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an Imperial scientist, Dr. Eloy was in charge of developing the second-generation laser cannons for the second Death Star under Bevel Lemelisk. (TME)

this Mon Calamari served the Alliance as a Commander, and was in command of the cruiser Wavesong. (MTSE)

sometimes called Elpoor, this planet is the innermost world of the Ropagi System. It is an unremarkable world of desolate, searing, rocky wastes. (TSK)

this main-sequence yellow star was the central body of the Elrood System. (PG3)

this city was located on the southern coast of Elrood's largest continent. (PG3)

Elraden Ocean
this was the southernmost of the three oceans found on the planet Elrood. (PG3)

this eopi was one of many family animals who were abandoned to the wild when the farmers of the planet Nadiem were forced to flee their homes when the Separatists attack the planet, some five months after the Battle of Geonosis. (CWA2)

this planet was the capital world of the Elrood Sector, and is a commercial colony with a reputable starship yard. It was located opposite the Outer Rim Territories, in the Metharian Nebula Territories. The planet was a temperate world of cities and plains. Its average day lasted 28 standard hours, and its year lasted 364 local days. Elrood was orbited by a pair of moons, Sharene and Lodos. It was first settled many thousands of years before the Battle of Yavin, and was named for the governor who funded the colony ships. Note that the Star Wars Adventure Journal, Issue 6 refers to this planet as Eldrood. (COJ, PG3, SWJ6)

Elrood Bazaar
this was the largest marketplace found on the planet Elrood, and was generally considered the largest such facility in the Elrood Sector. (PG3)

Elrood Planetary Communication Net
known as EPCoN, this communications network provided a variety of networking services for the planet Elrood, including the traffic control frequencies. (PG3)

Elrood Quarry Corporation
a privately-owned mineral mining operation based on the planet Elrood. It operates a number of mines, including the mineral mines on Bodrin. (PG)

Elrood Sector
this area of the galaxy was located opposite the Outer Rim Territories, in the Metharian Nebula Territories. (PG3)

Elrood Sector Stock Exchange
this was the primary stock exchange of the Elrood Sector. (PG3)

Elrood Space Central
this was the primary management agency which controlled the starports on the planet Elrood. (PG3)

Elrood Starport
this was the largest starport on the planet Elrood, located just outside the city of Elrooden. (OE)

Elrood Starport Command
this was the primary traffic control organization for the planet Elrood, during the height of the New Order. Known as the ESC, they were sticklers for details, and were known to spent whatever time was necessary to validate ship's manifests against actual cargoes. They also ensured that every incoming ship was fumigated, in order to minimize the potential spread of disease or vermin. (PG3)

Elrood StarYards Limited
his small starship manufacturer was based in the Elrood Sector, and was known for its Prosperity-class cruiser. (PG3)

Elrood-Derilyn Trade Route
this trade route runs through the Elrood Sector, connecting the Elrood, Kidron, and Derilyn planetary systems. (PG3)

the capital city of the planet Elrood. Note that the Star Wars Adventure Journal, Issue 6 refers to this city as Eldrooden. (PG3, SWJ6)

this was the name used to describe the human inhabitants of the planet Elrood. (PG3)

this female Devaronian served her homeworld as a Senator to the Old Republic, during the height of the Clone Wars. When she learned that a series of Separatist attacks on Republic supply convoys were being launched from a base on Devaron, she contacted her old friend, jedi Master Tr'a Saa, in the hopes of putting an end to the ambushes. Before she could reveal the name of the Separatist leader on Devaron to be that of her fellow Senator, Vien'sai'malloc, however, she was shot and killed by Aurra Sing. Sing had been hired by Vien'sai'malloc to eliminate Senator Elsah'sai'moro. (J3)

this man, a native of the planet Kuat, served the Imperial armed forces as a Lieutenant during the garrisoning of the forest moon of Endor. A graduate of the Academy on the planet Corulag, Elsek formed a friendly rivalry with Avarik which continued on Endor. Where Avarik was somewhat hot-headed, Elsek was smart and calm enough to make up for his partner's ways. Both were part of the scout trooper corps at Endor, before the Alliance destroyed the second Death Star. (CCG10)

