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Ejagga Pakkpekatt
this Hortek Colonel served the New Republic as part of the Intelligence agency. He was placed in command of the Glorious and was sent to intercept the Teljkon vagabond about twelve years after the Battle of Endor. He was constantly at odds with Lando Calrissian, but often recognized the worth of Lando's opinion. He did not approve of Lando's bold move to gain entrance to the vagabond, and was even less happy with the escape of the vagabond near Gmir Askilon. The flight of the vagabond rendered the Kuari a derelict, caused numerous deaths and injuries, and left him without a clue as to the whereabouts of the ship. Calrissian, Lobot, R2-D2, and C-3PO were also aboard the vagabond when it fled. This combination of events led the New Republic to recall the majority of Pakkpekatt's fleet, although he was given a few ships to chase the vagabond and rescue Calrissian. He eventually took control of the Lady Luck and was brought to the vagabond when C-3PO activated its slave circuit. The ships jumped around from the Prakith System to the planet Brath Qella, where the true purpose of the vagabond was revealed. (BTS, SOL, TT)

this man served the Grand Army of the Republic as a Lieutenant Colonel, during the final stages of the Clone Wars. (DAG)

Ejection Seat
any device which allows a pilot or crew member to jettison from a disabled starship. They often involve ejecting a pilot who is already wearing a pressure suit, and have minimal life support. (SWSB)

this planet was the primary world in the Ejolus System. The was was the home of an outpost maintained by Alderaanian survivors of the Empire's destruction of their homeworld, just before the Battle of Yavin. Unfortunately, former Alderaanian Garil Dox arranged for the outpost to be destroyed before it could be located by Darth Vader. (SWEMO)

Ejolus System
this star system contained the planet Ejolus, the home of an outpost maintained by Alderaanian survivors of the Empire's destruction of their homeworld, just before the Battle of Yavin. Unfortunately, former Alderaanian Garil Dox arranged for the outpost to be destroyed before it could be located by Darth Vader. (SWEMO)

this was one of the many family names used by the Bothan people. It translated loosely to "wood". (GCG, WOTC)

this New Republic Navy Lieutenant was the senior officer at the New Republic Defense Fleet's office on Utharis. (TT)

Ekh the Red
this man was Orman's second-in-command, but only because he was loyal to Orman. His criminal skills were somewhat lacking. (ML)

Ekh'm Val
this Yuuzhan Vong commander was the first to claim he had located the lost planet of Zonama Sekot, many months after the Battle of Ebaq. Val's forces had been repelled by the planet, and he made haste to return with his report. Unfortunately, only rumors of his discovery reached the planet Coruscant, which had been reformed into a new version of Yuuzha'tar. Commander Val was said to be returning to Yuuzhan'tar with a piece of the rogue planet, when he disappeared while returning for an audience with Supreme Overlord Shimrra. Ngaaluh later learned that Commander Val's task force had been purposely destroyed, and Val himself had been thrown into Shimrra's charnal pits, where he was consumed by the yargh'un kept there. Master Shaper Nen Yim was given access to the piece of Zonama Sekot Val maanged to acquire, which was a specialized Sektoan starship. Nen Yim's work with the starship, as well as her knowledge of Shimrra's fear of Zonama Sekor, led her to believe that Shimrra himself was a fraud. (FH3, FP)

a Noghri of the clan Bakh'tor, Ekhrikhor was the leader of the group that followed the Millennium Falcon to Wayland, after it was discovered that Grand Admiral Thrawn was using the facility to make clones during the early years of the New Republic. Ekhrikhor and his band of Noghri spent much of their time concealed, working to make a path toward Mount Tantiss for Luke's group while keeping the native Psadans and Myneyrsh at bay. After revealing himself, Ekhrikor explained that it had been Cakhmaim who asked them to travel to Wayland, since he feared that Han Solo might not appreciate their help. After the Republic liberated Wayland from Imperial control, Ekhrikhor tried to destroy the multitude of artifacts found inside Mount Tantiss, claiming that everything within was part of the memory of Palpatine and should be eradicated. Garv Debble protested, and Leia Organa Solo eventually had to step in and allow Debble the opportunity to complete his work. Ekhrikhor abided by Leia's decision, even if he didn't agree with it. (TLC, SOP)

