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Echnos Exhibition Dome
located at the very bottom of the enclosed city of Echnos City, this large arena was the site of the BlastBoat 2000 race. The arena and its layout were constantly changing, so that no regular competitor gained any sort of advantage. (SWJ4)

Echnos Patrol
this was the name of the paramilitary security force that protected the inhabitants of the moon of Echnos, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (SWJ4)

Echo Base
this was the code name for the Alliance's base on Hoth, after the Massassi Base on Yavin 4 was abandoned. It took nearly two standards years to complete the underground complex, and accommodated some 7,500 combat personnel, 350 medical personnel, and 120 special-duty droids at the height of its occupation. The two main entrances to the base were located on the north and south faces of the Clabburn Range, and the base itself was hidden beneath the mountains. After the Battle of Hoth, the Alliance abandoned Echo Base as well. In a last-ditch effort to thwart the invading Imperials, the v-150 ion cannon that protected the base was set to self-destruct, taking a large portion of Echo Base with it. Years later, the Imperial Remnant established its own operations in the remains of Echo Base, digging under the hulk of a burned-out AT-AT to hide their activities. Kyle Katarn and his apprentice discovered that the Imperials had been helping a group of Sith devotees locate the Alliance's computer core, in the hopes of determining the exact location of Dagobah. (ESB, PH, IWST)

Echo C-130
this was the designation of one of the first Alliance transports to flee Echo Base, during the early stages of the Battle of Hoth. (MC40)

Echo Eight
this was Keela Egast's callsign, while she was a member of Echo Flight. (SFT)

Echo Five
this was Rhys Dallows' callsign, during his tenure as a member of Echo Flight. (SFT)

Echo Flight
this group of starship pilots was subordinate to Bravo Squadron, and was made up of pilot trainees within the Royal Naboo Security Forces. The trainees who were admitted to Echo Flight had to pass the education given within Delta Flight. They flew in standard N-1 starfighters as well as Naboo Police Cruisers, but their ships were painted blue to indicate their training status. Shortly before the Battle of Naboo, the command and training of Echo Flight was turned over to Essara Till. During the defense of station TFP-9, Echo Flight was to be assigned to protect the station, once the Velumina was driven off. (SFT)

Echo Lake
this lake was formed at the bottom of Roaring Canyon, on the planet Tasariq, as the Roaring River fell over the side of the canyon. (SWJ15)

Echo One
this was Evenyl Yob's callsign with Naboo's Echo Flight. (SFT)

Echo Seven
this was Han Solo's patrol callsign at the Alliance's Echo Base on Hoth. (ESB)

Echo Six
this was Harlaan's callsign, while he was training with Echo Flight. (SFT)

Echo Station 3-8
Alliance outpost on Hoth which first sights the Imperial probe droid. (ESBN)

Echo Station 3-T-8
Alliance outpost on Hoth which first sights the Imperial walkers. (ESB)

Echo Station 5-7
Alliance outpost on the north ridge of Hoth's Echo Base, site of the Imperial walkers' first attack. (ESB)

Echo Three
this was Luke Skywalker's patrol callsign at the Alliance's Echo Base on Hoth (ESB)

Echo Two
Kerl's callsign, during his tenure as a member of Echo Flight. (SFT)

this model of concussion missile was produced by FreiTek, Incorporated, during the early years of the New Republic. (EGW)

a device which uses reflected sound waves to locate a target. (COJ)

Eckels, Joto
this contemporary of Kroddok Stopa held a doctorate degree while teaching at the Obroan Institute. He was performing research on Hoth when Stopa requested his assistance at Brath Qella. He took his research ship, the Penga Rift, to Brath Qella, but was too late to save Stopa. He did manage to recover the bodies of Stopa and Krenn, as well as begin the excavation of several Qella bodies. These he returned to Coruscant, turning them over to the investor who financed his mission, Harkin Dyson. (SOL, TT)

Eckener, Hugo
this man served as the Minister of architecture on the Naboo Advisor Council serving Queen Amidala. (IG1)

Eckla Sholb
this member of the Yuuzhan Vong Shamed Ones was also one of the many individuals who flocked to the religion of The Message which was embraced by Yu'shaa, the guise of the Porophet adopted by Nom Anor. She was, unfortunately, one of the many acolytes who were captured by warriors and brought before Supreme Overlord Shimrra for interrogation. Eckla had been well-trained, and refused to reveal the source of the heresy. She was thrown into Shimrra's charnal pits for her defiance, where she was consumed by a pack of yargh'un. (FH3)

this planet was subjugated by Hahz Fallone some twenty years before the Battle of Yavin, when he began mining the planet for minerals and ores. The native population fought back and managed to oust him from control, but he stole the Black Sphere before he left. (ND)

the first Eclipse-class Star Destroyer, the Eclipse was used as the flagship for the reborn Emperor Palpatine. It was destroyed when the Force storm Palpatine sent to destroy Luke Skywalker turned on Palaptine himself. The storm consumed Palpatine and eradicated the Eclipse. (DE1)

this Imperial action IV bulk freighter made a regular trip to the planet Ando, secretly collecting unusual species of ocean life from the planet and taking them to a hidden research lab. Chief among the species collected by the Eclipse were Andoan mineral-fish, which were illegally harvested for use in extracting uridium on the barren moon of Uridia. (SWJ11)

