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Er'Dox Kaan
this giant red star, located in the Outer Rim, was the primary sun of the planet Laboi II.
(GG4, SWJ10)
see Eredenn
this planet was the site of a large battle, during the early stages of the Clone Wars. A cold world dominated by fields of snow and ice for most of its year, Eredenn was the fourth planet in the Erediss System, and was orbited by three moons. The cause of the battle was the story of a secret base maintained on the planet by the Old Republic, although history provided no details of the work being done there.
this planet is located in Astal Sector.
Ereen Agar
this female Zabrak grew up in a settlement on the planet Anobis, during the early years of the New Order. She was always physically strong, and was hired as an enforcer for a Mid Rim transport company, protecting their starships from pirates and law enforcement agencies. During a regular run to Tatooine, her ship was ambushed by pirates at the same time as one of Vurrha's ships was attacked. The pair managed to kill the pirates, and Vurrha hired Ereen on the spot to be his new enforcer for his gang, known as Vurrha's Blood. Ereen agreed, seeing the new role as a challenge she could overcome. She was distinguished by her slightly impatient nature, something that Vurrha tried to eliminate. She was also known for her skills with a blaster, and relished the opportunity to cause a little mayhem while terrifying her enemies.
this ancient space city was known for its slave markets.
this was one of the most common surnames found among the human population of Corellia.
Erelen, Thel
this man, a native of the planet Chandrila, coordinated the Alliance's activities in the space near Duro, during the years leading up to the Battle of Yavin.
a Hapan term for Ta'a Chume, roughly translated as 'she who has no equal.'
this hot ball of rock was the second planet of the Naboo System. It had one natural satellite.
Eretha Narra
this was the name of a noted Ebranite individual.
Erethen, Min
this woman was a noted droid scientist and developer, who worked for Arakyd Industries during the height of the New Order. Despite the fact that much of her work involved war droids and weapons, Min was essentially a pacifist who simply produced droids. What other people did with her creations was, in her opinion, not her responsibility. Because most of her work involved the research and development of combat automata and disruptor weapons, she was secreted away aboard the mobile laboratory known as the Bhishana Bhaga. Doctor Erethen was the only organic survivor when the Bhishana Bhaga crashed on Krykas V, after it suffered hyperdrive failure. Several of her combat automata also survived the crash, and compounded rescue efforts by attacking the rescue teams. She was eventually rescued by a group of freelance operatives.
this was one of the many Bothan clans. Affiliation with the clan was indicated by the suffix 'rey added to an individual's family name.
Erg Es 992
this large star was the primary solar body in the system that contained Cybloc.
Ergagesh Ocean
this body of water covers 90% of the planet Ergeshui, supplying the swamps with nutrient-rich water.
this alien race is native to the swampy planet of Ergeshui. They are about two meters tall, and resemble shambling mounds of plant material, and can live to be more than 200 standard years of age. Their bodies are covered with droopy, slimy appendages of various sizes and lengths, and have coloration including greens, browns, and grays. They are intelligent, curious creatures which are very gentle. It has been said that Ergesh communication sounded like thick mud coming to a rapid boil, although most Ergesh prefer to speak Basic. Two Ergesh reproduce by planting one seed from each body in the shoolbloorp swamp during a special mating ceremony.
(PG2, AE)
Ergesh Rum
this highly-priced spirit is fermented on Ergesh.
Ergesh Starjumper
this unique spacecraft is really a living organism. The Starjumper measures 400 meters in length, and is about 30 meters in diameter. The Starjumper is biologically engineered by the Ergesh, and is grown in the Industrial Swampfields of Ergeshui. They Starjumper relies on several organic appendages for navigation, fire control, and communications. The Starjumper is powered by the life energies of the 800 Ergesh who operate it. This symbiosis makes the Starjumper unusable by other species.
this planet is the only world in the Agash System. It is a hostile world, covered with a thick, nitrogen and carbon dioxide atmosphere blanketing a moist, swampy landmass. This dense atmosphere filters the light from Agash, bathing the landscape in an eerie, red glow. It is the homeworld of the Ergesh race. The average day on Ergeshui lasts 40 standard hours; its year lasts 380 local days. It has two moons.
