this man served as the Imperial Governor of the planet Chibias, during the early years of the New Republic. He came into possession of a computer core that he believed contained the control codes of an Imperial-class Star Destroyer, and planned to slice the core open in order to sell the codes to the New Republic. He employed Markko to perform the slicing operation, but Markko was unable to do it himself. When he contracted Ghent to do it, Markko was unprepared for Ghent to bring along Mara Jade. Governor Egron himself evaded Mara Jade's attempt to kill them while covering her escape, and eventually caught up with her. Unfortunately for Egron, he underestimated Mara's reflexes. He tried to fire on her, but his shot went wide when she flung her lightsaber at him. Mara then shot Egron in the chest, killing him instantly.