Elshandruu Pica
this Outer Rim world, located in Quence Sector, is a haven for casinos, like Margath's on Elshandruu Pica. Its day lasts 26 standard hours, and the casinos there are rumored to stay open for 27 hours. The planet has three moons, two of which are ivory in color, and the third is blood red. (GG9, BW, IJ)

Elshandruu Pica Thundercloud
a mixed drink often served with a fizzy head formed by ionized gas. Some establishments used microshocks to illuminate the gas, making it look like a thundercloud. This particular beverage is highly inebriating. (GG9)

this gas giant, the third and outermost planet in the Garqi System, was orbited by seven moons. (GORW)

manufacturers of podracers and podracing engines. They produced the Turbodyne 99-U podracer. (IG1)

this is one of the two main continents of the planet Gacerian. (PG2)

this was a common name given to male Kel Dor. Like all Kel Dor given names, it was short enough that it didn't attract the attention of certain wind spirit, which would carry away young children with long-winded names. (GCG)

this Ansionian command was used to tell a suubatar mount to rise up and start moving. (APS)

this 50-meter long Imperial transport was assigned to mop up after the destruction of the Alliance base on Dankayo. The Elusive was armed with a pair of laser cannons and four doube-turbolaser batteries. Its commanding officer recovered several apparently worthless datapacks, which turned out to contain valuable information regarding Alliance undercover agents, safeworlds, and contacts. The ship was pursued across Paradise Sector by Alliance agents, and the datapacks were eventually recovered after a skirmish with the Squibs and Ugors. The battle erupted when the Squibs agreed to help drag the Elusive out of hyperspace with a gravity-well projector stolen from the Ugors. (SH)

this was the personal starship of the Herglic gambler Narloch. It was a modified Mneffe-class Superluminal shuttle, armed with a turret-mounted double laser cannon. (ND)

this ancient, walled city was the ostensible capital of Acherin, and was one of just three cities found on the entire planet. Eluthan was built atop a plateau, and was designed for both fortification and for beauty. The thick, stone walls were formed from contrasting colors of stone, giving the exterior walls an artistic pattern that made the city appear more like a sculpture than a well-defended settlement. The roads ands alleyways within Eluthan were laud out in a haphazard manner, lacking any sort of grid. Most buildings within the walls were created from a bronze-colored stone, and were no more than a couple of stories tall. The natives of Acherin considered the city to one of their most cherished treasures, and fought to preserve it against any attacks. During the final stages of the Clone Wars, the native Acherin population supported the Separatists, and established their military base within the walls of Eluthan. In the wake of the Clone Wars, much of the city was demolished when Imperial forces in orbit around Acherin bombarded the city, in an effort to root out any resistance from General Toma and his rebels. (LJ2)

Elwis Bontraar
this wealthy Bothan and his family lived on Coruscant during the last years of the Old Republic. He made his fortune in a number of endeavors, but was known as an information broker who maintained a wide-reaching network of agents to gather data. Shortly after the death of one of his agents, a Cerean named Anoura, Elwis' daughter, Jennalyn, was kidnapped by Zascha and held for ransom in Hutt Space. Zascha hoped to exact revenge against Bontraar for Anoura's death, since Anoura was her sister. Elwis hired a group of freelance agents - who were trying to recover a data disk from him - to rescue Jennalyn, during the planned exchange aboard the Masquerade. The agents succeeded in rescuing Jennalyn, but Zascha was able to escape. (WOA22)

this brand of entertainment modules immerses the user in an artificial world that looks, sounds, feels, tastes, and smells real. (RM)

EM Pulse Launcher
produced by Merr-Sonn during the height of the Clone Wars, the EM Pulse Launcher was the weapon of choice for the Jet Troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic. The blast from an EM Pulse Launcher created a huge amount of electromagnetic disruption, which fried the delicate circuitry of most droids. (LAWS)

