore its secrets. The exact location of the Jedi library was never found, although the Mage known as Orloc pretended that his laboratory was able to tap into the Force energies of the ancient library.
this vast estate was owned by Doman Beruss. The family estate of the Beruss clan, it occupied a large section of Imperial City on Coruscant, some 300 kilometers southwest of the Imperial Palace. It was essentially a walled city, containing two parks, a forest, a meadow surrounding a small lake, and twenty-one huge buildings. Among the focal points of Exmoor is Illodia Tower. The primary residence consists of seventy rooms, and it occupied by no fewer than 30 members of clan Beruss at any time.
the title given to the highest-ranking officer in the Corporate Sector Authority, the ExO runs the Direx Board. The ExO originally made decisions based on consultation with the Direx Board, but the ExO has recntly been given final authority to act without consulting the Diredx Board. The ExO is chosen from a number of candidates who come from outside the ranks of the Direx Board, thus ensuring that corporations cannot suddnyl gain control of the Direx Board. The candidates usually are selected from the current crop of Viceprexes. The ExO serves until death or a no-confidence vote from the Direx Board which is seconded and ratified.
this was the legendary world prophesied by Deamos Na-Coth. It was an ancient paradise hidden somewhere in the galaxy.
Exobiology Institute
this biological research institution is located on Coruscant.
this world is the primary planet in the Exocron System, located in the Kathol Outback and hidden within a gas cloud. Much of the population of the Outback is unaware of the existence of Exocron, since it is located within a nebula of gases that interfere with most sensor systems. Most star maps of the Outback fail to show Exocron, which is just as well for the planet's inhabitants. The planet was originally settled by colonists of the Cabal, who fled the hypocrisy and "plastic society" of the Core Worlds during the early time of the Old Republic to find the world of Exo. Their ship, the Exocros Cabal, was damaged in an asteroid storm, and wandered the galaxy until it found Exocron. The planet was named for their ship, and the colonists destroyed their ship and set up a guardian force to keep it safe for future use. In the meantime, the majority of the colonists began living off the land and keeping to themselves. The guardians became known as the Devisors, and became the upper of two social castes. Any new technology had to be approved by the Devisors before it could be made available for general use. The splitting of the social structure was not easy, though, and many small battles erupted between factions who wanted more control or more freedom. A series of unification wars swept the planet in the years just prior to the Battle of Yavin, re-establishing the position of the Devisors. Jorj Car'das retired to Exocron after running into the Aing-Tii monks.
Exocron Combined Air-Space Fleet
this was the second generation of the Exocron Airfleet, as it grew to include the protection of the space surrounding Exocron, and not just the immediate atmosphere. It was still commanded by Horzao Darr, some fifteen years after the Battle of Endor.
Exocros Cabal
this ancient colony ship was commissioned by Deamos Na-Coth and The Cabal to search for the legendary planet of Exo. The colonists consisted of some 2,000 beings whose families believed deeply in Na-Coth's writings and teachings. When the ship emerged from hyperspace into a stray asteroid storm, it was severely damaged. The captain and much of the crew were killed, and the colonists splintered along varying interpretations of Na-Coth's writings. The ship continued to function, though, and was pursued by pirates. Finally, the surviving engineers aboard took control of the situation and decided to find a planet that was far from the pirate lanes and safe enough to live on. They eventually found the planet Exocron, which was named for the ship.
this planet is the homeworld of the Exodeenian race.
this alien race is native to the planet Exodeen. They are a predatory race, with six arms and six legs supporting a strong body and long tail. Their wide mouths were fillde with multiple rows of sharp teeth.
Exodo II
it was on this black-lava-covered world that Han Solo, Lando Calrissian, and Chewbacca discovered the remains of a New Republic scout cruiser, destroyed by the Needle ships commanded by Dzym and Seti Ashgad. The planet was the homeworld of the ghaswar species. When the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the galaxy, Exodo II was briefly defended by the Empire before theYuuzhan Vong managed to capture the planet.