Ergihl Threk
this was one of the most famous Huralok pirates.
this city is the capital city of the planet Ergeshui, located on the Ersheg continent. The buildings that comprise the city are made from mud and organic matter. Erglush is connected to Outworlder City by a living monorail made from a thick vine. The vine produces bean-shaped growths that slide along the vine, propellde by methane gas and photosynthetic charge. Ergesh can ride inside the bean-pods from one city to the other.
a planet which was the site of an Imperial fuel station during the Galactic Civil War.
Ergo, Brixie
the daughter of a prominent Entrallan doctor and his wife, Brixie was drawn to the study of alien species. She excelled in this field, and was about to graduate from medical school herself when the Pentastar Alignment conscripted her parents as combat medics. She thought of joining the New Republic, but the Republic was unable to spare forces to deal with the Alignment. She was recruited by Andrephan Stormcaller in a tavern, where he was posing as a drunkard who was willing to listen to her rantings. She decided to join the Red Moons as a medic, and two months later she accompanied the team sent to Gabredor III. She was to be ready to provide assistance to the kidnapped children of the Cantras Gola ambassador. The mission exposed her to the harsh realities of the struggle against the Alignment, as Lex Kempo lost his life saving hers.
this is a species of small, beady-eyed creature which lives by consuming pure energy.
Erhynradd Massacre
this battle took placed during the early years of the New Order, and took the life of Gideon Tarkin.
Erhynradd Mutiny
see Erhynradd Massacre
Eri Palle
this Yevethan was one of Nil Spaar's personal aides.
this planet, located in the Seswenna Sector of the Outer Rim, was the seat of Grand Moff Tarkin's early power. Located near the intersection of the Rimma Trade Route and the Hydian Way, Eriadu was where Tarkin developed the Tarkin Doctrine. Note that Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds indicates that Eriadu was located at the intersection of the Rimma Trade Route, the Lipsec Run, and the Yankirk Route. Some 900 years before the Battle of Yavin, a group of five Corulag - known as the Quintad - emigrated to Eriadu and transformed the planet. Until that point, Eriadu was known for its beautiful silver and blue shell jewelry. With the consolidation of the Quintad's power on Eriadu, much of the planet's surface was re-dedicated to industrial and manufacturing centers. During the last decades of the Old Republic, the Eriadu Manufacturing shipyards brought financial prosperity to the planet, under Tarkin's political direction. There was even legislation in the Seswenna Sector that the sector capital be moved to Eriadu. However, the industrialization which occurred caused massive amounts of pollution to be dumped into the environment, and large portions of the planet's ecosystem were destroyed by pollution. Much of the planet's atmosphere carried an orange tinge to it, although the major cities also boasted yellow and green layers, all of which were the result of industrial and manufacturing outflows. Drost Elegin left his family on Eriadu before leaving to meet Roganda Ismaren on Belsavis, during the early years of the New Republic. The planet itself was often described as a Core World with the misfortune of having been located in the Outer Rim Territories, which led a former planetary leader to dub his homeworld the "Coruscant of the Outer Rim."
this star was the central body in the Eriadu System, located in the Seswenna Sector of the Outer Rim Territories.
Eriadu Bypass
this was a secondary loop of the Hydian Way, formed to reach the planet Eriadu more than a millennia before the Battle of Yavin. After Eriadu became a major manufacturing center during the last centuries of the Old Republic, there was so much traffic moving along this route that many astro-cartographers began to consider the Eriadu Bypass a main part of the Hydian Way.