E-Mag Mine
developed by Mesonics, the E-Mag mine was designed to detect the presense of a repulsor field as well as to detect an increase in pressure. Thus, these mines could be be set off by stepping on them, or by flying a speeder over them. (GUN)

this female Squib was part of a trio who worked behind the scenes, gathering information about the shadier parts of the galaxy and providing it to the New Republic Intelligence agency. They worked from a base on Tatooine, and were known to have extensive knowledge of the planet's deserts. Emala accompanied Leia Organa Solo and her husband, Han Solo, to Tatooine, as part of a mission to intercept a group of Imperial agents. Emala worked with her partners, Sligh and Grees, to complete their non-human entourage. After Tatooine, the Squibs decided that selling art to the Imperials was not only profitable, but an excellent way to obtain more information about Imperial activities. They also aligned themselves with the Invisible Shell to help further their efforts in obtaining rare artwork. They made no effort to correct the NRI's assumption that it was Ludlo Lebauer providing the artworks to the Empire, since it ensured they could continue their efforts without being identified. Unfortunately, Grees had gotten too greedy and was captured by Ludlo Lebauer and frozen in carbonite, after a deal had gone bad between them. Emala and Sligh were forced to manipulate the Solos into helping rescue Grees, who had become known as the Second Mistake to Lebauer. Using their NRI contacts, the Squibs met up with the Solos on Pavo Prime and convinced them to recover the Second Mistake in addition to the ten Alderaanian boasas which were the real object of the Solos' mission. In the wake of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion and the subsequent galactic reconstruction, the three Squibs established a transport operation known as Second Mistake Enterprises, and were hired by the Colony to transport spinglass sculptures to the rest of the galaxy. The Squibs were unaware that each sculpture contained a handful of Gorog assassin bugs. Note that this character is referred to as Elama several times during the early chapters of Tatooine Ghost. (TG, SWI67, DN2)

Emancipation Virus
developed by Xalto Sneerzick and Babalabbet Swoont, this small program was designed to work its way into a droid's programming and destroy any subservient traits. The virus also eliminated the droid's life preservation programming, freeing the droid from any bonds it might have had to organic masters. Sneerzick had been raiding Cosmohaul Shipping transport vessels, looking for droids to free, when he was presented the opportunity to take control of the Argent Lady and its cargo of 100 R5 droids. He set the emancipation virus free among the R5s, hoping to test it further and enlist more followers. However, the R5 personality matrix - as programmed by Industrial Automaton - was poorly completed in order to shave off a few credits in the price of the droids. The R5 series tends to grew sour and bitter with age, and this trait brought out the worst possible result in the emancipation virus. The R5s began to turn against anything in their way, including Sneerzick's followers. The R5s were destroyed by a team of freelance mercenaries, but not before they managed to kill Sneerzick and his fellow abolitionists. (SWJ9)

an Imperial-I class Star Destroyer captured by the New Republic, the Emancipator was originally known as the Imperial ship Accuser. The Emancipator first saw duty for the New Republic when Laryn Kre'fey used it as the command ship in the assault on the Imperial baseworld Blackmoon. Later, the Emancipator was the lead ship in the force sent to take Ciutric back from Prince-Admiral Krennel. The ship and its fleet barely survived, and the Emancipator lived to fight another day. After the rise to power of Emperor Palpatine's clone on Byss, the Emancipator was commanded by Wedge Antilles and Lando Calrissian at the first Battle of Calamari. It sustained a great deal of damage, and Lando was finally forced to abandon it. Instead of condemning the ship to a useless death, he rammed a World Devastator with it, after getting the crew offboard. Note that, according to X-Wing: Isard's Revenge, this ship was an Imperial-II class warship. (DE1, XWN, IR)

this was the name Bria Tharen gave to the captured slave ship Helot's Shackle. (RD)

this special voucher was created by the Old Republic in support of the Victory Rationing Orders and Regulation Plan, during the early stages of the Clone Wars. A T-marker could be obtained by authorized emergency service providers to obtain starship fuel for their fleets. (SWI67)

this Imperial Navy Captain was in command of the Tempest while it was patrolling near Dulathia, during the early years of the New Republic. He was forced to flee Dulathia for Garos IV when the New Republic took control of the planet. (SWJ3)

this beautiful planet is covered with rolling hills and wondrous lakes. It is located within the Allied Tion. (ML)

