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Electrostatic Repellor
a device which generates an static field that repels airborne particles, such as sand and dust. (SWN)

this was an ancient form of a stun baton. (TOJC)

Electrostun Net
a conductive netting that can be deployed to ensnare a victim. Once ensnared, the victim was administered an electric shock of varying strength. The strength depends upon the strength of the victim's struggles. (CSWEA)

similar in function to electrobinoculars, the electrotelescope has a much greater range and better image resolution. (ESB)

this was the name given to any form of wire which was used to cordone off an area. A strong electrical current was run through the wire, jolting any being which came in contact with it. (DOR)

this form of heavy wire is used to protect prisons and other high-security areas. It is attached to the tops of walls and structures in tight loops, then the wire is connected to a power source. An intense current of electricity then flows through the wire, producing an heavy shock to any being that touches it. (DOD)

this was one of the most precious of precious metals, often mined on worlds like Abregado-rae. (CCW)

Electrum Lightsaber
this was simply a way to describe a lightsaber whose hilt was forged from electrum. Mace Windu was perhaps the best-known Jedi Master to wield such a weapon. (SWI62)

this Imperial Star Destroyer was under the command of Grand Admiral Teshik during the height of the Galactic Civil War. Teshik and his forces fought bravely at the Battle of Endor, harassing Alliance ships for three hours after the destruction of the second Death Star, before the Eleemosynary was finally disabled by ion cannon fire and captured. (SWI66)

Elegaic Fabrications
based on the planet Coruscant during the early years of the New Republic, this fine furniture manufacturer produced some of the most exquisite and functional furniture found in the galaxy. (EL2)

Elegance Enshrined
this kybo was bonded to the Ferroan male Kroj'b, during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. (FH3)

Elegance Message Drone
developed by Industrial Automaton, this nine-meter-long cylinder was capable of hyperspacial travel, and was designed to carry messages to virtually any destination in a matter of hours. However, they were extremely expensive, and the instantaneous communication made possible by the HoloNet forced the Elegance drone out of favor. However, the Empire realized the need for secure, emerceny communications, and maintained a small supply for use by remote Imperial Governors. So did many news agencies, who acquired Elegance drones to send information from system to system. The drone had limited computer capability, basically just enough to get the drone from one location to the other. Information was placed within sealed compartments for transport, and delivered only when the encoded signal emitted from the drone was answered with the correct codes. The Elegance drone was equipped with a self-destruct mechanism, designed to go off if the security protocols were bypassed. These drones were notorious for needed continual maintenance, as their hyperdrive motivators burned out after just five uses. (TBSB, FTD)

Elegant Interlude
this ship was owned and operated by Danith Jalay. Strego volunteered the ship to assist in the defense of Nar Shaddaa, during the Imperial attack commanded by Admiral Greelanx. The Elegant Interlude was dispatched to assist in taking out the initial picket line of Greelanx's formation. (THG)

Elegant Wake
this Romodi Interstellar passenger liner was ambushed by the Merson Slavers shortly before the onset of the Clone Wars. All aboard were taken prisoner, and the ship itself was scuttled and set adrift. The Elegant Wake was en route to Sy Myrth with Sy Myrthian refugees who were fleeing Coruscant after their homeworld seceded from the Old Republic. It was believed that all aboard were eventually sold into slavery. Several class-action lawsuits were brought against Romodi by the families of the Sy Myrthians who were captured, claiming that crew incompetence botched the standard sileet-running procedures used near asteroid fields, alerting the Merson Slavers to the presence of the Elegant Wake. (HNN4)

Elegin, Drost
the leader of House Elegin for a number of years, Leia Organa remembered him from her early days as a Senator. Drost was always getting into trouble for one scandal or another, but his brother's position in the Imperial Navy and his family's wealth kept him in favor. When the Empire was defeated, he and House Elegin stayed out of sight until Roganda Ismaren contacted him about a plan to recover the Eye of Palpatine. (COJ)

Elegin, Pouquor
pseudonym of an Imperial Intelligence agent, Pouqour was a member of the Sedition branch. (ISB)

