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Eicroth Body

this biological formation, identified by Joi Eicroth, is a small, capsule-like body encased in solid protein. These bodies contain the three unique genetic cell structures characteristic of the Qella, as well as the various combinations of the 62 chromosomes that define the Qella. The contents of each and every Eicroth body is virtually solid genetic material, and five percent of the Qella body is made up of these bodies. It was believed that each Eicroth Body contained the complete genetic blueprints of the Qella race, including its history and consicousness. The smallest bodies were no larger than a grain of sand, while others were the size of plates. Unlike the normal genetic code - which has four letters, two-letter words, and three-word sentences - Eicroth bodies have genetic material with six unique letters grouped in six-word sentences. The formation of the Eicroth body is duplicated on three distinct scales. There are somatic cells which make up the Qella flesh, lesser Eicroth bodies which make up the basic genetic material, and greater Eicroth bodies which contain instructions for creating starship-sized eggs (such as the Teljkon vagabond) for transporting unborn Qella.
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