Embassies Row
this wide avenue, located within Coruscant's Dometown, was the site of many embassies which provided assistance to the variety of non-human species who lived there. (BP)

Embassy Mall
this was the name given to the wide thoroughfare that connected many of the Old Republic's embassies on the planet Coruscant, during the last decades of the Republic. (LEV)

this ball of searing rock was the innermost planet of the Belgaroth System. (CCW)

this planet was the homeworld of the Mistryl Shadow Guards warrior sect. During the Clone Wars, the Eleven Elders of the planet decided to side with the Confederacy of Independent Systems. This allowed the leaders to tap into the vast wealth of Separatist military, which helped them conquer nearby worlds and convert them to Separatist holdings. In the wake of the Clone Wars, however, many of the worlds that had been subjugated by the Mistryls banded together and rebelled against their oppressors. These worlds eventually won their freedom and attacked Emberlene itself. The population of the planet was decimated in this attack, leaving just a handful of survivors. These survivors, however, remembered a different history, which was taught to subsequent generations. These survivors believed that Emberlene was once an idyllic world, but it became one of the first worlds destroyed by the Empire for supposedly rebellious activity. According to the survivors, this was the primary reason the Mistryl were created, as a way to exact revenge on the Empire. The Mistryl of subsequent generations felt all the more cheated when the destruction of the planet Caamas was made public, and there was a great swelling of outrage - and still Emberlene remained a nearly lifeless hulk. Eventually, Jorj Car'das revealed the truth behind Emberlene's destruction to Shada D'ukal, explaining that the Eleven Elders who ruled the planet set out to conquer and plunder any and all worlds within their reach. According to Car'das, the backlash that occurred after the Clone Wars was "overly thorough" in its results, since the forces arrayed against Emberlene nearly wiped out all life on the planet. Car'das offered to give Shada the information that would lead her to source of the mercenary group that attacked Emberlene, but she decided that the time had come for her people to simply start living again, rather than existing only for revenge. (SOP, VOF, HG)

this male Hutt was the leader of the resistance group known as the Sisar Runners, during the height of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. Embra was one of the many leaders who agreed to join the Galactic Alliance, as plans were put into motion to finally win the war against the Yuuzhan Vong. It was Embra who first voiced concern over dedicating any resources to retaking Coruscant, as the Galactic Alliance prepared to meet the massed Yuuzhan Vong fleet. Could this be the same Embra that was captured and sacrificed in two stories found in the Star Wars Gamer magazine series? (UF)

this Hutt was one of Jabba the Hutt's main business associates, during the years leading up to the Battle of Yavin. Embra was somewhat unusual among Hutts in that he chose to operate in a non-violent way whenever possible. He rewarded individuals for success, rather then eliminating them for failure, and garnered a loyalty among his subjects that was not found in Jabba's court. It was rumored that Embra disagreed with Jabba's placement of a bounty on the head of Han Solo, claiming that the loss of a small cargo was preferable to the loss of a skileld smuggler. Embra was part of the trio of Hutts, along with Jabba and Malta, who wagered on the effectiveness of various business methods in recovering the fabled Yavin Vassilika. Embra hired Zuckuss and 4-LOM, as well as Sardu Wallowe, to locate Illyan Webble and the crystal. Embra hoped to prove that efficient business practices would win out against brute force and treachery in the search for the Vassilika. Years later, during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, Embra was one of the few Hutt leaders who remain in Hutt Space after the alien invaders assumed control of Nal Hutta. By this time, Embra had metamorphosed into a female, and decided to hide out on Nar Shaddaa and hope that the Yuuzhan Vong wouldn't find her. Unfortunately, the aliens captured one of her Klatooinian commanders, who told the Yuuzhan Vong about her location before he was sacrificed. The Yuuzhan Vong eventually located and captured Embra, offering her up as a sacrifice to their gods. Note that a male Hutt named Embra appears in The Unifying Force as the leader of the Sisar Runners. (UYV, GMR6, GMR8)