(POT, FH1)
Exodrive System
developed for use on planets where the environment was dangerous to most vehicular drive systems, the exodrive system from Desler Gizh Outworld Mobility Corporation was entirely enclosed. This meant that no part of the ship's interior was exposed to the outside atmosphere, ensuring that chemicals and dust could not get inside and damage the drives. The exodrive systems used sophisticated repulsorlift engines and electromagnetic field generators to produce lift and propulsion, but this system also produced a large amount of waste energy. This waste energy, in the forms of radiation and drag-stream ionization, was simply expelled from the drive system, since it was designed to work in hostile environments anyway.
Exo-protein Wafers
this was a form of military rations produced during the early years of the New Republic.
this Calamari ocean creature is considered a delicacy.
Exotac Arms
this small weapons manufacturer produced a variety of civilian-use weapons.
Exotic Entertainers' Union
a consolidated group of dancers, consorts, and prostitutes which provides support when interfacing with crimelords and businessmen.
Exotic Exhibit
this bar and club on Nar Shaddaa advertised live dancers at nearly every hour.
Exotic Items
this small shop, located on the Ithorian herdship Bazaar, features a wide variety of strange, beautiful, and expensive items from across the galaxy. It even carried a working lightsaber, purchased from a woman named Shavree.
Exoticalia Pet Emporium
this was the front business set up by Drend Navett and Klif in Drev'starn, during the time they were planning to take out the city's shield generator. As dealers from Fedje, they sold all sorts of exotic creatures as pets.
Exovar, Luskin
this man was considered a living legend by many scouts, explorers, and adventurers. Born on Lessuris, he joined the Scout Service in his early teens and made a name for himself by discovering entire sectors of unknown space. His travels became the fodder for a number of tall tales, although these were often beyond the actual truth of the matter. Exovar eventually retired to Neftali, where he went into busines by opening up Exovar's Emporium. During the height of the Galactic Civil War, Exovar was considered a little insane, but he nevertheless could be an incredibly smart and witty friend.
Exovar's Emporium
located on the planet Neftali, on the far side of the planet from Cordel Cove, this business was owned and operated by Luskin Exovar. The most memorable feature of the facility was the head of an Imperial AT-AT which guarded the entrance, taken by Luskin when he defeated the walker with just a laser cutter. The starship entrance to the Emporium was guarded by Ion Alley,and visiting ships were parked at Luskin's Landing. Within the Emporium, vistiors were presented with a variety of stores and interesting sights, including artworks by Furva Keill, armor from both the Imperial Royal Guards and the Thyrsus Sun Guards, and a half-dozen actual Jedi lightsabers. Visitors to the Emporium were encouraged to leave behind a personal effect, adding to the vast collection of unique items on display.
an insectoid bounty hunter on Nar Shaddaa, he helped Boba Fett and Dengar track down Han and Leia when they were on the planet.
EXP-7 Predator
this experimental weapon was designed by Exotac Arms, and was developed for hunting large game. Only three were produced: two were tested in Exotac's labs, while the third was given to Kaori Batta for field testing. It was a cumbersome weapon which could inflict devstating damage, and could take down a charging bantha if aimed properly.
this was the designation of the first Predator blaster rifle produced by Exotac Arms for public sale.
Expanse, The
this area of Tapani Sector was known for its ore-rich worlds, which were held by the various noble houses. Its capital, and the capital of Tapani Sector, was based on the planet Procopia. During the height of the New Order, it was estimated that there were 345 nobles families which made up the population of The Expanse, broken into Houses. There were seven major Houses which were formed from these families: the greater Houses of Mecetti, Cadriaan, and Melantha; and the lesser Houses of Barnaba, Pelagia, Reena, and Calipsa. Each House has a certain amount of voting power in the Great Council, depending on their current status.
Expansion Manifesto
this document was attributed to the noted explorer, Reidi Artom, who was believed to have written it some 200 years before the Battle of Naboo. In it, she implored future readers to seek out a way to live in harmony with new races and new worlds, rather than simply stripping them of resources and abandoning them. The document was uncovered by Mother Kasslan of the Tarasin during the early stages of the Clone Wars, and sparked a welath of discussion and controversy in the Cularin System.