Drek Drednar's first job aboard a starship was aboard this merchant ship. (SWJ5)

during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, Luke Skywalker developed plans for a "Great River" by which the Jedi Knights of the modern era could flee the alien invaders and hide. At the end of the River was the planet Eclipse, a remote world protected by dense asteroid fields. After the loss of Yavin 4, Luke moved the more mature Jedi Knights to Eclipse, leaving the younger children with Booster Terrik aboard the Errant Venture. Eclipse's location was a heavily-guarded secret, primarily because much of the Jedi's research into the workings of Yuuzhan Vong bio-technology was performed there. The planet itself was hidden behind the screen of an asteroid belt and the proximity of several gas giants in the system. (SBS)

this was the Signal Operating Instruction sountersign used by the forces of the Grand Army of the Republic, on the day they landed troops on the planet Praesitlyn to liberate the Intergalactic Communications Center from the Separatists, some two and a half years after the Battle of Geonosis. The primary codeword for the day was Jawa. (JT)

Eclipse 1
this was an Alliance escort carrier, caotured from the Imperial Navy during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (XVT)

Eclipse 2
this was an Alliance escort carrier, active during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (XVT)

Eclipse II
this Eclipse-class Star Destroyer was built by the second reincarnation of Emperor Palpatine, following the loss of his first ship, the Eclipse. Palpatine took the Eclipse II to Onderon, in an attempt to obtain the body of Anakin Solo for clones. A New Republic assault team, led by Chewbacca and Kam Solusar, infiltrated the ship and reprogrammed its navigation systems. They fled the ship as it jumped into hyperspace, bound for Byss. When it emerged from hyperspace, the Eclipse II crashed into the new Galaxy Gun, which began to fires its projectiles in its death throes. One projectile was launched successfully, and it ploughed into the planet Byss, destroying it and all of the Imperial ships in orbit around it, including the Eclipse II. The New Republic assault team barely escaped. (EE)

Eclipse Program
this was the name used to describe the Jedi Knights' plans to determine the inner workings of Yuuzhan Vong bio-technology, including villips and the yammosk. Led by Danni Quee and Cilghal, the Eclipse Program was housed in a base on the remote world of Eclipse, where any captured yammosk specimens were quickly evaluated. The program eventually found success, using a variety of gravity and micro-gravity fields to manipulate the yammosk's internal systems. Unfortunately, this success came shortly after Coruscant was overrun by the Yuuzhan Vong. In a twist of fate, the yammosk that Danni and Cilghal were able to effectively neutralize was that from the Sunulok, the Yuuzhan Vong warship which was destroyed during the Second Battle of Coruscant. The Yuuzhan Vong aboard managed to escape, though. The technique for disrupting the communications of a yammosk was enhanced for full-scale usage, with a cluster of powerful communications devices being shot out at aYuuzhan Vong starship affixed to projectile weapons. The hope - and often the result - was that one of the devices would lodge itself in the ship's hull and thereby disrupt the yammosk. (SBS, DJ)

Eclipse Rider
this YT-1300 freighter was rented by Wedge Antilles and Ooryl Qrygg to scout a possible source of X-Wing parts on Rishi, shortly before the Battle of Thyferra. (BW)

Eclipse Sail Barge
Gefferon's premier pleasure sail barge. (RPG)

Eclipse Team
this was the designation of one of the Alliance's Special Forces groups. (GG12)

Eclipse, The
this was one of the many taverns and restaurants located in the Spacer Quarter of Aldera, on the planet Alderaan. (CCW)

