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this planet, located in the Joxin System of the Tion Cluster, was blockaded by the Corporate Sector Authority during the early years of the New Order, when a mysterious plague broke out on its surface. The disease became known as the Endregaad Plague, because it had never been seen before. The blockade managed to keep the disease from spreading to nearby worlds, but also isolated the planet's inhabitants. For much of its history, Endregaad was believed to have been a swamp world, until ecological changes in climate caused the shallow seas to evaporate. Endregaad eventually became an arid, dusty world known for its colorful rock formations of red sandstone and blue granite. The surface of the planet was continually swept by wind- and sandstorms that scoured the earth and left nothing behind. For this reaon, the settlers built their outposts atop mesas and plateaus. Local legend held that banshees rode the winds that swept the bottomlands, seeking to exact an unknown revenge. Much of the planet's economy was centered on the mining of geodes, which provided a wide variety of crystals for jewelry and art. (TF)

Endregaad Plague
this was the name given to the virulent disease that sprang up on the planet Endregaad during the early years of the New Order. It affected one being in ten, and was distinguished by a fever, extreme loss of body fluids, crusting around the eyes and mouth, and a thickening of the fingers and tongue. Initial investigation by Endregaad's medical community revealed that no species was naturally immune to the plague, but the effects of the disease appeared to be non-fatal. Medicinal spice was found to be a way to control or even cure the disease, allowing a being to recover quickly. While the plague was still infectious, a being had to continue to take the spice treatments, or risk being infected again. Repeated infections would eventually lead to death, as the body became too weak to fight back. Further investigation into the plague revealed that it had striking similarities to diseases which affected other arid worlds like Endregaad. Mika the Hutt discovered that plague's source was a downed YV-100 freighter that had crashed near the Temple Valley. The freighter had been traveling in the Indrexu Spiral when the crew contracted the original plague, and crashed on Endregaad when the crew finally died fom repeated exposure. However, few knew that the freighter was actually one of Mika's own ships, and had been in the Indrexu Spiral on a mission to deliver tempest spice. In the following months, Angela Krin discovered that the Endregaad Plague was a mutated form of a virus that was native to Varl, the planet that was once home to the Hutts. Complicating matters, the virus was capable of altering normal spice into a crude form of tempest. (TF)

this obnoxious young boy was one of the two Venerated Ones from the planet Vandelhelm. Endro was known formally by his full name, Endrodanar Tiopuld Shaamador Vandelhelm XXIV. Just before the Battle of Endor, Endro and Lilli were whisked off the planet when it became apparent that galactic power was going to change hands. The children were the last heirs to the Vandel and Helm lines, and were given over to Alliance supporters on Ord Vaug. Following the Battle, Han Solo was contracted to pick them up on Ord Vaug and return them to Vandelhelm, an action which would help restore ore shipments to Fondor. They were necessary because they held the control codes which could be used to move the ore convoy out of the system. After Lilli and Endro were formally instated as the Venerated Ones shortly after their return, Endro displayed a knowledge and skill with all manner of technology, which complimented Lilli's keen business sense. Endro was responsible for reaching an accord with the Metalsmiths' Guild that protected Vandelhelm's environment from pollution, keeping it a pristine world for all to experience. However, like many in the Metalsmiths' Guild, Endro chafed at Lilli's demands, especially when it came to the production of the Solo-class combat freighter. Endro plotted with several prominent guildsmen to discredit Lilli during the dedication ceremony for the so-called Solo Fleet, but his plans were exposed by Nien Nunb. (PH)

Endrodanar Tiopuld Shaamador Vandelhelm XXIV
this was the full name of the young man who was one of Vandelhelm's Venerated Ones during the last years of the New Order. (PH)

Endrolian Ground-apple Juice
this beverage is supposedly non-alcoholic, but it can be quickly fermented into a fine spirit. (GG9)

the first of the New Republic's Endurance-class fleet carriers, this ship was assigned to the Fifth Battle Group. At the Battle of Orinda, the Endurance kept its smaller fighters in their bays until most of the Imperial fire was eliminated. This proved to be a faulty tactic, as the Endurance came under fire from the Super-class Star Destroyer Reaper. The Endurance was overwhelmed, and was destroyed before it could launch any form of counterattack. (BTS, ECH)

this was one of the face cards in a standard sabacc deck, worth either positive or negative eight. (LCM)