Eriadu City
this was the capital city of the planet Eriadu. Located on the planet's southern hemipshere, Eriadu City was covered in a cloud of pollution that tinged the skies with orange, yellow, and green layers of chemicals. Much of the city was sprawled along the banks of the Orrineswa River. This location, combined with the existing gases in the atmosphere and the regular output of its factories, provided Eriadu City with some unusual and impressive sunsets.
Eriadu Conference
this historic meeting of major manufacturers and trade guilds was meant to establish the guidelines by which the Trade Federation would be managed, shortly before the Battle of Naboo. During the conference, the Neimoidian delegation arranged for the assassination of all the Kuati delegates from Kuat Drive Yards, allowing the Neimoidians to take control of the Trade Federation.
(X2, NEGW)
Eriadu Free HoloDaily
this was one of the most popular daily newsfeeds serving the planet Eriadu during the last decades of the Old Republic.
Eriadu Manufacturing
this small starship building corporation rose to prominance on Eriadu during the last decades of the Old Republic. Founded and financed by a distant cousin of Supreme Chanceller Valorum, Eriadu Manufacturing's facilities were comparable to those at Sluis Van, but were not a threat to the shipyards of Corellia or Kuat. They were, however, a threat to the environment of Eriadu, as Eriadu Manufacturing was the planet's largest source of pollution.
Eriadu Planetary Security
this was the primary police and defense force that protected the planet Eriadu. Their primary base of operations was contained within the Phelar Port area of the planet.
Eriadu Planetary Security Launchport
this was the primary military spaceport used by the Eriadu Planetary Security. It was located within the boundaries of Phelar Port, on the planet Eriadu.
Eriadu Stealth Unit
this module, developed on the planet Eriadu some 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin, provided the user with a personal camouflage system. When activated, the unit enhanced a being's own ability to remain hidden, but was most effective in non-combat situation. Combat or other intense activity disrupted the field, reducing its ability to camouflage the user.
Eriadu Way
this old hyperspace travel route connected the Anoat Sector to the planet Eriadu. Over time, the Eriadu Way became part of the Hydian Way.
this was the name used to describe the human population of the planet Eriadu.
Eriaduan Rat
see Eriaduian Rat
Eriaduian Rat
this large, six-legged rodent was native to the planet Eriadu, where it was the favored prey of several larger predators. However, these rodents flourished when the cities of Eriadu were industrialized, and many of its former predators were forced into extinction by the overdevelopment of the planet. Without its natural predators to keep the population in check, Eriaduian rats began to overrun their small dens, and eventually made their way into the sewers of the cities. Over time, these rats adapted to the toxic sewage that was dumped into their homes, becoming vicious and territorial creatures.
this Corellian CR90 Corvette was part of the New Republic fleet assigned to the retaking of Coruscant. Captain Afyon was in command of the Eridian, and was at Hensara III providing the machinery to retrieve the Battle of Yavin from a lake there.
a planet which held Senatorial representation in the Senate during the latter days ot the Old Republic, before the Senate was disbanded.
this starship pilot served the Alliance at Eyrie Base.
this planet was the governmental capital of the Centrality. The surface of Erilnar was broken by 300,000 lakes that left little contiguous landmass for settlement.
this woman served as a chief sensor officer for the Lant Mining Corporation, serving under Captain Pricene during the movements of convoy LMC-55c.
this volcanic ball of rock was the third planet of the Eriadu System, located in the Outer Rim Territories. It was orbited by a single moon.
this Imperial-II class Star Destroyer was part of the Imperial Remnant's small fleet. It was dispatched to the Ord Mantell during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, on intelligence received from the New Republic.
this planet was the original homeworld of the Nejma race of Iskalonians.
this was one of the most common female names among the Corellians.