Elegos A'kla
this Caamasi male and his young daughter Releqy were saving from the ravages of Remart Sasyru by Corran Horn. Elegos, the Trusant for the Morymento Caamasi Remnant, deferred to Corran and became his manservant, in order to better protect his people. His mother's brother was Ylenic It'kla. Through genetic memnii, Elegos felt a bond with Corran, andexplained that becoming his manservant would be beneficial to the Caamasi on Kerilt in the long run. This vision came to pass when Elegos accompanied Corran to Suarbi 7/5, where they rescued Mirax and defeat Leonia Tavira. On Surabi 7/5, Elegos discovered a owrld much more hospitable to the Caamasi than Kerilt, and also found that the Khuiumin Survivors and surrednering members of the Invids would need the Caamasi guidance and calmness to forge a new society. He also learned of the story of the Alderaan Graveyard through Tycho Celchu, and established a similar way of honoring the Caamasi dead after he reloacted to Suarbi 7/5. Several years later, Elegos played a role in the resolution of the Caamas Incident, helping deliver the fragment of transmission from Colonel Vermel to Leia Organa-Solo and setting up a meeting between her and Admiral Pellaeon. Elegos was eventually named the Senator who represented the Caamasi Remnant in the New Republic. He agreed to accompany Leia Organa Solo on a fact-finding mission to the Outer Rim Territories, in an effort to prove to the Senate that the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy was a real threat. Eventually, they were forced to fight their way clear of the Yuuzhan Vong to return to Coruscant, and still the leadership of the Republic failed to grasp the import of the invasion. Elegos finally became fed up with politics, and traveled to Dubrillion to present himself as an envoy to Shedao Shai. Shedao Shai agreed to hosst Elegos as an emissary, against the wishes of Deign Lian. Elegos and Shedao Shai learned much from each other, until the New Republic discovered that the pollen of the bafforr tree caused permanent damage to their crab armor. In an effort to draw out Corran Horn - who had killed two of his relatives - Shedao Shai murdered Elegos and had his skeleton gilded and packed in a sarcophagus. Elegos' remains were sorely received by Corran, who eventually met Shedao Shai in a duel. (IJ, VOF, DTO, DTR)

Elegos A'Kla
under the command of General Wedge Antilles, this Imperial-class Star Destroyer was part of a New Republic fleet which was commandeered by Garm Bel Iblis to assist in the defense of the Jedi base on Eclipse, some two years after the Yuuzhan Vong began their invasion of the galaxy. The Elegos A'Kla accompanied the Mon Mothma to Talfaglio, against the wishes of the New Republic military, to ensure that the Jedi Knights escaped without mishap. It was later learned that Chief of State Borsk Fey'lya himself authorized the use of the Star Destroyers, legitimizing their appearance in rescuing the Jedi. Both ships were able to transport thousands of Talfaglion refugees away from the Yuuzhan Vong, in addition to defending Eclipse against discovery. The Elegos A'Kla, named for the Caamasi diplomat who was killed by the Yuuzhan Vong, was one of the first Star Destroyers equipped with a new form of gravity-well projector, but even that weaponry was no match for the sheer numbers of the Yuuzhan Vong. During the Second Battle of Coruscant, the Elegos A'Kla fought valiantly, but was unable to stem the tide of alien attackers and was ultimately forced to retire from the battle. It underwent repairs for many months, and eventually became one of the backbones of the navy of the Galactic Alliance. (SBS, DN2)

Elek D'cel
this Caamasi served as the Adminstrator of Refuge City, during the early decades of the New Republic. He was off-planet when Caamas was bombarded by Bothan forces, and returned to focus his energies on restoring his homeworld's beauty. Elek D'cel founded Refuge City as a base of operations for the recovery efforts, and managed virtually every aspect of the city's operations. (WOTC, CCW)

Elephant Nose
a derogatory term for the Kubaz race (SW)

this was a warm, humid planet, located in the Outer Rim Territories. Much of the planet's income was derived from gambling profits during the height of the New Order. (T15)

this was one of the many outpost settlements founded on the planet Ando Prime. It was located near Juaka Canyon. (GMR2)

this gaseous substance is found in large quantities on the planet Caaraz. It can be refined for use as a fuel source for weapons power packs. It was for this reason that the Empire garrisoned Caaraz during the Galactic Civil War. (GG12)

this was an Alliance escort carrier, active during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (XVT)