Endurance-class Fleet Carrier
one of several new warship designs created during the early years of the New Republic, the Endurance-class fleet carrier was one of the new classes approved for use by the Navy. Like other starships of the new class, the Endurance-class was based on another design which had already been proved, the Nebula-class destroyer. It measured 1,040 meters in length, and was armed with 12 turbolaser cannons, 20 laser cannons, 8 ion cannons, and 4 tractor beam projectors. The Endurance-class ship required a crew of 6,795, with 76 gunners and room for 1,600 troops. The Endurance-class Carrier was designed to be a primary source of support for a battle fleet, and could easily act as a command ship to a small fleet. The carrier maintained a pair of starfighter wings, one for close assault and one for long-range superiority. (BTS, CTD)

this Doctor of Biology led the biological research lab at the Empire's outpost on Lotide. (BI)

this meat is a Corellian staple and, like most Corellian foods, is best served fried. It is said that properly-cooked endwa slides down the throat slowly. (IJ)

this was a simple, open-ended wrench that was used by mechanics throughout the galaxy. (LCS)

this Publictechnic 850.AA maintenance droid was purchased by the government of the planet Lo'Uran. Female in disposition, Enell was part of the droid pool which maintained the Landing Nest, and she genuinely liked her job, mainly because the general population of Lo'Uran respected and admired the work she and the other droids did to maintain the planet's beauty. When Imperial Governor Blithane arrived, he took out a great deal of his aggression on Enell and her fellow droids. Thus, when Blithane was arrested and taken into custody, Enell and the other droids made sure that there were no administrative or technical glitches which would have prevented his extradition. (SWJ10)

this gas giant was the second and outermost planet in the Thurra System. It was orbited by some forty moons. (GORW)

Energy Array
this was the name given to the starship system that maintained the distribution of power to weapons, shields, and engines. The exact distribution of power could be set by the pilot, but the Energy Array maintained it during flight and/or combat. (XWA)

Energy Ball
a small artillery weapon developed by the Gungans, energy balls were just that: small blue spheres of coherent energy. They came in various sizes, depending on the target the Gungans were using them against. Each energy ball acted much like the blast from an ion cannon. The energy contained in the blue sphere was dispersed upon detonation, wreaking havoc with electrical systems and severely damaging organic nervous systems. The outer shell is made from a charged organic matrix, while the innards are made from unstable energy masses. (TPM, IG1)

Energy Battery
any multi-cannon laser or ion weapon. (SW)

Energy Binder
this thick band of electromagentic energy is harnessed between two small generators, and is used to keep the opposing engines of a pod racer from flying off in opposite directions. While generally harmless when compared to the rest of the pod's components, a body part caught in the binder's beam will be rendered numb for hours. (SW1)

Energy Cell
any rechargeable power source. (SW)

Energy Collection Repository
this was the primary facility, established by the Old Republic, that mined raw energy from the volcanic world of Sarapin. Although the Energy Collection Repository was protected by an dense energy grid, it was overrun shortly before the Battle of Yavin. (GBC)

Energy Cutter
a starship mechanic's tool. (HSE)

Energy Drum
one of the marvels of Gungan technology, the energy drum supplies the power needed to generate their incredible deflector shields. It is often mounted atop a fambaa or other large creature, and is designed to collect energy from an energy emitter and store it for use in the shields. At the touch of a switch, the drum releases the energy in the form of a viscous shield that forms a dome over the heads of the Gungan army. (IG1)

Energy Emittance Baffler
this device, designed and manufactured by Santhe/Sienar Technologies, was a key component of the Empire's early cloaking device technology. Codenamed NOVA, the baffler project was approved by Emperor Palpatine himself. The device was made up of five parts: an emission modifier, a low-energy baffler, an emission analyzer, and energy directional scrambler, and an energy cluster blanket. (ML)