Embrace of Pain
this was the term used by the Yuuzhan Vong to describe their restraint system used to control slaves. The Embrace of Pain stood over two meters tall, and used leather-like, tentacular straps to bind the arms, legs, and torso of a captive. It then administered a constant level of pain to the captive, to remind the captive that it was securely bound. If the captive became too immune to the pain, the Embrace could administer more. If the captive suffered too much, the Embrace could reduce the amount of pain it produced. In this way, a slave could be quickly forced into submission by administering just enough pain to immobilize them. The Embrace of Pain could also bring a victim to a certain level of pain, just beyond the victim's limit, in order to continually condition the victim. The leather tentacles could tighten automatically if the captive tried to escape, although escape was difficult because the captive was often restrained in an inverse position: feet up in the air, head near the ground. (DTO, T, NJOSB)

Embrace of the Tion
this glitz band often played live at Orman's Sky Palace. (ML)

Embrul Joff
this was a distinguished Miraluka individual in the history of Alpheridies. (UANT)

this name was commonly given to Quarren males, and meant "regal". (GCG)

Emen Rooshan
this greedy Twi'lek male was one of the leaders of the Rooshan clan, and was part of the head-clan that led the small city of Lohema during the last years of the Old Republic. He tried to have Ged Ku'rys assassinated, so that he could take control of the Joreikna mines and eliminate his chief rival. (GORW)

Emerald Lance
this modified YV-330 freighter was originaly outfitted to serve in the defense fleet which protected the Corellian Sector. It was later sold at auction to a group of pirate-hunters during the height of the Galactic Civil War. The standard armament of the YV-300 was replaced with an autoblaster, a pair of heavy laser cannons, four ion cannons, and four concussion missile launchers. The ship's cargo section was left intact, since it had to carry a semi-legitimate cargo in order to attract pirates. (GMR2)

Emerald Shark
a colorful, predatory fish native to the planet Dubrillion. (DTR)

Emerald Splendor Estates
this collection of luxury condominiums and houses was constructed on the planet Byss for wealthy supporters of Emperor Palpatine, in the wake of the Clone Wars. Those individuals and families who agreed to move to Byss were asked to keep information about their new home a secret, ostensibly to keep tourists and other beings from learning about its location. (EAR)

Emerald Twilight
this was the name of Sheel Odala's smuggling ship. (SWEIA)

this was a brilliant green gemstone. (BP)

Emergency Amendment 121b
this was the fifth of the major amendments ratified by the Old Republic Senate, during the hostilities of the Clone Wars. Sometimes called the Reflex Amendment, this decision by the Old Republic Senate provided for an increase in Emperor Palpatine's ability to react to the battles being fought during the Clone Wars. Ostensibly, the law gave Palpatine unprecedented control over the movement of military assets across areas of jurisdiction, shifting the responsibility for maneuvering defenses from the regional sector or planetary governments to Palpatine himself. (SWI71)

Emergency Command Center
this building served as the base of operations for the evacuation of the planet Radnor, some five years after the Battle of Naboo. An endemic plague had been unleashed in the city of Aubendo, and the ECC was established to ensure that the personal belongings of those Radnorans fleeing the planet were kept safe until their return. (JQ1)

Emergency Plans and Procedures
the 365-page Imperial document which is provided to all of the Empire's installations, it contains the contigency plans for a number of situations. Tol Sivron and his team at the Maw Installation used it to the letter, which ultimately may have cost them their lives. (COTF)