Eleven Elders of the People
this was the governing body of the planet Emberlene. They were responsible for commissioning the creation of the Mistryl warrior society. It was also known that the Eleven were responsible for the subjugation and conquest of several planets in the immediate vicinty of Emberlene, which led the destruction of the planet at the hands of mercenaries hired by their victims. They covered the true nature of the destruction by claiming it was the Empire, worried about the strength of the Mistryl, that attacked Emberlene. (SOP, VOF)

Eleven Star Marketing
this major advertising, marketing, and sales company is a non-voting, contributing sponsor of the Corporate Sector Authority. They created the "Artificial Intelligence Worth Shaving Your Head For" campaign for the Aj^6 cyborg construct. (CSA)

Eleven, The
this small group was the original founders of the underground rebellion that started on the planet Bellassa, during the months following the end of the Clone Wars, when the Empire took control of the planet. Originally founded by Ferus Olin and Roan Lands, the Eleven was named for the fact that eleven members all agreed to begin working against the oppression of the Empire, in order to make Bellassa free once more. This made Ferus and Roan the primary targets of Inquisitor Malorum and the Imperial agents on the planet, but this didn't stop the group from growing quickly beyond the original eleven members. (LJ1)

this small, personal submersible was operated by the Yarin harbor master of the Crystal Reef floating city, located near the arctic polar cap of Calamari. It was provided for use by Cilghal, Jacen Solo, and Tenel Ka, who were trying to intercept Anja Gallandro. They later used it to eliminate a stash of spice hidden under the polar ice by Black Sun operatives, but the sub was heavily damaged in an encounter with the skra'akan. (CCR)

known as the Diplomat's Blaster, the SoroSuub ELG-3A was part of a line of weapons produced for bodyguards and political operatives. Sleek and easily hidden, the ELG-3A provided the power of a pistol with the size of a hold-out blaster. It was primarily marketed as a defensive weapon, capable of stunning an attacker with limited collateral damage. (AEG)

this continent, located on the western hemisphere of Lazerian IV, was part of the kingdom of Devit. (TSK)

Elgerkab's Cantina
this was one of the handful of taverns that were located in the city of Ugnorgrad, on the floating facility called the Ungaught Surface, that were not affiliated with the Ugnaught Mechanics Union. Although no direct links were ever made, several fires in Elgerkab's Cantina were attributed to Union members during the early years of the New Republic. (PH)

this elderly Serp was rescued from a carnivorous plant by Luke Skywalker, when the young rebel was on Serphidi as part of a mission to negotiate a treaty with the Serps. Elglih took Luke to his home in Harmony Glade and provided him with food, and told him the history of the Serp people. Elglih then explained that he needed to challenge King S'Shah in a doom-joust, hopefully to defeat the tyrant and free the Serp people. Luke reluctantly agreed to serve as Elglih's squire, although Elglih was forced to recognize that Luke was a better jouster than he was. Elglih then convinced Luke to challenge King S'Shah in his place. Luke managed toi unseat S'Shah, and the King agreed to submit to Luke. However, S'Shah pulled a micro-jolt from his robes and tried to kill Luke. Seeing the danger, Elglih used his own weapon to shoot S'Shah dead. Although it was Luke who defeated S'Shah in battle, Elglih was named the new King of Serphidi, and he agreed to throw the support of the Serp people over to the Alliance, as a way to repay Luke for his defeat of S'Shah. (MC64)

Elgrin, Tam
this young man was a videographer, working on the planet Coruscant when the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the galaxy. In the wake of the Battle of Coruscant, Tam claimed that he and his crew were trying to flee Coruscant when they were attacked by the Yuuzhan Vong. He said that he was knocked unconscious, and barely escaped with his life and his holocamera. When the New Republic retook Borleias and regrouped there, Tam was reunited with Wolam Tser, in an effort to provide as much intelligence on the situation on Coruscant as possible. They provided the initial views of the Yuuzhan Vong using skyhooks and orbital platforms to destroy the cityscape of the planet. Unknown to the New Republic, however, Tam was actual a spy, placed in the Borleias base through the machinations of Viqi Shesh. Tam had actually been captured by the Yuuzhan Vong on Coruscant, and an implant was placed in his skull that caused intense pain if he failed to follow his orders. He was asked to become friends with Danni Quee, in hopes that key information could be smuggled out of Borleias. However, he found himself hating what he had become, and wishing he could fight against the pain in his head. He managed to sneak into Danni's lab one night and steal information, but was unable to bring himself to kill her. Unfortunately for Tam, Danni had faked being asleep, and allowed him to steal a wealth of false information. In response to his inability to kill Danni Quee, the implant shorted out most of Tam's physical systems, an act which was not unlike death for him. While resisting the implant caused a good deal of damage to his body, Tam nevertheless survived. He was nursed back to health by Cilghal, and eventually set out to make up for the trouble he had caused. Tam began pointing out the Yuuzhan Vong listening devices he had installed, and even saved a Bothan operative from being tortured by a disguised Yuuzhan Vong warrior. Tam soon found a calling when he met the young boy named Tarc. Tam started teaching Tarc how to operate a holocamera, and found that he liked the boy. He made sure that Tarc was accounted for during the evacuation of Borleias. (EL1, EL2)