Energy Emitter
this Gungan devices is mounted atop a fambaa or other large creature, and then drawn into battle. When activated, the emitter generates a huge amount of power that is focused onto a nearby energy drum. The drum then collects the energy and uses it to generate a powerful deflector shield. (IG1)

Energy Gate
a static force field used to restrict access to an area. (SW)

Energy Goo
this was the term used by the Gungans to describe the energized plasma they harvested from the core of their homeworld of Naboo. The blue energy goo was used in the creation of energy balls and other forms of Gungan weapons. (NEGW)

Energy Lathe
a machinist's tool found in most spaceport repair shops. (SWR)

Energy Links
this form of handcuffs was developed by the Empire used a connected, twisted stream of live energy to bind a being's wrists. (LTA4)

Energy Mining
an illegal form of mining in which powerful bursts of energy are used to cut through the rock and locate natural ores and minerals. The discharges produced by the creation of the energy beam as well as from the mining process itself are flung into a planet's atmosphere, where they interact with the planet's natural energies to create huge electrical storms and deadly fallout. It is for this reason that energy mining has been outlawed, since it posed significant threats to a planet's populace. (SME)

Energy Pike
this crude weapon is similar to a force pike, but releases an electrical discharge on contact. (SWJ9)

Energy Rifle
this was an outdated form of inexpensive, mass-produced blaster weapon. (MC17)

Energy Shell
this projectile weapon was developed by the Baktoid Armor Workshop for deployment in the AAT battle tank. An energy shell is a contained detonation device wrapped in a protective cocoon of plasma energy. This cocoon allows it to penetrate further before exploding, making it a dangerous piece of artillery. (X1)

Energy Shield
this small device was used to limit the power usage of a droid, to prevent it from acting in strange or inappropriate ways. When attached to the droid, the energy shield curtailed the amount of power a droid could draw from its own internal power source, limiting it to just basic functions until the droid could be repaired. (MDCAR)

Energy Sink
this device is used in many forms of battle armor. Its primary function is to absorb the energy of a blaster bolt which strikes the armor. On stormtrooper armor, the energy sinks are the small blocks located on the utility belt. (ISB)

Energy Spider
a denizen of the Kessel spice mines, this spider looked like it had been made of glass. These creatures were apparently another source of the glitterstim spice, which they also consumed and synthesized for use as a webbing to trap the bogeys for food. They used their fangs to impale their victims, and drained their life-energy. Their rounded bodies were studded with dozens of legs, hundreds of mouths, and literally thousands of eyes. Also known as spice spiders, it was rumored that energy spiders grew one leg for every year of growth, but this was never proven. (JS, JASB, ANT, GORW)

Energy Sword
developed and produced exclusively on the planet Velmor, this ancient weapon was known for its ceremonial appearance as well as its deadly precision. The energy sword was simply a very fine blade which had been charged with focused plasma energy. This plasma energy was created by a power cell hidden in the hilt of the sword, and focused through a pair of velmorite crystals. Because of the energy that coursed up and down the blade, energy swords repelled each other when brought together in a duel, requiring that the wielder be quite skilled in their usage. Velmorian traditions long held that duels should be settled with energy swords, with the victor decapitating their opponent with the blade at the end of the duel. While similar in many respects to the lightsaber of the Jedi Knights, the energy sword was no match for the Jedi weapon. (PH)

Energy Torpedo
this form of torpedo was developed during the last decades of the Old Republic, as an alternative to standard concussion missiles. Instead of a concussion-wave of explosion, the energy torpedo released an energy-wave created by highly-charged particles contained in its shell. (SOG)

Energy Trap
this was a form of protective defense that could be created by Dark Jedi and Sith practitioners. The energy trap was essentially a concentration of Dark Side energy that was nearly invisible to the naked eye. However, it could sometimes be discovered in a being's peripheral vision as a brief flash of deep color. When a Jedi Knight stumbled into an energy trap, they found themselves instantly immobilized, unable to move without tightening the trap. Only those Jedi Masters who managed to dedicate their complete concentration to escaping the trap could break free. Because of this, many Sith left energy traps just outside areas where they could ambush the Jedi, forcing a being that was trapped to choose between utter withdrawal or useless thrashing in order to break free. (JQ10)