this planet was settled by Trianii colonists. It was later usurped by the Corporate Sector Authority when it expanded its borders under the New Order. (CSA)

although this elderly man served as Bohhuah Mutdah's servant, he was unaware that Rokur Gepta had killed his real master, during the early years of the New Order. (LCF)

this datafile was created by the military forces of the Separatists, and contained detailed information on the locations of the cloning facilities on the planet Kamino. During the Battle of Kamino, Commander Merai provided access to file EKJ-2X to his amphibious ground forces, giving them information on the cloning facility while Merai's starships drew attention away from the planet's surface. (RDK)

Ekkar Armaments
this weapons manufacturer, based on the planet Coyn, was known for its short-bladed knives and daggers which were built from Coynite designs, for Coynite warriors. They also produced a variety of personal combat armor. (PG3)

a race of quadripedal aliens native to the planet Sirpar. They have prehensile snouts and are covered with tough, armored hides. Eklaad live in tribes that exist in a stone-age level of technology. The elders of the Eklaad tribes met one a year in an annual Council of Chieftains, but the invasion of the Empire put a stop to that. As a race, Eklaad were timid and non-aggressive, and rolled themselves into armored balls when confronted with a dangerous situation. They were herbivorous. (SWJ2, AE)

Eklit Peninsula
this point of land was located on the western coast of Kothlis' primary continent, and extended into the Sesseranda Ocean. (SPG)

Ekloska Hills
this range of low mountains was located on the Betu continent of the planet Rodia. (SPG)

this was one of the small group of Shamed Ones who lived with Vuurok I'pan beneath the surface of Coruscant, after the planet had been transformed into a likeness of Yuuzhan'tar. Like the rest of their cadre, Ekma believed that the Jedi Knights were not abominations, but saviors of the Shamed Ones and symbols of the new ideology which should be embraced by the Yuuzhan Vong. For this reason, their band remained small, in case they were captured by the Yuuzhan Vong warriors. This ensured that their small cult of Jedi followers would never be fully discovered. (FH1)

E'koth Tassjun
this Jedi Master took Ephaan Kenzon as an apprentice, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. The two often argued about the role of the Jedi Order in resolving political disputes, with Master Tassjun taking the position of the Jedi Council in restraining from taking a more direct approach to dealing with these disputes. This trend continued until they were dispatched to the Zeemacht Cluster, when Kenzon abandoned the Jedi Order after disobeying Tassjun's orders. (PJSB)

this young, near-human female was one of the many young Jedi Padawans who were thrust into battle during the Clone Wars. She was assigned to Aayla Secura during the hunt for Shu Mai, when the clone troopers she was working with were added to Secura's troops. Ekria was an accomplished slicer who used a variety of mathematical techniques to infiltrate systems and analyze data. It was her calculations, based on Commerce Guild financial transactions, that helped the Jedi locate Barriss Offee on Felucia, just prior to the First Battle of Coruscant. It was Ekria, working with Zonder and Drake Lo'gaan, who intercepted the communication of Order 66 to Commander Bly on Felucia. Interestingly, they found that it had been sent on a secure Republic link, but with encryption used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Unfortunately, they discovered the message's true intent too late, and were forced to stand by as Aayla Secura was cut down by Bly and his clones. After escaping from Felucia, Ekria, Zonder, and Drake returned to Coruscant as refugees, then slipped into the Jedi Temple. There, Ekria erased all information on them from the computer banks of the Jedi Archives, allowing them to continue to operate undercover. (ROF, EAR)

manufacturers of heavy weapon power sources. (ISB)

this was the name given to any being was not considered enster, used by the population of Corellia that considered itself enster. In simplest terms, a being was considered ekster if they were native to a planet outside one's own solar system. In extreme situations, a being was considered ekster if they were not native to one's homeworld. (MBS)

