Eelo Begraas
this Bothan was known as one of the scrawniest members if his race, during the last decades of the Old Republic. Nonetheless, Begraas became one of the most formidable starfighter pilots in the Mid Rim, and was a member of the Thaereian Military. He was often loaned out to the Hutts for sizable sums, but Begraas never botched a job, and his attention span was not wide enough to handle long-term planning activities. Over time, he became the Thaereian Military's ranking pilot, chief flight instructor, and tactical advisor. Begraas owned the modified Z-95 Headhunter Dicer, which he used to attack his targets with stealth and cunning. Shortly before the Battle of Naboo, Begraas and the Thaereians appeared in the Cularin System, but their intentions remained hidden.