Energy Web
developed by the New Republic, an energy web was a speciallized form of shielding that protected a large object from being damaged while in transit. (FH1)

Energy Web Generator
this strange weapon was created by the Aing-Tii monks for use aboard their Sanhedrim starships. The generators produce a network of lightning-like energy that arcs from the weapon and assails its target, much like an ion cannon burst. (KO)

Enet System
this planetary system was located in Brak Sector. (FBS)

this Imperial Sergeant Major was in charge of security around detention block AA-23 aboard the first Death Star. He served as Shann Childsen's attaché, and was in command of a squadron of Death Star troopers. (CCG9)

this one of the many Strike-class cruisers used by the Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. (XVT)

this Victory-I class Star Destroyer was part of the Corporate Sector Authority fleet under the command of Baruche Sloane. (TSK)

Enforced Virtues
this was a term used by many beings who had left the Jedi Order to describe the feelings that they had been taught to repress. Humility was considered one of the Enforced Virtues, since it often had to be learned rather than cultivated by choice. (YDR)

this was one of the two major divisions of the Pentastar Alignment, standing opposite the Chamber of Order and concerning itself with public allegiance, law enforcement, and the day-to-day duties of the Pentastar Patrol. (SWJ3)

Enforcement Central
this was the massive database maintained by the Imperial Office of Criminal Investigations, in order to keep track of the variety of bounties which were posted during the New Order. Established and registered bounty hunters had direct access to the database, in order to view the current status of a bounty. (GG10)

Enforcement Guides
these were the primary police force of the planet Kegan, during the rulership of V-Tan and O-Vieve. (FFT)

this Imperial bulk cruiser was part of Admiral Greelanx's last line, during the Battle of Nar Shaddaa. (THG)

this was one of the Nebulon-B frigates which were used by the Imperial Navy, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (XW)

this projectile pistol was produced by the Morellian Weapons Conglomerate. It was larger than a slugthrower and had a hevay recoil action, which made rapid fire extremely erratic. (AEG)

Enforcer One
the ancient dreadnaught used by Bogga the Hutt as a command ship. Enforcer One was a Core Galaxy Systems Dreadnaught, heavily modified from its stock beginnings. The ship had been decommissioned from the Old Republic's Navy and shipped to the salvage yards at Ord Trasi. Bogga obtained the ship there, and began modifying it. It has a fixed, heavy turbolaser which servde as its primary weapon. The turbolaser had an advanced cooling system that kept the separate power generator and laser actuator from overheating. Sixteen turret-mounted laser cannons supplement the turbolaser, and four tractor beam projectors allow the ship to control smaller ships. Six light tactical fighters are housed in the docking bay. (TOJ, EGV)

Enforcer Pistol
this .48-caliber projectile weapon was the trademark sidearm of the Morellian Enforcer. It was developed by the Morellian Weapons Conglomerate during the Old Republic. Despite its low-tech design, many modern weapons experts admired the Enforcer Pistol's balanced weight, its lack of recoil despite its power, and its sheer ability to cause large amounts of damage. (AIR)

Enforcer-class Picket Cruiser
this starship was built by Kuat Drive Yards and Seinar Fleet Systems at the Galentro Heavy Works shipyards at Jaemus. This ship, built from the hull frame of the Interdictor-class cruiser, first saw action within the Pentastar Alignment. It measured 600 meters in length, and was armed with ten turbolaser batteries, ten quad laser cannons, six ion cannon batteries, and four tractor beam projectors. It was crewed by 3,000 officers and sixty gunners, and could carry up to 300 troops and 10,000 metric tons of cargo. Despite its size, the Enforcer-class cruiser was nevertheless highly maneuverable and extremely well-armed. (TFE, SWJ3)