a non-descript planet in the Minos Cluster, it was on Eliad that Emperor Palpatine exiled a large number of nobles after stripping them of their power. He offered them the chance to remain alive - rather than make martyrs out of them by killing them - if they remained in permanent exile. If they agreed, they were allowed to take with them all of their wealth. Eliad was one of a handful of remote worlds that Palpatine chose as his exile colonies. With nothing to do and nowhere to go, the incredibly rich settlers of Eliad devised increasingly sophisticated and demented ways of entertaining themselves. The inhabitants remained staunch, albeit quite, supporters of the Old Republic, but they kept their beliefs to themselves rather than attract Imperial attention. Palpatine stationed a Lancer-class frigate in orbit around Eliad, to keep the nobles in their places. The average day on Eliad lasts 21 standard hours, while its year encompasses 381 local days. (GG6)

Eliall-class Cargo Barge
this 100-meter-long container ship was used by many Outer Rim shipping concerns during the height of the New Order. It required a crew of five to operate, and could transport up to five passengers and 300 metric tons of cargo. (TSIA)

Elias, Kama
the Telosian gladiator was one of the combatants in the game of Katharsis. (DOR)

Fliry Vorru's Thyferran secretary. (BW)

Eliest Council
the Saurton ruling council on Essowyn. (PG)

this was one of the codenames used by Zozriodor Slayke to describe key locations of military value on the planet Praesitlyn, during the attempt by Freedom's Sons and Daughters to fend off a Separatist attack on the Intergalactic Communications Center, some two and a half years after the Battle of Geonosis. Eliey and Kaudine were positions that flanked Slayke's command center, and were located some 600 meters behind Izable. Like the command center and positions Izable, Kaudine, and Judlie, Eliey had a 360-degree view of its surrounding terrain, and its fire zone overlapped with Izable and Judlie. This provided the maximum defense of the command center. However, Zozridor's forces were badly outnumbered by the battle droids of the Separatists, and personnel from the Eliey location were forced to fall back to Judlie to regroup. (JT)

this was the capital city of the planet Romin. The city was surrounded by a security wall that was known as the Cloudflower Wall, keeping the workers out of the main city. This ensured that the wealthiest and richest of Romin's natives could live in relative peace. Guard droids ensured that no workers entered the city without proper authorization, and the Cloudflower Wall was under constant surveillance. Inside the wall, the inhabitants of Eliior lived in luxury and ease, with wondrous gardens providing relaxation. Outside the wall, workers lived in concentric circles of hovels, and living conditions deteriorated as one moved further from the city. (JQ8)

Elikann Crater
this was one of the many impact craters found on the planet Tasariq, which were turned into living areas by the Tasari. (SWJ15)

Eliminator 434
an erect, bullet-shaped assassin droid that stands 1.8 meters tall. They are armed with a single blaster cannon and a concussion missile launcher. (CPL, SWSB)

a late-model BlasTech pistol, the Eliminator-7 employed a more efficient power pack than its predecessors. (GMH)