this woman and her twin sister, Alani, requested the help of the Jedi Knights six years after the population of New Apsolon elected a planetary leader. The sisters were the daughter of the former leader Ewane, who was killed shortly after he left office. They supposedly went into hiding, and begged the Jedi Knights to return to New Apsolon and find Ewane's killer. When Qui-Gon Jinn arrived in search of Tahl, he learned that the twins had willingly joined Roan's household, and had not sent for the Jedi. This was all a cover, though, in an effort to protect Tahl, who had infiltrated the Absolutes. The twins were captured shortly after Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan Kenobi arrived on the planet, despite the security measures put in place by Balog. Eritha and Alani were released after Roan was killed, but Eritha soon found out that her sister had been secretly working for Balog all along, hoping to rule the planet herself. Eritha agreed to help the Jedi infiltrate the Absolutes hidden base and rescue Tahl. She was briefly captured and held prisoner, but Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan managed to rescue her before Balog destroyed the Absolutes' secret base. Although they rescued Tahl, she died shortly afterward. Eritha continued to help the Jedi, pretending not to know of her sister's involvement with Balog while trying to gather information about Alani's activities. She discovered that Alani had been behind their kidnapping, which had been meant to sway public sympathy against the Jedi. However, Manex learned through unofficial sources that Eritha's support of the Workers was a sham. Alani later told Obi-Wan that Eritha was working for her, trying to get Qui-Gon arrested and the Jedi discredited, so that their bid to take control of New Apsolon would be unimpeded. She also told Qui-Gon that she had personally seen to the extended period of sensory deprivation to which Tahl had been subjected. However, after her admissions and the capture of Balog, both Eritha and Alani were arrested and imprisoned, and their bid for power was extinguished.
this was a species of tall, thin, reptilian aliens that were native to a planet of the same name. Er'Kit's small heads were covered in smooth, pale skin.
this Outer Rim planet was the homeworld of the Er'Kit race.
this Pacithip spice dealer worked on the planet Tatooine during the height of the New Order.
this man served the Empire as a gunner aboard the Star Destroyer commanded by Major Voss, during the height of the Galactic Civil War.
this was a series of transcribots developed by Serv-O-Droid during the early years of the New Order. They were known for the distracting ability to inject critical or analytical commentary into their transcriptions, offering unecessary or - more often - unwanted conjecture to the text.
this Fyodoi member of the Roh tribe is Tseeach's son. He is training to become the tribe's next shaman, following in his father's footsteps.
Ern, Ciran
this man was the Minister of the planet Junction 5, some 13 years before the Battle of Naboo. When the existence of the Annihilator weapon was proven to be a rumor perpetuated by the Guardians and Lorian Nod, Minster Ern promised to disband the Guardians.
Eron, Reagal
this man served as the chief gunnery officer aboard the Star Destroyer Eradicator. He was a witness to Boba Fett's delivery of Feldral Okor to Prefect Isis, and decided to join the Imperial Navy shortly afterward.
Eror Zeen
this city is the capital of the planet Danoor.
Erox Vor'an
this was the name of a noted Ebranite individual.
see Ephram
Erpham Warrick
Wicket's great-grandfather, Erpham was a famous Ewok warrior. He defeated the Duloks by using a weapon-filled War Wagon.
Erphan Warrick
see Ephram Warrick
Errant Trader
this Ithorian SkyYards Sky Yards-class herdship spent much of its journey moving through the Core Worlds and the Colonies region, along a path that included Brentaal, Kuat, Corellia, and Commenor. The Errant Trader was captained by the Ithorian Onuumu for many years. It was one of the few herdships to survive the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy and the destruction of Ithor, making it an ark for a handful of the surviving Ithorians.
