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this prototype Strike-class cruiser was built in secret by Kuat Drive Yards for the Empire during the Galactic Civil War. It was designed to carry squadrons of TIE Fighters into battle. The Eidolon was lost on its maiden voyage, although it was later learned that the ship had been blind-jumped into hyperspace because it was barely spaceworthy. All this backstory allowed Sate Pestage to use the ship as a hiding place for a storehouse of weapons and armaments, to be used in case Emperor Palpatine' rule of the galaxy was ever destroyed. The ship ended up buried on Tatooine, with its weapons cache still intact. Its whereabouts were known only to Sate Pestage, who kept the location a secret until Lirin Banolt stole a data disk containing the plans to the ship and its location. Its location was also known to Marl Semtin, who discovered that it served his purposes as a remote base. The Imperials lost the ship when Rogue Squadron managed to secure it before Huff Darklighter or Firith Olan could secret away the weapons.
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