Elin Roe
this planet was the primary world in a system that was patrolled by Hallyn Phlynne during the Galactic Civil War. The fifth moon of the planet was bombarded with radioactive dust when the Krish mechanic known as Maniac tinkered with the drive systems of the Yagaran Four's freighter. When it tried to enter hyperspace, the drive exploded, destroying the ship. (SWJ2, CRO)

this being was one of the founding members of the band known as the Twisted Rancor Trio, which performed on the planet Taris during the height of the Great Sith War. She was a fantastic singer, and was wooed by Gilthos Uksaris for many months. In order to get a date with Elinda, Uksaris came up with the idea of the Twisted Rancor Trio, and asked Elinda to be its lead singer. She agreed to both the date and the band, but was frustrated by Uksaris' choice of background musicians. When she threatened to quit because of Ujaa's poor playing, Uksaris fired the Bith and hired Loopa instead. This led to Ujii's resignation, and he was replaced by Fodo. However, when the band was hired to play for Davik Kang, Elinda refused to sing because of Kang's connections to the Exchange. Uksaris then hired her sister, Ashanda, to be the band's lead singer. (KOTOR)

this was a common name among the Snivvian race. (UANT)

this Imperial Moff was also a noted sabacc player. (RESB)

this native of Anobis was the leader of Anja Gallandro's mining town. He was also the leader of the loose association of mining towns formed during the height of the civil war on Anobis. When Han Solo tried to get the sides talking, Elis agreed to meet with Ynos under a temporary cease-fire to discuss ways to end the war. (ROM)

Elis Helrot
this Givin spent a lot of time on Tatooine, scouring Mos Eisley for information about slaves or spice for transport. He makes many journeys to delivery these cargoes to Kala'uun. He owns the transport ship Hinthra. (CCG)

this was the brand name of a medical supply. (FOP)

this was a model of blaster carbine that was produced during the height of the New Order. (SWGAL)

this was one of the Nebulon-B frigates which were used by the Imperial Navy, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (XW)

this was one of the many Victory-class Star Destroyers which were still active, as part of the Imperial Navy, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (XVT)

Elite Circle
this wa the name given to the ruling members of the Assassins' Guild. At one time, they were nearly exterminated by Gallandro, who killed off half of their number by himself. That was the first and only time the Guild had ever been forced to default on a contract. (HSL)

Elite Squadron
one of the squadrons of TIE Fighters maintained by the Thyferran Home Defense Corps, it was commanded by Erisi Dlarit. (BW)

a predator from a heavy-gravity world, they were transplanted to Dar'Or when their planet's sun went supernova. The environmentalists who decided on Dar'Or failed to recognize that the elix's homeworld had much higher gravity that Dar'Or. Because their high-gravity evolution gave them immense strength, the elix quickly overtook most of the life on the lower-gravity Dar'Or, including the sentient Ri'Dar. They are on the galaxy's preservation list, but are often illegally hunted for their meat. (GG4)

Elixirof Infatuation
this was one of the most potent forms of Zeltron wine, distilled for non-Zeltrons who wanted to win the affections of another being. One of the most unique properrties of this elixir was that it did not lose its potency when mixed into food or drink. (UANT)

this member of Talon Karrde's organization worked on the Starry Ice as a gunner, under the command of Shirlee Faughn. (SOP)

Ell, Zez-Kai
this man was one of the five Jedi Masters who survived the Jedi Civil War. He fled to Nar Shaddaa, where he laid low until he was located by The Exile, who convinced Master Ell to return to Dantooine and help rebuild the Jedi Order. (KOTOR2)

this blue-skinned humanoid owned a used speeder and swoop shop in the city of Gralleenya, on Questal. Known as Honest Ellam, he was basically honest about his prices and service, although he tended to embellish the histories of his merchandise. His homeworld's gravity is much less than standard, so he was confined to an anti-grav chair, which he used to propel his meter-tall body around his sales yards. He had a large head and four long arms, and his eyes were a solid red in color. His V-shaped mouth gave him the appearance of a perpetual smile. To make sure that he didn't get robbed, Ellam kept a group of Gamorreans on retainer as bodyguards. (GCQ)

this was one of the most common surnames found among the human population of Corellia. (GMR9)

this gruff woman was starfighter pilot and a member of Bravo Squadron, part of the Royal Naboo Security Force, during the Trade Federation's blockade of the Naboo System. She was originally a computer systems troubleshooter, and her years of experience with computer systems allowed her to predict and adjust the squadron's tactics to those of the Federation's droid starfighters. (CCG15)

this woman served as one of Senator Padme' Amidala's handmaidens, during the years following the Battle of Geonosis. She was one of the few individuals who knew of Padme's marriage to Anakin Skywalker. (SWI71, E3, OWS)

this was one of the most common female names among the Corellians. (GMR9)