Ektra City
this was one of the many floating cities found just above the surface of the planet Metellos. It was located in orbit above the Moridebo District. (CCW)

a BlasTech blaster rifle. (GG9)

this Ithorian surname was believed to mean "water", according to historian who studied the Ithorian race. (GCG)

this assassin droid developed a reputation as a nasty killer that enjoyed its work, although little was known about its origins. This droid was designed around a moto-ball base that supported a clam-shell cranium and long, articulated arms. Its critical systems were well-armored, and it kept itself in peak condition. EL-434 found its way into the employ of the Empire, which used it to eliminate Alliance bases and destroy Alliance personnel. EL-434 was captured by the Alliance on one such mission, after they were alerted to EL-434's arrival. The droid overrode its self-destruct programming, reasoning that it could better assist the Empire by gathering information on Alliance safe-worlds. EL-434 was on the transport ship Celestial when it was commandeered by Bane Nothos and Grand Moff Ravik, and EL-434 suddenly found itself in Otherspace, imprisoned on the Desolate. The Charon bioscientists wanted to disassemble EL-434, in an effort to understand how a non-organic construct could override its programming and increase its own abilities. EL-434 escaped during the Alliance's attempts to escape from the Desolate, although the droid was unable to escape the Charon ship when the Alliance did. (OS)

Ela b'Yenntarr
this was the Bosph name given to those members of their species who could use the Force. The term translated into Basic as "the chosen of the unknown spirits." (SWJ13)

Ela Tips
this mysterious being was often seen in the crowd at the Outlander Club on Coruscant, during the final years of the Old Republic. (OWS)

a former spice-jacker and leader of his own gang, Elaginn went crazy and bound himself to a chair. He then jumped out a window, leaving the running of his gang to Romort Raort. (DESB)

this young man lived with his uncle, Louie, on the planet Taris, some 4,000 years before the Galactic Civil War. (KOTOR)

this male Drall was a member of the Wingriders during the early years of the New Republic. Along with his ibbot Sha'lott, he patrolled the skies of Drall over Meccha. Elamm was a member of Duchess Sarella's clan, and was distinguished from his brethren by his short stature and reticent demeanor. (CCW)

Elamposnian Monks
this religious brotherhood practices strict chastity. (POT)

this Galacian woman was a member of the hill clans, and remained outside the control of the city of Galu. However, she rose to become her clan's leader, and was considered to be a candidate to succeed Queen Veda despite her lack of concern for Galacian politics. Queen Veda revealed to Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi that Elan was actually the daughter of her husband, King Cana, who had defied the Galacian political ministers and married a woman of the hill clans. When she remained outside the democratic elections Veda proposed, both Deca Brun and Wila Prammi courted her support. Elan refused to acknowledge any of the candidates, keeping the hill people separate from the inhabitants of Galu. She was distinguished from other Galacians by her darker eyes and skin tone, closer to the nighttime colors than to the brightness of the moonlight. Elan was known as a healer among her people, and helped Qui-Gon Jinn recover from wounds he suffered while fighting off bandits in the hills. She told him that her father, Rowi, had been a noted healer among the hill people, and that her mother, Tema, had never traveled to Galu. Domi revealed the to Qui-Gon that Elan was the true heir, shortly after Lonnag Giba attempted to assassinate her. She agreed to travel to Galu, and eventually threw in her support - and that of the Hill People - to Wila Prammi. Despite acknowledging her heritage, Elan chose not to take the Tallah surname until she was ready to accept it. (MOC)