Expansion Region
an area of the galaxy once known for its manufacturing plants and heavy industry under the Old Republic, it was originally an experimental sector governed by the corporations working in it. Many of the corporations working their began to take liberties with the worlds they owned, abusing the populace and stripping entire worlds of their natural resources. When word of these atrocities reached the ears of the Old Republic, control of the area was turned over to the Senate. Many of the corporations balked at this, for it reduced the role of the corporations in governing the systems. In order to placate the corporations, the Old Republic set aside a group of uninhabited systems in the Region for use by the corporations, and thus the Corporate Sector was born. This area of the galaxy was responsible for much of the growth experienced in The Slice. It has been in an economic decline ever since, although the Corporate Sector continues to bring in huge profits.
Expansion Week
a holiday celebrated throughout Tapani Sector, Expansion Week comes just before the upper class Capital Season. It fell between the months of Selona and Telona.
Expansionist Period
this was the name used to describe the period of galactic exploration just prior to the birth of the Old Republic. The Expansionist Period quickly followed the invention of stardrives which allowed people to quickly travel between planets. The Expansionist Period reached its height following the invention of the hyperdrive, and led directly into the formation of the Old Republic.
Expeditionary Battle Planetoid
developed by Raith Sienar, this huge warship used an immense hypermatter reactor to power its hyperdrives and its large, central laser weapon. The design was eventually taken by Wilhuff Tarkin and used as the basis for the first Death Star.
Expeditionary Library
this immense, underground library was maintained by the Chiss Epxansionary Defense Force, and contained written information on virtually every planet, moon, and star system ever encountered by the Chiss. It was unusual, not because it was underneath the ice, but because every volume contained in the Library was hand-written. This ensured that all the information was safe from computer glitches or power failures, reducing the overall power demands of the Chiss people. Without computers, unique search processed were developed to efficiently locate data in these books. When Luke Skwyalker arrived on Csilla to ask permission to traverse the Unknown Regions in search of Zonama Sekot, the leaders of the Chiss society would not allow him free access. However, they offered him two full days of research in the Library.
this Old Republic scout ship was famous for the number of wild and inhospitable planets its crew discovered.
a Carrack-class light cruiser assigned to Kirtan Loor.
Exploding Fungus
the Yuuzhan Vong used this plant to deforest large portions of the moon Yavin 4, during their invasion of the galaxy. A variant on the exploding fungus - this was the New Republic's name for it - was used to cover the cityscape of Coruscant and begin breaking down the structures there, following the Battle of Coruscant.
Exploding Star
a ride found at Hologram Fun World, it simulates a trip through extremely hot, exploding supernovas.
Exploration Corps
this branch of the Imperial Navy was charged with the exploration of known parts of the galxy, in search of worlds which could suppply resources or personnel.
Exploration Corps
this branch of the Jedi Knights was essentially a traveling training academy, despite its name. During the Old Republic, the ExplorCorps was made up of Jedi Padawans and their instructors, and provided these students with a chance to experience other cultures and civilizations first-hand. Many students encountered species they had never seen before, while others met species that no one had ever encountered. The ExplorCorps provided Jedi trainees with the chance to experience all the diversity of life throughout the galaxy, while reinforcing the belief that all species shared the same needs, desires, and dreams. The starship Chu'unthor served as the primary vessel of the ExplorCorps for many years, until its loss at Dathomir.
Exploration, Military, and Merchant Services
this branch of the Old Republic was dedicated to educating and producing the galaxy's best starship pilots. The Corulag Acedmy was one of it premier facilities, until it was nationalized by the Empire.
see Exploration Corps
this was Hydrospeare's submergible exploration vehicle. The Explorer was designed at the request of the Empire, which was looking for an amphibious assault vehicle. The Hydrospeare design was unable to create a craft which was swift underwater while mobile on land, so the Empire funded the underwater piece. The 9.1-meter long craft is only 6 meters in height, and much of that is in the legs. This meant that the crew space was minimized, making operation close and cramped. Operation of the Explorer required a pilot, co-pilot, and a pair of gunners. The Explorer was propelled on six legs, and was armed with a turret-mounted Arakyd 5-XV cannon and a Taim & Bak SC4 cannon. A Siep-Irol SensAll sensor array provided data about the Explorer's surroundings.
the Explorer is a series of 15-meter-long scout ships developed and built in Incom Industries during the height of the New Order. A highly-automated craft, the Explorer series required a pilot and the exploration crew to operate, and could carry up to five metric tons of cargo.
this space boat was owned and operated by the Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. It was assigned to the rescue team which was dispatched to Sedri to recover Mors Odrion. The ship had a wedge-shaped main fuselage, with three combination engines attached at the rear. These engines served as sublight drives, but could also operate underwater. These engines were supplemented with a system of repulsorlifts, and a hyperdrive rounded out its multi-environment propulsion systems. It required a crew of 6, and could transport up to six passengers and 150 metric tons of cargo. The Explorer was armed with a pair of double laser cannons.