Engagement at Jestan
this Alliance won a decisive victory in this battle, due mainly to the tactical expertise of Beryl Chiffonage. (AIR)

this Imperial-class Star Destroyer was dispatched to Rafft, under the command of Captain Dalton, to eliminate any rebel activity on the planet, shortly before the Battle of Yavin. (SWJ3)

Engal Jeers
this was the name of a noted Ranat individual. (UANT)

this reddish-orange star was the central body in the Engebo System, located in the Outer Rim. (WOA10)

Engebo V
this remote, Outer Rim world was originally settled by miners working for the Outer Rim Oreworks corporation. Using questionable methods, the miners stripped the planet of usable ores in short order, then left it behind when the profits dried up. The landscape was reduced to expanses of flat plains and grasslands, lacking real mountain ranges. This landscape prevented any changes to the weather, allowing winds and rains to pass swiftly from west to east with little variation. After the Madman's Fortune crashed onto Engebo V, a school of skekfish were inadvertently released by Nell Davengatt. Nell and her companions had gone to check out the crash, and opened Goontirk's escape pod to investigate. The skekfish burrowed into the ground and sped toward the nearest food source, killing many beings in The Landing before Nell and a small group of pilots could escape. They made plans with Lady Wylla of Alderaan to bombard Engebo V from orbit, in an effort to kill the skekfish and prevent further infestation. (WOA10)

a planet which is home to an Imperial supply base. (SWSB)

this young man worked with Rekkon when Rekkon was a teacher, during the early days of the Empire. Engret's sister was an outspoken legal scholar, and held a great dislike for the Corporate Sector Authority. When she suddenly disappeared, Engret joined Rekkon's mission to find out what the Authority was doing with the people it kidnapped. Unfortunately, when Han Solo came to transport Rekkon and his team to Orron III, Engret was left behind when he failed to show up for the rendezvous. It was unknown if he had been captured, killed, or simply late. (HSE)

Engulfer Couch
this type of sofa was popular during the early years of the New Republic, and was made from a material that would literally engulf a being in comfort by altering its shape to match the being's body. (SWI67)

Enhanced Security and Enforcement Act
this was one of several amendments to the Galactic Constitution that were put forth by Chancellor Palpatine's advisors and politcal supporters, during the height of the Clone Wars. Under this act, the Chancellor's office was allowed unrestricted use of observation droids, and could issue search-and-seizure orders without the need for warrants or due process. Palpatine explained that measures such as the Enhanced Security and Enforcement Act allowed him to maintain the security and integrity of the Old Republic, since he could swiftly see to any threats to society. The passage of this act was barred by a group of Senators led by Bail Organa and Padme' Amidala, who were worried about possible abuses. They also questioned the need for such an order when the Separatist forces had been driven from the Core Worlds. (LEV)

Enhanced-bonding Plating
a special form of exterior plating that allows it to better deflect energy. Stars' End was built from this plating, but it proved to be part of the station's downfall, because the plating helped deflect the explosion at the tower's base, redirecting the force down toward the planet and causing the tower to be shot into the air. (HSE)

this CryonCorp general-purpose scanner had a range of up to 1500 meters when scanning for life forms. Its motion and metal detectors had an optimal range of just 500 meters. The Alliance regularly used these device to scan prospective bases for lifeforms, although their bulky shape and limited range proved largely ineffective in the harsh environment of Hoth. (CCG9, EGW, AEG)

this Huttese word meant "Okay!" in the Basic language. (GMR5)

this Noghri male served as the chief of security aboard the Esfandia Long-Range Communications Base, during the height of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. When Leia Organa Solo and her husband, Han Solo, located the base, Eniknar revealed to them that a villip had been found aboard the base. It was this villip, and the traitor who placed it there, which had led the Yuuzhan Vong to Esfandia. Droma, who was accompanying the Solos, felt htat Eniknar was not all that he appeared to be, based on the fact that he smelled wrong. Droma warned them to keep an eye on the Noghri. Despite their misgivings, Eniknar proved to be loyal to the Republic. When it became obvious that the only way to protect the base was manually detonate a series of bombs, Eniknar volunteered for the mission. Already injured in battle, he remained behind long enough to draw in the attacking Yuuzhan Vong, then died as he set off a wave of explostions to destroy the enemy. (FH3)

this was a common name among Cerean females. Unlike their male counterparts, Cerean females use a single name unless they became a bond-wife. In this case, a female will take on their husband's grandfather's name for official matters. The name Enina indicated dawn, sunrise, or daylight. (GCG)

an Alliance XQ4 platform destroyed during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)

this medicinal drug was developed during the last decades of the Old Republic, for use as a topical anesthetic and antibiotic that could be administered to burn victims. (MJH)

this molten ball of rock was the innermost planet of the Katorrs System. (PH)