this Yuuzhan Vong priestess accompanied Harrar on his mission to oversee the invasion of the known galaxy, after the loss of Shedao Shai's fleet at Ithor. Originally trained by the priestess Falung, Elan was considered beautiful by both Yuuzhan Vong and human terms, having a shapely figure and long, raven-black hair. Her father was a personal advisor to Supreme Overlord Shimrra. She agreed to become a hostage, as part of a plan to begin wiping out the Jedi Knights. She allowed herself to become a host for a group of bo'tous, a bioweapon which could be exhaled in a confined space, killing all beings who breathed it in. She herself knew that survival was not guaranteed, but knew that her mission would place her in a position of greatness with the Deception Sect. The plan was for Elan to be captured and request political asylum, as well as a meeting with the Jedi Knights. She offered them the antidote to the disease which had been killing Mara Jade Skywalker, as an indication of her sincerity. In a battle staged to provide cover, she and her familiar, Vergere, jettisoned from a Yuuzhan Vong warship and was rescued. She was initially questioned on Wayland, but a planted "assassin" tried to kill her. She was then escorted to Coruscant by Major Showolter, but their ship - the Queen of Empire -was attacked by the Peace Brigade. The mercenaries hoped to return Elan to the Yuuzahn Vong, to prove their loyalty and worth. Showolter was injured, and Han Solo was asked to escort her. Han was unable to escape with Elan, and they were discovered by Reck Desh and the Peace Brigade. Elan was brought to the mercenaries' ship, in preparation for returning her to the Yuuzhan Vong. Elan took matters into her own hands, exhaling one breath of the bo'tous to kill the mercenaries. However, when she tried to kill Solo as well, she found herself trapped in the hold of the Millennium Falcon with the bioweapon. She quickly succombed to the death it brought. (HT, DW)

Elan Mak
this Fluggrian was one of the newest podracers on the Outer Rim Territories's professional circuit, shortly before the Battle of Naboo. The name Elan Mak was actually an alias, as this being was really Kam Nale. Elan Mak favored the relatively slow Kurtob KRT410C podracer, which he modified for his own skills. Elan Mak finished in fifth place during the famous Boonta Eve Classic race which was won by young Anakin Skywalker. Shortly before the onset of the Clone Wars, Mak's true identity was revealed, one of several events which led to the decline in popularity of podracing. (TPM, RAC, IG1, PRT, HNN4)

Elan Sleazebaggano
this near-human Balosar lived on the planet Coruscant, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. Unknown to most beings, his true name was Elan Sel'Sabagno, but he preferred to use this name in order to hide his true identity. He was a noted drug dealer in the CoCo District, peddling death sticks to anyone who would buy them. At one time, Elan was a student of medicine, and had a promised career as a doctor to look forward to. Unfortunately, he ran afoul of Hat Lo, who discovered Elan's connection to restricted pharmaceutical drugs when Elan himself became addicted to Ixetal cilona extract. Elan was distinguished by his unruly, wiry hair anf the two small antennae that sprouted from his head. He tried to sell death sticks to Obi-Wan Kenobi, during the Jedi Knight's search for Zam Wesell, but was unable to overcome the mental manipulations of the Jedi. It was rumored that Elan went home that night and resolved to clean up his life. His resolved apparently didn't last very long, however, as Elan soon went back to his old ways. He also became a lackey working for Hat Lo, driving a speeder for the minor crimelord's guests. Elan also found a small niche selling rare and highly weapons, and he was able to secure a Kamino saberdart for young Boba Fett, who had traveled to Coruscant in an attempt to kill Mace Windu. (OWS, TCG1, AOTCN, SWDB, GMR10, BF6)

this Twi'lek was a member of the Shak clan, and was Koh'shak's brother. Elan'shak served as the Fan Master of the Kala'uun Starport, working to ensure that a steady flow of relatively fresh air made it to the deepest levels of the station. Note that this character is also referred to as Elam'shak in Platt's Starport Guide. (PSPG)

a waiter in the bar on Circarpous V where Luke and Leia meet Halla. (SME)

this was a common name among the Cathar race. (UANT)

this woman was one of the Sith warriors who were stationed on the planet Manaan during the Great Sith War. Elassa was murdered just before the onset of the Great Hunt, and her body was found in a hotel room. It was believed that she had been having an affair with a man named Sunry, because his Hero's Cross medal was found in her hand. However, all the evidence pointed to a plot by Elassa's superior officers to discredit Sunry, which would have been thwarted because Sunry was trying to end the affair when he went to the hotel room. A judge on Manaan later found Sunry innocent, although Elassa's killer was never identified. (KOTOR)