Isolder's former betrothed, the Lady was assassinated before they could be married. Although she never admitted it, many believe that the Queen Mother, Ta'a Chume, was responsible for drowning Elliar in a reflecting pool. Note that she is named Ellian in Cracken's Threat Dossier. (CPL, CTD)

this woman worked for Yeorg Captisan as a senior aide, during the period leading up to the Battle of Bakura. (TBSB)

Ellie' Arcadium
this was one of the many aqua-domed buildings found in the city of Theed, on the planet Naboo. (IWE1)

Ellon, Jost
this young boy encountered R2-D2 and C-3PO on the planet Dodz, shortly after they were deposited on the planet by the Intergalactic Droid Agency. The droids were to become the servants of Lott Kemp, but Kemp's dwelling was destroyed Governor Kugg's droid, the Destroyer. Jost himself had lost his home and his family to one of Kugg's first demands for more taxes, and he was forced to live in a remote cave to avoid being arrested himself. Jost survived by doing odd jobs for his friends, fixing what he could and doing manual labor for food and a few credits. During his scavenging missions, Jost discovered an old Ranger X-1, which he reactivated with the help fo R2-D2 and C-3PO. With the help of the droids, Jost and the X-1 were able to defeat the Destroyer and break Kugg's hold on the people of Dodz. His old Ranger X-1, with its power circuits permanently damaged, was placed on a small hill as a monument to the unending dream of freedom held by all citizens of Dodz. (MDCAR)

this was a common name given to male Duros children. The name Ellor was a variant on the name Ellors. (GCG)

this quiet Duro was a smuggling chief working for Billey during the early years of the New Republic. Ellor became a smuggler after surviving the death penalty while transporting gy'lan spice with Talon Karrde. The excitement he experienced during their escape into hyperspace convinced him to take up swmuggling as a profession. His ship helped destroy an unfinished Star Destroyer at the Bilbringi shipyards just prior to Thrawn's attack on Coruscant, some five years after the Battle of Endor. (TLC, TTSB)

this was a common name given to male Duros children. The name Ellorrs referred to a hero from Duros legends. (GCG)

according to Duros legend, Ellorrs was a hero who brought back traders from other star systems. (GCG)

Ellorrs Madak
this was an alias used by the Duro Ohwun DeMaal. Ellorrs was in the Mos Eisley cantina when Luke Skywalker and Ben Kenobi try to book passage to Alderaan. Ellorrs Madak was a flight instructor and pilot who would take just about any job for the right price. (CCG, JKG, GMR2)

Ellstree Bar
one of the ramshackle establishments located in the town of New Hope Settlement, on Ladarra. (TFNR)

an Imperial functionary on Bakura, working for Wilek Nereus during the years leading up to the Battle of Bakura. (TB)

this woman was a noted security officer who used a neuronic whip to keep beings in line. She was often criticized for controlling her people through fear, rather than through actual leadership ability. (GUN)

this timid man served as the droid technician of the Q'Maere Research Facility, during the time Moff Sarne used the facility as a penal colony. (KR)

Elmainin Armaments
this was a specialty weapons manufacturer which operated during the New Order. (GFT)

this New Republic Commander was killed by a strange, shape-changing alien loyal to the remnants of the Empire. The creature was eventually captured by New Republic agents and neutralized. (GMS)

this white-furred bird is native to the planet Chad, and is often preyed upon by the cy'een. (SWJ10)

this planet, the second world in the Endor system, was heavily mined by the Empire for its native ores. Following the formation of the New Republic, all but one Sullustan company were denied access to the planet's resources. (DFRSB, GMR9)

Eloinie Petro-Munitions
this chemical weapons manufacturer was headquartered on Zaraksander. (GG10)

Eloinie, Cyrstas
this young woman, the daughter of Darred Eloinie, was kidnapped by the Neo-Fundamentalist Phlangites despite the fact that she was demonstrating on their side of a Peaceful Dawn Rally. Darred hired Valekn Gresh to recover her. (GG10)