Errant Venture
this was the name Booster Terrik used for the Imperial-II class Star Destroyer he obtained from the New Republic following the liberation of Thyferra. Formerly known as the Virulence, it was severely stripped of weaponry due to New Republic regulations for civilian ships. The interior of the vast ship was refitted to create a bazaar-like atmosphere, completely with food courts, multiple shopping levels, and several discretely-hidden conference rooms. The ship was a continual troublespot for Booster, as he tried to run it with a minimal crew and operations staff. Several systems, including weapons and turbolifts, were constantly under repair. Booster hired 200 Verpine technicians to upgrade the ship to workable order, a task which took them more that seven months to complete. Part of the ship's interior was gutted and formed into three entertainment and commercial levels - Black, Blue, and Diamond Levels - to cater to the wide variety of customers Booster attracted. To separate the ship from the rest of the Star Destroyers in the galaxy, Booster had the Errant Venture painted deep red. He maintained a strong security force made up of humans and Weequays. When Grand Admiral Thrawn returned from the Unknown Regions to threaten the New Republic, Borsk Fey'lya campaigned for the Errant Venture to be nationalized into the Republic's fleet. However, Intelligence had trouble locating the ship. Once they found it, Booster agreed to the plan, provided that the ship be completely refitted and rearmed, with all modifications remaining intact after the battle. He also demanded the assignment in rank of Admiral. Fey'lya and the Ruling Council were forced to leave the ship alone, but Airen Cracken began sending out hints and rumors of the ship being used to track Thrawn. During the Caamas Incident, Booster reluctantly agreed to let Garm Bel Iblis use the Errant Venture in a raid on the Imperial archives at Yaga Minor, in an effort to obtain a copy of the Caamas Document. Bel Iblis believed that the Venture could get close to the planet because none of its identification codes were known to the Empire, and he maneuvered Booster into agreement by claiming that the resulting civil war - which would begin if the Document weren't recovered soon - would series hamper his ability to do any business. Booster got a measure of revenge on Bel Iblis, though, because Bel Iblis was forced to upgrade the weapons and shields get them up to Imperial standards, and Booster was allowed to keep them. He even got a new paint job. In order to get the Errant Venture close enough to Yaga Minor, Bel Iblis used ID codes from the Star Destroyer Tyrannic, which hadn't been seen in several months. This proved to be the flaw in their plans, since Moff Disra and Grodin Tierce knew that the Tyrannic was cloaked and hiding near Bothawui. Later, during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, Booster kept the Errant Venture hidden and moving, until he learned that his grandson, Valin Horn, was in danger of being captured by the Yuuzhan Vong on Yavin 4. He was tracked down by Jaina and Jacen Solo, and agreed to accompany them to the moon in order to rescue the Jedi students. Booster later agreed to house the students until a safer training facility could be set up. During the defense of the Jedi base on Eclipse, the Errant Venture took heavy damage from Yuuzhan Vong warships, and was forced to flee into the asteroid belt in order to survive. As the war ground on, Booster's ship served as a temporary training facility for the young Jedi, until the Maw Installation was rebuilt for use as a new base. Even after the children were safely hidden at the Maw, Booster and the Errant Venture remained in the area as a patrol ship. When the final battle with the Yuuzhan Vong too place at Coruscant, Booster and the Smugglers' Alliance took their warships and added them to the forces of the Galactic Alliance. With the deaths of Shimrra and Onimi, the smugglers decided that it was time to go into more legitimate - and, given the galactic situation, more lucrative - businesses.
Erratic Orbit
this starship was owned and operated by Helm Iskraker during the Galactic Civil War.
this was a common name among the Dresselian people.
Errine, Daralla
this tall, attractive woman was a former smuggler who owned and operated the Crosswind Saloon on Seregar, during the height of the New Order. She was known as a no-nonsense businesswoman who turned the Saloon into a profitable enterprise.
this was one of two Sh'ner-class cruisers brought to Bakura by Lwothin and the P'w'eck Emancipation Movement, during the height of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. Ostensibly, the Errinung'ka and its companion, the Firrinree formed the heart of Lwothin's fleet, which transported the Keeramak to Bakura. In reality, they were the heart of a Ssi-ruuk invasion forces, sent to Bakura after the Yuuzhan Vong subjugated the Ssi-ruuk and tried to establish a foothold along the border of the Unknown Regions. Each of these two cruisers was armed with a new paralysis weapon, which could knock out an entire city with minimal effort. However, before the Ssi-ruuk could launch their surprise attack on Bakura, the P'w'eck crewmen rose up against their masters and overpowered the Ssi-ruuk. The Errinung'ka fell first, with the Firrinree eventually surrendering as well, thus ending the plot to subjugate Bakura.