Elassar Targon
this high-strung Devaronian male joined the New Republic's Wraith Squadron, after the loss of Lara Notsil. A graduate of the Republic's Fleet Command Academy, he had a loose, joking manner that fit in well with the Wraiths. When his initial introduction, using the standard armed forces protocol, failed to impress the Wraiths, he addressed them as "master of the universe" and quickly earned their friendship. Years later, during the struggle against the Yuuzhan Vong, Elassar was one of the Wraiths chosen to accompany Luke Skywalker on a mission to infiltrate Coruscant, after the Yuuzhan Vong captured the planet. (SOC, EL1)

this fabric was used to create form-fitting clothing. (JE)

this alien race was first encountered by the Jedi Knights who served aboard the Chu'unthor, more than 300 years before the Battle of Yavin. This was one of many events which served to promote the mission of the Chu'unthor. (PJSB)

a common name given to Twi'lek males, this name meant "scholar". (GCG)

Elav Feen
this Twi'lek owned the Swirling Vortex cantina. He also had a hand in a small shipping operation, and once hired a team of freelance mercenaries to protect his Corellian interests from pirate attacks by Jizal Taphan. (GMR2)

a grain crop used to produce elba beer. (CSA)

Elba Beer
this was a potent, heady brew that Chewbacca liked to drink, during the early years of the New Order. (HSR)

Elba Water
a non-alcoholic beverage created from elba. (TFE)

Elban, K'cri
this man was a respected hero of the Clone Wars before he retired from military duty and went underground, shortly befor Emperor Palpatine's rise to power. He eventually established K'cri's Cafe on Cloud City, and was known on the outpost as a good guy at heart. (GG2)

Elbara Nine
this ice-covered planet was the site of the Alliance' GlitterFall Base. The Empire maintained a Naval staging area near Elbara Nine, but the location saw little use during the Galactic Civil War. (HAS)

Elbee Bribb
this courier worked for Veritas Press during the last decades of the Old Republic. He tried to get rich quick by selling the unpublished mannuscript of a spice-trade expose' to Volven Roxe. Veritas Press paid a group of freelance mercenaries to recover Bribb, who had been captured by a group of Cthons just after delivering the manuscript. (CCW)

Elbor Cruhn
this Herglic was noted in the history of the planet Giju. (UANT)

this planet, located in the Koornacht Cluster, was inhabited by a colony of Morath and Andalese pholikite miners. It was overrun by the Yevetha during the Great Purge. (TT)

this humanoid woman was an independent spacer who worked in the Mid Rim during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo. It was Elda who agreed to take Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi to Kodai, during their search for Doctor Murk Lundi and a rumored Sith Holocron. Despite the fact that they had traveled to Kodai during the lowest point in the ocean's tide cycle, Elda remained on Kodai and helped the Jedi escape from the planet. (JAF)

Elder Brother, The
a name used in the Corellian System for the planet Corellia. (AC)

Elder Council
this was the name of the ruling body found on the planet Yinchor, during the height of the New Order. Imperial Governor Wessel kidnapped the entire Elder Council and held them for ransom, effectively trapping the Yinchori and forcing them into inaction. A group of Yinchori decided to kidnap Leia Organa, sometime prior to the Battle of Endor, to exchange her for the Elder Council. (MC86)

Elder, Collus
this ancient Alsakan artist influenced sculpture and other physical media more than a thousand years before the Battle of Yavin, imparting a primitive style that showed only the most necessary parts of a subject. One of his adherents was credited with sculpting the Alsakan version of the Tessent. (GMR9)

this group of ancient Rakatans wanted to remain neutral during the era of the Great Sith War, even after their homeworld was discovered by the Jedi Knights who were searching for Darth Malak. (KOTOR)

the oldest members of the Ewok society, they preside over each Ewok tribe. (ROTJ)

this was the name given to the oldest members of the Oswaft society that lived in the ThonBoka. Many of these individuals measured a kilometer or more in length. (LCS)