Eloinie, Darred
this man was the chief executive officer of Eloinie Petro-Munitions during the Galactic Civil War. (GG10)

this was one of three habitable worlds in the Sabrixin System. (GG11)

homeworld of the Elomin and Elom races, it is located in the Borderland Regions. The Elomin joined the Alliance in an effort to escape slavery at the hands of the Empire, who sought to force the Elomin to mine lommite for them. It is a cold, barren world without much vegetation. The planet's day is 26 standard hours in length, and its years lasts 406 local days. Note that the galaxy map inside Star Wars Insider, issue 65, indicates that Elom is located in the Outer Rim Territories, between the Meridian and Corporate Sectors. (TLC, HTSB, GG12, SWI65)

this short, heavy race of shaggy humanoids is native to the underground caverns of the planet Elom. Their fur is oily and thick, and their skin is tough enough to withstand the sharp rocks and stones of their habitat. Their fingers and toes end in hooked claws that are used to grasp and dig. Their eyes are set on short stalks on either side of their heads, and their mouths are punctuated by two short tusks. They are peaceful herbivores, and have remained outside of the galactic community while the Elomin have embraced the galaxy. Some younger Eloms have been outspoken about receiving the benefits realized by the Elomin, and this dissention was only heightened when the Empire took control of Elom. The Elom race evolved on the surface of Elom, but moved underground to search out roots and tubers when the water levels of their planet dropped. Thus, they didn't gain from the interaction with the Old Republic or the Empire, as did the Elomin. The two races remained separated, especially since the Elomin refused to acknowlege the Eloms in their "ordered" view of thew universe. Many Eloms simply retreated deeper into their caves. The Star Wars Customizable Card Game confuses Elom with Elomin, stating that the Eloms worked to sabotage the Imperial war machine by adapting stolen equipment for the Alliance. (GG12, CCG7, EGA)

this was the native language of both the Elom and Elomin races. (ANT)

Elom Ranphyx
this was the name of the major-league smashball team based in the city of Oront, on Elom, during the last decades of the Old Republic. (HNN4)

this was a specialized language used exclusively by the Elomin race. (PJSB)

natives of Elom, these tall, thin aliens and pointed ears and four horns. Their eyes are widely spaced, and their noses have tusks. They have long hair sprouting from just behind their ears. As a society, the Elomin strove to find order in all things, and worked to create order where it didn't exist. The Elomin also refused to ackowledge their brethren, the Eloms, as part of the "ordered" view of the universe. The Elomin had little advanced technology when they were admitted to the Old Republic, but readily accepted the new technologies they were given access to. When Emperor Palpatine rose to power, the Elomin were enslaved and forced to mine lommite for the Imperial war machine. The Star Wars Customizable Card Game confuses Elom with Elomin, stating that the Eloms worked to sabotage the Imperial war machine by adapting stolen equipment for the Alliance. (TLC, HTSB, CCG7, EGA)

Elomin Press
a publishing house founded on Elom. (GG12)

a native of the planet Roon, Elon was one of Auren Yomm's teammates during the Colonial Games. (DCAR)

this was the first month of the Tapani local calendar, which mapped almost directly to the Coruscant local calendar. (PGT)

this woman was Sunry's wife. During the Great Sith War, Sunry explained to her that he had been having an affair with Elassa. Elora was angry, and wanted Sunry to call off the affair. He agreed, but was implicated in Elassa's death. Elora knew that her husband was innocent, and asked Jolee Bindo to help prove his innocence. In a trial, Sunry was cleared of any involvement in Elassa's murder, and set free. (KOTOR)

Elora Sund
this young Sullustan Jedi Padawan was part of the task force dispatched to the planet Jabiim, during the height of the Clone Wars. Like many of the students who were forced into battle, Elora lost her Master to the Jabiimite rebels. Elora continued to adapt to the changing conditions, however, stealing a pair of repulsor boots to move about the battlefield with uncanny speed. She found herself growing attached to Tae Diath, as the battle ground on and the Padawans continued to fight. However, during their final stand against the forces of Alto Stratus, Tae was cut down by a group of assassin droids. Elora, connected to Tae through a link in the Force, caught the psychic backlash of his death in her mind. The blast was too powerful for her to handle, and she was killed instantly. (RBJ)

an Alliance freighter destroyed during the Galactic Civil War. (TIE)

this was one of a network of capital cities of the planet Elom. (SWJ15)

this Togorian was a master in the crafting of steel weapons, including the sc'rath. After witnessing Mlatar Thon Gra's skills in the Rrann Hhoss, Elotis took the young male to be his apprentice. Elotis trained Mlatar for six years before the younger male earned the rank of master himself. (AIR)

Eloun Kooladi
this was a distinguished Miraluka individual in the history of Alpheridies. (UANT)

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