E-elz, Entoo Needaan
this small, slender man served as the primary contact for anyone dealing with Jorj Car'das, in the years following his disappearance into the Kathol Outback. He preferred to go by the name Entoo Nee. He met up with Talon Kaarde on Dayark, and offered to bring him to Exocron. Kaarde was forced to decline, after being intercepted by some of Rei'kas' goons. Entoo Nee later met them at Rintatta City, on Exocron, when Karrde finally made it to the planet. Entoo Nee led them to Car'das' compound, and introduced them to an aging old man. When Karrde returned later, after defeating Rei'kas and his pirate fleet with the help of the Exocron Combined Air-Space Fleet and the Aing-Tii monks, Entoo Nee allowed them to greet the real Jorj Car'das.