this was one of the many Imperial escort carriers during the Galactic Civil War.
this is the main continent of the planet Ergeshui.
this temperate planet, located beyond the galactic rim, was the homeworld of the Er'stacian race.
this ape-like race of reptilian humanoids was continually at war with itself, as various factions fought over control of their only artifact, the Megalith. They were believed to have descended from creatures which evolved in great tidal pools, and each clan could trace its roots back to a specific birth-pool. Mace Windu was dispatched by the Jedi Council to negotiate a peace treaty among the Er'stacians, but was met with a dim-witted opposition that stemmed from the ingrained belief that the Megalith could not be shared. In his growing frustration with the Er'stacians, Master Windu destroyed the Megalith, leaving the Er'stacians to figure out what to do with the thousands of pieces left behind.
this planet was located in the Anoat Sector of the galaxy, on the edge of the Ivax Nebula near Darlyn Boda. Ertegas was an agriculturalworld, supplying much of the Anoat Sector with grains and foodstuffs. The fields were automated many generations before the Galactic Civil War, and it was said that the human caretakers who lived on Ertegas were subordinate to the droids who truly controlled the planet.
this man served as the Chief of Security for the Outer Rim Oreworks installation on Lamaredd, many years before the Battle of Naboo. He was killed, along with many of his deputies, when they set out to capture Byrch Dyshkava and put an end to the Dark Jedi's pillaging of Bartyn Gourmet Delicacies supply ships. Ertine was succeeded by Mix Liddell.
Eru Massest
this was the name of a noted Clawdite individual in the history of the planet Zolan.
Ervic, Seteem
this man made a small fortune at his family business, the growing and harvesting of grain to make sweet cakes. A native of the planet Saffalore, Seteem maintained his wealth by never indulging in frivolous or unnecessary expenditures. He maintained a working, though outdated, landspeeder for his travels to and from the city of Lurark, where he did most of his business. His landspeeder was appropriated by Wraith Squadron, during their attempt to infiltrate the Binring Biomedical facility in Lurark, because thet had landed well outside the city's limits and needed transportation. His obsession with saving money had cost him his first wife, but one of his daughters understood it and worked to inherit the business from him.
this was one of the more common surnames used by the Duros people. Like all such names, Ervix was used only for official business, to indicate one individual from another when in the presense of non-Duros. This name referred to a fierce predator that was once native to Duro, but eventually died out.
this fierce predator was once native to the planet Duro, but eventually died out.
the Corellian author of The Fall of the Sun.
this city is the site of Pembric II's primary spaceport.
Eryl Jeth
this was the name of a noted Zabrak individual.
this was the name given to a specific constellation of stars. On Coruscant, the constellation was known as the Burning Snake.
this planet, located in the Corporate Sector, is the source of the galaxy's supply of chak-root.
this floating assassin droid was a member of Gyran's bounty hunting team. It dispatched a holobug, keyed to Limna Yith, in order to track the Kerestian after Gyran was hired by Prince Xizor to locate her.
this was the designation of the evening work shift at Santhe/Sienar Technologies.
this emotion suppression device was produced by Consolidated Learning Systems, during the height of the New Order. Useful on worlds where emotional displays were considered socially unacceptable, the ES23 detected the wearer's levels of anxiety and apprehension and emitted a stream of energy waves that soothed the wearer's emotions, helping to eliminate sudden outbursts.
this was one of the more common names given to Dantari individuals.
this woman was a healer who lived among the Outcasts in the Undercity of Taris, during the era of the Great Sith War.