Explorer Craft
a small, jet-like craft used by Han Solo and Chewbacca on the Millennium Falcon.
Explorer Droid
any droid that was manufactured to enter unknown territory and determine its inhabitability. LesTech built a number of explorer droids during the Old Republic. These droids were equipped with seismic sensors, motive sensors, electromagnetic sensors, infrared and visual sensors, two manipulatory arms, and a specimen hopper. The LesTech explorer moved about on treads, and stood about 1.3 meters tall. These droids were sent to a planet's surface in a remote shuttle, and were often destroyed while surveying hostile worlds.
Explorer's Guild, The
located within Exovar's Emporium, on the planet Neftali, this relaxation chamber was known as a "home away from home" for scouts.
Expo Starliner
this starship was a huge ship, much larger that a Koqus Starliner.
this scorched ball of rock was the innermost planet of the Chandrila System.
Express-class Shuttle
a Hapan ambassadorial transport ship.
Exquisite Death
this Yuuzhan Vong warship was under the command of Duman Yaght when it was dispatched to capture the Stardream and take possession of the Jedi Knights being transported in its berths. The Jedi were housed in the Exquisite Death's holds and transported to Myrkr for use in testing and feeding the voxyn which were bred there. With the help of several YVH S-series droids, the Jedi were able to overpower the Yuuzhan Vong crew and fly to Myrkr. However, their "secret" mission was discovered by the alein invaders, who allowed the Jedi to reach Myrkr in order to capture them. In a small shuttle, all the Jedi but Ulaha Kore fled the ship. The Bith remained behind, ostensibly in an effort to flee back to Eclipse. The ship was unable to escape the Yuuzhan Vong picket lines, and Ulaha Kore was forced to surrender. She did not go peacefully, however, detonating the Exquisite Death just as several matalok cruisers captured her.
this Victory-class Star Destroyer served the Imperial Fleet until Pash Cracken and his Academy buddies defected to the Alliance. The Star Destroyer tried to cut off their escape, but they managed to destroy it.
Extent Systems
manufacturers of interstellar cargo storage shells.
this Imperial-class Star Destroyer was built at the Kuat Drive Yards during the Galactic Civil War.
this was the name of the Bothan fire fighting team stationed in Drev'starn, on Bothawui.
Extolled One
this was the name given to a member of The Extolled.
Extolled, The
this was the term used by the former members of the Shamed Ones, in the wake of the defeat of the Yuuzhan Vong and the subsequent rebuilding of the galaxy. The new name stemmed from the fact that the Shamed Ones were able to rise up against their former oppressors in the other castes of Yuuzhan Vong society, and helped turn the tide of the war in the favor of the Galactic Alliance. These efforts ultimately saved the entire Yuuzhan Vong race from extinction, earning them their new name. Despite their history, the Extolled Ones were still looked upon as Shamed by the other castes, and had to struggle to earn their place as the highest members of the new Yuuzhan Vong society.
this race of aggressive warriors tried to take over large portions of the sector in which they lived, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. Known as the Extorin Minor Skirmishes, these battles for territory were eventually halted by the Jedi Knights.
Extorin Minor Skirmishes
this was the termused by historians to describe the Extorin race's attempt to expand their territory by forcibly evicting the natives of neighboring worlds. The Extorin were eventually defeated by the Jedi Knights.
Extragalactic Society
see ExGal Society
Extraordinary Session
this was the term given to any session of the Galactic Senate that was called to address an emergency situation. Attendance was mandatory for every Senator during an Extraordinary Session. One of the only known Extraordinary Sessions occurred after the First Battle of Coruscant, after Chancellor Palpatine survived the so-called Jedi Rebellion and needed to announce the establishment of the New Order.
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