Elders' Council
this political body was made up of those Ssi-ruuk who were the most revered citizens of the planet Lwhekk. It served the Shreeftut as a body of advisors and counselors. Only those Ssi-ruuk who were born on Lwhekk could sit on the Elders' Council. (AE)

Eldon, Darv
this Imperial Navy Captain served under Admiral Greelanx. Eldon had been a friend of Soontir Fel's from the days of their training at the Imperial Academy, a friendship which lasted ten years until Eldon's death. He commanded the Carrack-class picket ship Vigilance. During the initial skirmishes of the Battle of Nar Shaddaa, Eldon was killed when the Vigilance was destroyed. (THG)

this form of spice is so deadly that even the Hutts refuse to sell it. Quarlo I'Shibix and his workers were involved in a large smuggling ring to move eldratz on and off the planet Krann, until they were discovered by New Republic agents. (TSK)

this submersible starship was purchased by the Corellian Security Force as part of a sting operation. The crew of the craft were given false identification which allowed them to meet with the criminals they were trying to catch, and a relationship was built. The criminals invited the CorSec agents to their underwater base, then opened fire on the Eldritch. All aboard were killed, and the Eldritch was never seen again. (HAS)

Eleanor Propulsion
this ancient corporation was based in the Kashi system, and was founded by Krispus Eleanor to provide customized, personal, luxury transportation. Most of their designs were for ground-based transports. (TOJC)

Eleanor, Krispus
an ancient nobleman of the Kashi Mer, he started Eleanor Propulsion as a hobby. (TOJC)

this term describes the position held by Marasan governmental officials. Each electnode has an uplink to the Mindnet, which is used to provide data to the Grand Daern. (GG12)

an Alliance Lambda-class shuttle captured during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)

Electric Judgement
this was the name used by Jedi Master Plo Koon to describe his light-side version of Force lightning. (NEGC)

fist-sized crystals which are used as leads in detonation devices. (TB)

Electro Net
see Electrostun Net (MC16)

similar in performance to electro-wire, electro-bars are used to protect windows and openings from unwanted intrusion. The bars are formed into a grid that is placed over the opening. An electrical current is then run through the bars, creating a huge electric shock when a being touches them. (DOD)

while these devices provide the same kind of image enhancement functions as macrbinoculars, they differ from macrobinoculars in that electrobinoculars allow image enhancement features that macrobinoculars do not. (SWN, ESB)

Electrobolt Assault Rifle
this was a crude, outdated form of projectile weapon, which fired explosive packets of electricity at its target. (DN1)

this was another name for binders. (IS3)

a form of handcuffs or binders that produces an electric shock whenever the wearer exerts pressure on their bond. (MOC)

Electrocution Death Flightknife
one of the many Yedagonian fighter squadrons which supported Wedge Antilles and the Running Crimson Flightknife during the war against the forces of the Cartann nation, on Adumar. (SOA)

Electrocution Worm
this is another name for the raen sovra. (COG)

a hand-held translation device. (SE)

this organic material is what allowed a Polydroxol to survive in the poisonous atmosphere of the planet Sevetta. Electroglobin was a form of electrically-charged, gaseous plasma which flowed like blood through their amorphous bodies. (SWJ12)

this musical instrument was an amplified version of a harp, and was considered a must-have part of any six-piece band during the last decades of the Old Republic. (MBS)

these high-voltage stun prods were used to control crowds during the last decades of the Old Republic and into the era of the New Order. Similar in many ways to a force pike, an electro-jabber sent out a numbing pulse of energy when it touched flesh, rendering a being immobile for several hours. (ROTJ, JQ6, GORW)

this was the biological equivalent of a repulsorlift engine, and was the method which beldons and other atmospheric creatures travel. By manipulating their own electric fields, these creatures push against the magnetic and electrical fields of a planet, thereby moving short distances without actually moving their bodies. (GG2)