Emergency Powers Act
this was the name given to the first amendment of the Old Republic's laws governing the length of the term of a Supreme Chancellor. The passage of the Emergency Powers Act occurred shortly before the onset of the Clone Wars, when Chancellor Palpatine was nearing the end of his term. Crises on Raxus Prime and Antar 4 had caused the Galactic Senate to vote on extending Palpatine's tenure as Chancellor, in an effort to keep the Old Republic "on an even keel" and not "change dewbacks in the middle of a sand dune." The passage of the Emergency Powers Act kept Palpatine in power until the Battle of Geonosis, when his tenure was once again extended after Jar-Jar Binks, sitting in for Senator Padme' Amidala, put forth a motion to grant Palpatine another extension, as well as the ability to create the Grand Army of the Republic. (LEV)

Emergency Reactivator
this electronic circuit was often installed in droids which had important duties to perform with living beings. During periods of inactivity, most droids shut down to conserve power. If one of their living companions is injured or falls into trouble during this time, a shouted codephrase or command would trigger the emergency reactivator, switching the droid on in time to assess the situation and provide assistance. (MC18)

Emergency Stud
a small button which, when pushed, ignites a series of explosive bolts which jettison a starship's cockpit cover, allowing the pilot to escape the ship. (SME)

this small planetoid was the considered the first world in the Genesia System of Brak Sector. (FBS)

Emil, Vin
this doctor of planetology was one of the original personnel at the Q'Maere Research Facility, and was also one of those stranded at the base when Moff Sarne fled Kal'Shebbol. He was offered a top-secret position by Sarne himself, a position which Emil gladly accepted. However, his participation in the interrogation and destruction of prisoners left him a withdrawn and introverted individual. (KR)

this Imperial-class Star Destroyer was dispatched to the StarCave of ThonBoka, and recorded the events of the blockade for transmission to Coruscant. (ECH)

Eminent Domiciles
this was a popular holovid series during the last years of the Old Republic. Each episode featured the homes and estates of one of the galaxy's most prominent figures, from the worlds of politics and entertainment. It was believed that Shu Mai's fortress outside the city of Kway Teow, on Felucia, was the subject of one episode. It was the footage from this episode that helped Aalya Secura and Barriss Offee infiiltrate the fortress and capture Shu Mai, near the end of the Clone Wars. (ROF)

this man served as an Imperial General during the height of the New Order, during which time he was based on the planet Challon. It was General Emir who hired Torgas and the Assassin's Guild to eliminate Leia Organa, during one of her early missions on behalf of the Imperial Senate. In order to try and ensure Leia's death, Emir also hired Giles Durane to make Torgas and his assassins were silenced, then kill Leia himself. Neither plan worked, as Torgas was killed by Durane, who was later shot and killed by Leia. (MCI3)

Emissary, The
according to the ancient Sharu legends, the Emissary would accompany the Bearer to the Rafa System when it was time for the Mindharp to be activated. The Bearer would possess the Key of the Overpeople, and would appear when the ancient danger had passed and it was time for the Sharu to emerge from hiding. The Emissary was described in the legends as a strange, five-sided alien who was more mechanical than organic. Any being discovered to be falsely posing as the Emissary would be summarily executed, and the false Bearer would be left to die in the wilderness of Rafa V. When Rokur Gepta heard this, he activated Vuffi Raa and kept him on Rafa IV while Osuno Whett went to the Oseon System to search out a candidate for the Bearer. When Whett found Lando Calrissian, he used Vuffi Raa as credit in a game of sabacc, which he then lost on purpose. This led Lando to the Rafa System and into the hands of Gepta and Duttes Mer, where he eventually recovered the Mindharp with the help of Mohs. (LCM)

this small city, located on the planet Chandrila, was the site of one of the planet's three main spaceports. (CCW)

this young woman was a servant indentured to Baroness Muehling of Kuat. In reality, Emlee was Jaina Solo, who was working with Mara Jade Skywalker to discover the truth behind Dassid Cree'ar's work on the planet Duro. (BP)