Enkhet, Barsoulentinial
this thin, pale young man joined the Alliance as a slicer. A former cabin boy for a notorious smuggler, Enkhet learned how to fly a number of starships. He eventually joined the Alliance, but was deemed to reckless and undisciplined to be a starfighter pilot. He was assigned to Commander Briessen, and served as part of Lieutenant Haslam's assault team as a computer operator and pilot. (SWJ10, TFE)

this Pursuer enforcement ship was owned by K'Armyn Viraxo during the Galactic Civil War. He used it to harrass Harlequin Station as well as Azzameen Station. (XWA)

this Kitonak name was common across Kirdo III. (UANT)

an Imperial container group destroyed near Kalla VII by Keyan Farlander. (XW)

this biological machine was the Yuuzhan Vong version of a tank. (DTR)

Enni Anni
this male Herglic worked as the kloo horn player for the band Distraction, during the early years of the New Order. Most known for the way he played the kloo horn by inserting it into his blowhole while breaking things with his free hand, Enni Anni was a hyperactive individual. He couldn't stop fidgeting unless he was playing music or breaking things. His mere presence was often blamed for some of the violence which occurred at Distraction concerts. (WOA28)

this was the spelling used to describe the planet Ennth, in Dark Journey. (DJ)

this planet was a colony world which seemed to resist any attempt at settlement. The first colonists established a series of outposts on the world, and soon learned that the planet's single moon had a wildly elliptic orbit. This orbit brought it close enough to Ennth every eight years for it to skim through Ennth's atmosphere. This proximity resulted in incredible tidal and seismic stresses that tore the world apart every eight years. The colonists fled to space stations in orbit to survive the devstation, but their strength and will led them to return after the moon had passed and rebuild their settlements. (LO, JUS, SHA)

this was one of the most common female names given to human children across the galaxy. (GCG)

Eno Arba
this male Aqualish was wanted for a variety of thefts aboard the Outland Transit Station during the years following the Battle of Naboo. He was a known associate of both Magro Slim and Meeko Ghintee during the time he spent on the station. A bounty was placed on his head by Rozatta himself. Eno Arba was captured on the Outland Transit Station by Jango Fett and brought in for the bounty on his head. (BH)

this female Bith represented her people in the New Republic Senate, during the height of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. She had been the leader of the Senate's Corruption Panel, and was called in when it was discovered that Viqi Shesh had been acting as an agent of the Yuuzhan Vong. Senator E'noro, after seeing and hearing all the evidence against Senator Shesh, had no recourse but to relieve the Kuati Senator of her duties. (REC)

an Alliance Shuttle group destroyed during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)

Enrichment Zone
this was a term used by the Agricultural Corps to describe an area which is being terraformed or recovered. Natural flora, as well as enhanced breeds from offworld, are cultivated and monitored during the development of the zone. (DR)

this aging woman and her husband, Byrom, settled on Molavar several years before the Battle of Naboo. They both wanted to live a simpler life, and moisture farming on Molavar provided them with a chance to escape from the chaos of military life. Their small world was disrupted when Lycan arrived on Molavar, and accosted Ensa and their droid, L-23. She was saved only when Lycan suffered some sort of seizure, in which his limd was gripped by painful memories. She later related her story to Darca Nyl, and Darca discovered the former soldier and Jedi on their farm. (T23)

this Corellian gunship was one of five Alliance gunships sent to assist the Imperial forces in the battle against the Ssi-ruuk at Bakura. (TBSB)