Electromesh Armor
this form of armor was created by the Nagai warriors. It resembled a glossy, form-fitting body suit, but was much more protective than simply fabric. Into the material were woven small power cells that created an electric field around the wearer, absorbing energy from blasters and other energy weapons and dispersing it away from the wearer. Because electromesh armor was more like cloth, it provided the Nagai warrior with maximum flexibility as well as protection. (UANT)

Electron Torpedo
this form of torpedo used energized electrons, instead of protons or plasma, as the catalyst for its explosive power. (MDCAR)

this sticky webbing of current-conducting fibers is used to detain a being at a distance. The webbing is launched at the target inside a small warhead which explodes shortly before impact. This releases the webbing, which wraps itself around the target. An electrical shock can be administered by the firer using a small remote control. (GG10)

Electronic Freightways
this mysterious company has no address, no board of directors, and no contact information. Any deep research has led to another company by the same name, which went out of business well before the Clone Wars. Electronic Freightways, nevertheless, contracts a great number of independent spacers to carry its cargoes across the galaxy. Spacers discover unusual requests suddenly pop up on their datapads, indicated where to pick up the cargo and how much the job with pay. The company always seemed to have in-depth knowledge of the spacers they employ, and ensure the confidentiality of their cargoes by packing them in heavily reinforced crates. (PSG)

Electronic Translator
a handheld device which is used to read written text or process vocal speech and provide the user with an understandable translation. (SWN, DLS)

Electrophoto Receptors
known as EPRs, these scanners were a form of starship sensor system that used all available forms of light to generate a two- or three-dimensional image of the surrounding space. They were used for short-range monitoring and targetting. (SWSB)

Electro-photon Receptor
this simple sensor system gathered data from various forms of light and photonic emissions from its surroundings and provided anaylsis of the possible location of lifeforms. (OS, CHRN)

this was the term used to describe any powered lock-picking device. (SWJ15)

this Gungan weapon, produced by the Otoh Gunga Defense League, was very similar in design and usage to a force pike. Although technically a weapon, the electropole was used more to intimidate an enemy or beast, rather than to injure or kill it. (SW1, TPM, SON, NEGW)

this metal rod was part of the machinery the Syndicat used to erase the memories of the Phindians as part of the renewal process. A pair of electro-pulsers were used, one to press against each temple on the Phindian's head, and they each sent waves of destructive energy through the Phindian's brain. (HP)

a sophisticated component which calculates the distance between itself and a target. They are often used in macrobinoculars and starship targetting systems. (ESB)

this sophisticated weapons sighting system was used on Imperial AT-AT walkers. The electro-rangefinder was connected to a ceiling-mounted system, and descended when called for by the commander of the walker. He then used it to locate and target his objective. The range finder provided him with distance and telemetru information, which could be fed directly into the AT-AT's targetting computer. (CCG3)

Electroray Discharger
this energy weapon was developed for use by the Yuuzhan Vong Hunter series of droids, some twenty-seven years after the Battle of Yavin. (SBS)

this visor-shaped microscope was used by doctors for detecting small bodies, such as viruses and cells. (GOF3)

similar in many respects to a force pike, the electrostaff had a heavier body that allowed it to be wielded against stronger opponents or materials. (LAWS)

this was one of the primary weapons of the Geonosian race. Measuring nearly two meters in length, an electro-staff was formed from a hollowed-out bone which was coated with resin. Specialized components inside the staff provided an electrical charge to special tips at either end, which could stun an opponent into unconsciousness. (UANT)

Electrostatic Charge Detonator
developed by BlasTech Industries for used by the Grand Army of the Republic, this explosive device delivered a powerful electrostatic discharge across a large blast radius. Anything within the blast radius suffered from exposure to the discharge: living beings were electrocuted, while the circuitry of droids and other computer-controlled systems was fused or damaged and rendered inoperable. The wepaon was exceptionally effective against the droid armies of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, but the backsplash of energy often shut down the computer systems in the helmet of Phase I or Phase II Armor, so any clone troopers using an EC detonator had to ensure they got out of the blast radius after launching one. (LAWS, SWI84)

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