this was the name given to the nomadic natives of the planet Shalyvane. The Em'liy were often very concerned about the impression given by others, and entire wars have been fought over whether or not one Em'liy leader impressed another. However, when the Empire subjugated Shalyvane and established a garrison on the planet, the Em'liy were forced to flee into the wilderness and reassess their beliefs. Natural survivors, the Em'liy began to lash out at the off-worlders who were taking control of their planet, fighting a series of guerilla skirmishes against the Imperials. The average Em'liy stood nearly two meters in height, and was heavily muscled. Their skin coloration could range from yellow to orange to blue, and they wore their hair in long topknots that denoted their social status and intimidated their enemies. Each Em'liy appeared to be almost faceless, as their olfactory and auditory systems were completely internal, being covered with a thin layer ofgas-permeable skin. (UANT, GMR1)

this was the native language of the Em'liy people. (UANT)

a planet located in Nilgaard Sector. It was the first terrestrial planet in the Emmer System, which was dominated by an asteroid belt and a gas giant with six moons. It was colonized many millennia before the Battle of Yavin, and the human stock of the original colonists evolved into a stout-bodied race of near-humans known as Emmerians. The planet was also home to contingents of Herglics, Ugors, and Defels. Those areas not covered with urban sprawl were covered with a tall grass which radiated a polychromatic light like a fiber-optic cable. This grass was extremely resilient and fast-growing, making it impossible to build roads on the planet. The planet's heavy gravity virtually nullified the effects of standard repulsor-lift vehicles, so walker-like vehicles were produced to move about. The Empire modeled their AT-AT's after many Emmerian innovations. (ND)

this race of stout near-humans descended from the original human colonists of the planet Emmer. (ND)

Emo Aucellis Tribute March
this triumphant march was composed in honor of Emo Aucellis, and used as the theme music for the advertisements for Aucellis Park. (WOA27)

Emont O'ock
this was a noted member of Muun society. (UANT)

Emotional Hostages
a song written and played by Anadale Fayde. It was first released as part of the compilation Darkness on the Land, and has been given a scarlet rating by the Imperial Board of Culture. (GG9)

Emotional Hostages
the title of a compilation of songs by Annadale Fayde, released before the song of the same name. (GG9)

EMP grenades
detonation devices which destroy objects with shards of flying shrapnel. (CPL)

EmPal SuRecon Center
see Emperor Palpatine Surgical Reconstruction Center (E3N)

Empartheca System
this star system was located near Quence Sector. (HR)

Emperiax Walking Throne
this was a large, six-legged form of mechno-chair, developed by Arakyd Industries. It held the distinction of being the first "walker" ever to be mass-produced, and was based on a custom design created for an Old Republic warlord. Most of these walkers were little more than an ornate chair set atop the six legs, with enough space for 300 kilograms of cargo. A later version, known as the Royux, removed 150 kilograms of cargo capacity in favor of a pilot's chair. (AEG)

this was one of the two massiffs owned by Kedar Blackgate, on the planet Sacorria. (CCW)

Emperor of Air and Darkness
a compilation of songs written and played by the band Deeply Religious. It has been banned by the Imperial Board of Culture. (GG9)

Emperor Palpatine Surgical Reconstruction Center
this was the new name given to the Coruscant Medical Hospital in the wake of the Clone Wars and the formation of the Galactic Empire. Located at the top of one of Imperial City's tallest buildings, the so-called EmPal SuRecon facility was once - and, in the minds of many of Coruscant's citizens, still is - one of the most advanced centers for the treatment of badly injured patients. However, after the institution of the New Order, Palpatine had the facility retooled for his own evil needs. Additional shielding and the placement of VLD2261 laser cannons were installed to protect the building, while a complete Sith medical center was installed inside. Palpatine, in his guise as Darth Sidious, maintained a meditation chamber within the center. Crystals from Korriban, steeped in the Dark Side of the Force, were used alongside the galaxy's most advanced medical technologies, allowing Palpatine to twist his adepts and advisors to his own needs. It was here that Darth Vader was brought, after he was badly injured on Mustafar by Obi-Wan Kenobi, to undergo the reconstruction necessary to keep his body alive. A portion of this facility was destroyed when Vader was allowed to leave the operating table, when Palpatine revealed that it was Vader himself who had killed his wife, Padme' Amidala Skywalker. In his rage, Vader unleashed a wave of telekinetic power that destroyed the medical droids that were attending him, and much of the room suffered from structural damage. (E3N, SWDB)