this was term given to those Corellian disciples of a social system in which sociopolitical affiliations were maintained with almost fanatical devotion. The enster faction was in direct opposition to the ekster - or outsider - faction, which basically included any being who was simply not enster. Among the beliefs of the enster faction was that no marriage could be made, let alone consummated, with a being from outside one's own native planetary system. Enster extremists maintained that all marriages had to take place solely among inhabitants of a single planet, with no exceptions allowed. This was not to say that trysts and liaisons with eksters were prohibited, as many ensters often "sowed their wild oats" with an ekster partner. However, on Corellia, ensters were only allowed to marry other ensters. (MBS)

this was the term used to describe any Corellian who adhered to the enster philosophies. (MBS)

Entana Run
this hyperspace route wound through the Lesser Plooriod Cluster. Together with the Burna Trade Route, it formed the boundary of Urce Space. (AIR)

Entea Corporation
this interstellar shipping corporation was one of the few heavy-duty transport carriers who were awarded contracts by the Imperial military. (SWJ5)

this Ssi-ruuvi technology allowed them to drain off the life-essence of a living being and store it in unusual batteries for powering their droid starships and other technologies. The process worked best on humans, since their connections to the Force were stronger. The subject was injected with a magnetic solution which was absorbed into the nervous system, and an external circuit was attuned to the internal magnetization of the subject. This "catchment arc" then collected the life-energy of the subject and placed it in batteries. The subject's body almost always died after the entechment was complete, and their life energy existed only for a short time before expiring. In the years following the Battle of Bakura, entechment was enhanced to provide a better experience for the being who was enteched. Additional power systems were developed to assist in handling shields and drive systems, freeing the enteched mind to focus on other activities. This meant that the enteched mind lived longer and with less agony. By the time the P'w'eck Emancipation Movement had ostensibly taken control of the planet Lwhekk, the entechment process could provide a form of immortality for the enteched individual, as the life energy could be contained and maintained almost indefinitely by adding the enteched energies of certain algae and other lower life-forms. (TB, TBSB, FH2)

Entechment Chair
device used by the Ssi-ruuvi to collect brain energy for use in driving shipboard circuits or battle droids. A special chair was designed to hold Luke Skywalker. (TB)

Entel, Jor
a ruthless and vicious pirate captain, Jor Entel worked in the Demophon System. He lured unsuspecting passengers on his ship, the Night Wind, promising passage off the doomed planets. Once off-planet, Entel and his crew would slaughter their passengers and dump their bodies after taking whatever booty they could. He and his crew were killed by a group of Alliance agents who discovered that he had murdered Enid Vahr. (SN)

Entertainment Center
this is the section of Imperial City, on Coruscant, where many of the Fete Week festivities begin. The Shaldania Parade winds through its streets and spires. (SWJ8)

Entertainment Signal 3
this was the most popular HoloNet channel for sports broadcasting, during the last decades of the Old Republic. (HNN4)

this archaic name was given to female Zabrak, and meant "clean" - or, more literally, "bathes often", which was a sign that a female Zabrak came from a wealthy family. (GCG)

this is the second combination symbol in the Aurebesh script, and represents the Basic combination "ae". (SWM)

Enton Adelmaa'j
this Chiss pilot served under Jagged Fel as Twin Suns Eight, during the height of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. (FH3)

this was the familiar title given to the absolute ruler of the Coynite people. It literally meant "King-Master" when translated into Basic. (PG3)

this was the term used to describe those Coynite who were the highest and most trusted servants of the En'Tra. (PG3)

this primary planet in the Entralla System is located in the Velcar Free Commerce Zone. It wasn't, however, always a member of the VFCZ. Before the institution of the New Order, Entralla was a free world of various religious beliefs, each with a strong following. It also had a deep history of glorious deeds and mythical warriors, and its single moon figured prominently in the legends of its people. Palpatine later took control of the world. Following the Battle of Endor, the natives of the planet had planned to secede from the Empire and join the Alliance, but they were overrun by the Pentastar Alignment. The New Republic could not send aid, and the planet was usurped. (SWJ3, SWJ4)

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