E'Sar G'Go B'Kul
this young Gorothite was a former student of S'Ten Gafi Ak'Ar. However, he became impatient with her lack of immediate action, and decided to break with the Gor'Jen'Ar. Taking many of the other young Gorothites with him, E'Sar G'Go B'Kul created the T'B'Dellyi'Mai in order to start making some headway in establishing a free Gorothite society. Arrogant and proud, E'Sar G'Go K'Kul hated offworlders and generalized them all against the example of the xenophobic Imperials that controlled his world.
Esau's Ridge
this area of deep erosion is found on the planet Tholatin. A thousand meters in length and more than a hundred meters deep, the Ridge is a thin crevasse through a towering rock wall. A group of enterprising smugglers established a base there, digging out a series of catacombs for living quarters, repair bays, and hangars. The Ridge became an exclusive sanctuary for those elite veterans of the trade who were well-connected rather than well-heeled. It was here that Chewbacca gathered information on the Black Fleet Crisis, as well as the possible whereabouts of Han Solo, following the aborted Test of Ascension for his son, Lumpawarump.
this planet was known as the homeworld of the borcatu species of scavenger.
Escalatier Ceremony
this Yuuzhan Vong ritual celebrated the Escalation of an individual.
this Yuuzhan Vong ritual was performed whenever a subaltern acted with bravery and skill, overcoming their enemy and achieving greater good for the Yuuzhan Vong. During the ritual, a subaltern was forced to submit their body to an implanter, which cut open their shoulders and placed a piece of surge-coral at the joint. The blood which flowed from the wounds was collected and given as a sacrifice to the Yuuzhan Vong gods, and the surge-coral became a symbol of the Yuuzhan Vong's escalation. Once the ritual was over, the subaltern was promoted to a position of command and given their own ship to lead into battle.
this man, the perator of Yedagon and leader of the Yedagonian Confederacy, was perator Pekaelic ke Teldan's chief rival. He welcomed Wedge Antilles and the pilots of Red Flight, after they were exlied from Cartann by ke Teldan and the manipulations of Tomer Darpen, and gave Wedge the leadership task of getting the Confederacy's fleet ready for war. Escalion wore a white uniform similar to that of an Imperial Grand Admiral, but with violet piping on the sleeves and legs and a huge block of medals on his chest. He was continually in communication with the perator of Halbegardia during the civil war on Adumar, as they were allies against ke Teldan's misinformed plan to form a word government.
Escalon, Carter
this Alliance courier was captured by Imperial forces on Coruscant, shortly after the Battle of Hoth, and forced to work in the spice mines of the planet Sevarcos. He was later sold to Lord Cassius Nolath Rha as a slave, but was eventually rescued by the Alliance team which posed as Ray Carantar's pit crew during the wind-rider race which took place during the Festival of the High Winds. Like many couriers during the Galactic Civil War, Escalon carried his messages in a special vessel imbedded in his skull.
a Pakuuni shuttle group destroyed during the Galactic Civil War.
Escape at Cloud City
the entertainer Leger DeMain nearly perished while trying to execute this illusion of escape.
Escape Pod
this was the generic term used to describe any small, single-use craft used to exit a larger ship in an emergency. For thousands of years, galactic law required that there be enough escape pods onboard a starship to handle its safe capacity of beings, including crew and passengers. The Corellian CR90 corvette (Blockade Runner) used the Faberstien-Lago Emergency life Pod, which was made in various sizes from 3 meters to 15 meters in length; they could hold up to 50 occupants. These pods could travel up to 80 MGLT at sublight speeds, allowing them to outrun most pursuit ships. However, they lacked mobility, and were subject to being fired upon by an attacker. The Faberstien-Lago pods came equipped with the following: a Pax Hustana Wide Array Sensor and Open Band Beacon, 4 Explosive Separator Charges, a Pillman One-shot Propulsion Unit, a Ferro-Magnesium Ceramic Hull, and a Forward-mounted Viewport.
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