Emperor Suites
some of the finest accommodations found aboard the Kuari Princess, the Emperor Suites can run up to 1,000 credits per day. (RM)

this was a model of beam tube produced by Timms UniStar Armaments during the early years of the Old Republic. The cumbersome weapon was powered by an apparatus that had to be worn by the shooter, and it generated large amounts of heat when in use. (EGW)

Emperor's Black Bones, The
this phrase is often used to describe the worst of all surprises, as in, "Emperor's Black Bones, what are you doing here?" (IR)

Emperor's Black Heart, The
this phrase is often used to describe the worst of any possible option, as in, "What in the Emperor's Black Heart are you doing?" (IJ)

Emperor's Citadel, The
the Emperor's black tower on Byss, this complex of living quarters and labroatories was guarded by a battery of the most advanced turbolasers, not to mention Imperial Sovereign protectors and other creatures that had been twisted by the Dark Side of the Force. (DE1, DE2, PH)

Emperor's Demonstration Team
this was a specialized part of the Imperial Armed Forces, which made public demonstrations of the scope of the Imperials talents. Besides military demonstrations involving marksmanship and piloting skills, they also performed military marches. (CCG10)

Emperor's Disciple
this Imperial Star Destroyer was Grand Admiral Ishin Il-raz's flagship, until shortly after the Battle of Endor. When Emperor Palpatine died, Grand Admiral Il-Raz feared that his own career would be terminated by one of the other Grand Admirals. Rather than face them, Il-Raz committed suicide by flying the Emperor's Disciple into the heart of the Denarii Nova. In addition to his own death, Il-Raz took the lives of more than 37,000 other Imperial officers. (SWI66)

Emperor's Dozen
this was a slang term used by Alliance starfighter pilots to describe a squadron of TIE Fighters. (SWJ10)

Emperor's Dualities, The
a slang term used by Halla for Palpatine's testicles. (SME)

Emperor's Ears
this was an expletive used by many Imperial officers during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. (FH1)

Emperor's Guard
this was the original name of the Royal Imperial Guard, used during the early days of the New Order. (SWMW)

Emperor's Hand
this was the codename given to many beings, including Mara Jade, by Emperor Palpatine. Like nearly every other member of this secret group, Mara believed that she was the only person given the codename, until Grand Admiral Thrawn suggested that she was one of many "Hands." In fact, records from the years following the Clone Wars revealed that there many Emperor's Hands. Roganda Ismaren was one of them, and Maarek Stele's rise to prominence revealed that the Emperor's Secret Order of the Empire was overseen by them. Shira Brie and Arden Lyn were also discovered to have served as an Emperor's Hand. The Emperor's Hand was an agent dispatched to do the work that stormtroopers and Imperial officers couldn't handle. The Emperor's Hand was chosen because of their sensitivity to the Force, which allowed Palpatine to call to them from across great distances. The Hands could also report status across this link. Among the many roles of the Emperor's Hand were executioner, spy, and informant, and they were assigned missions that helped ensure Palpatine retained control of the bureaucracy of the Empire. Most beings who served as an Emperor's Hand believed themselves to be unique, the only being chosen to be Palpatine's special agent. This was a mentality that was fostered by Palpatine at every turn, for he believed that men and women needed to feel unique and irreplaceable. By withholding the true nature of the Emperor's Hands, Palpatine was able to motivate them to do incredible things. Often, however, individual Hands discovered that they were not unique, and found themselves torn between their so-called loyalty to Palpatine and their feelings of anger at his betrayal. (HTTE, DFR, COJ, TIE, SWI85)

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