Eclipse-class Star Destroyer
this huge warship was designed by Emperor Palpatine himself, and was years in the planning at the Kuat Drive Yards. Twice the size of its forerunner, the Super-class Star Destroyer, the Eclipse-class was 17,500 meters in length. Manned by 708,470 crewers and 4,175 gunners, the Eclipse-class was designed to instill fear, much like the Death Star. It was the first Imperial ship to use the awesome axial superlaser. This immense weapon, a single laser based on the eight-laser Death Star superlaser, was capable of destroying an entire planet from orbit. It employed a series of focusers and generators to form the single laser. The Eclipse-class was also equipped with 550 heavy laser cannons, 500 turbolaser batteries, 75 ion cannons, 100 tractor beam projectors, and 10 gravity well projectors. Fifty TIE Interceptor squadrons, eight TIE Bomber squadrons, and 100 AT-ATs were nestled in hangars that could hold an entire Victory-class Star Destroyer. It was made from all-black hull components, making it nearly invisible to the naked eye. (DE1, DESB)

this Corellian Engineering Corporation Republic Cruiser was one of the Old Republic ships dispatched to Asmeru to root out the Nebula Front, about a year before the Battle of Naboo. The Ecliptic remained in orbit while the Prominence traveled to Asmeru's surface. Thus, the Ecliptic was able to escape the trap laid by the Nebula Front. Unfortunately, in its haste to flee Asmeru and the Senex Sector, the Ecliptic tried to plow through a minefield and was torn apart in a series of intense explosions. All hnads were believed to have died in the destruction. (COD)

Eclorar Sector
this area of the galaxy contained an Alliance base during the Galactic Civil War. (AIR)

Ecls Industries
this small corporation produced a variety of equipment which used tiny repulsorlift engines, such as sleight boxes. (PSG)

this Chiewab Amalgamated Pharmaceuticals medical kit was considered a must-have for scouts and military field personnel. It was small and lightweight, yet contained a complete array of tools and a large supply of medicinals. It also had a built-in tutorial program for non-medics. (ROE)

Economics of Hyperspace Troop Movement
Han Solo was working on this presentation, to be made to the Imperial Academy on Carida, when Mako Spince destroyed one of Carida's small moons. (THG)

this species of intelligent reptile lives on the planet Da'nor. They are cold-blooded creatures that resemble small, winged iguanas. They have no natural form of communication. The ectotherms battle a race of large birds for the food and shelter on their world. (SA1, SA2)

this planet was known as a financial haven for a variety of legal and criminal individuals. (AIR)

E-D Run
see Elrood-Derilyn Trade Route. (PG3)

Cybot Galactica's series of storage and transceiving droids. (ISB)

Edalm, Darryn
this Imperial researcher mistakenly rediscovered the original surveys of the planet Karra, and believed that an undiscovered varmigio lode was still hidden within the planet's crust. He failed to read the follow-on reports from the Mineral Assets Partnership, which showed the planet had no such reserves of varmigio. However, Edalm's research and presenation convinced his superiors of the mineral wealth of Karra, and Edalm was promoted to Governor of the planet. When it was discovered that the planet had no natural resources to provide, the Empire denounced Edalm and withdrew its support of the Karra mines. He was ordered to relinquish control of the planet, and feared that he would be executed. A shuttle was dispatched to collect him, but it crashed before leaving Karra' atmosphere. Edalm surrendered himself to Doctor Elth Nardah, hoping to avoid execution. After Nardah's death, Edalm was imprisoned on Shimmer. (SWJ1)

this Imperial Moff was one of the few which maintained control of his holdings during the New Republic. He was present at the conference on Bastion, some ten years after the death of Grand Admiral Thrawn, at which Admiral Pellaeon discussed the possibility of negotiatinga peace treaty with the Republic. He felt that there would be no 'peace,' only the destruction of the Empire if they tried to negotiate with the Republic. (SOP)

Edan Base
this was the name of the Alliance's base on the planet Edan II. Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, the base was overrun by Imperial forces dispatched from the Imperial Stat Destroyer Havoc, after the ship bombarded the base from orbit. The Alliance was routed, but those members who were stranded on the planet eventually took back the planet in a series of guerrilla actions. (IAG)

Edan II
this planet was the site of an Alliance base during the early stages of the Galactic Civil War. The base was pummeled by the bombardment Imperial-class Star Destroyer Havoc, shortly after the Battle of Yavin. However, the surviving members of the Alliance base eventually subverted the Imperial presence and reclaimed control of the planet. (IAG)

Edan Spaceways
this was the primary transportation outfit serving the colonists of Fortuna City on Edan II, during the height of the New Order. (IAG)

Edan Tiger
also known as snowcats, these ferocious, predatory felines were native to the colder regions of the planet Edan II. They were large cats, with a striped pattern to their fur that matched black to a dun color in the warmer months and snowy white during winter. (IAG)

this planet is the home of a race of feathered creatures. (SOL)

Edcel Bar Gan
this Old Republic Senator, a native of the planet Roona, was the first Senator to support Queen Amidala of Naboo's motion for a vote of no confidence in Supreme Chancellor Valorum. Senator Bar Gan had voiced concerns about Valorum's actions polarizing and fractioning the Republic as much as a year before the Battle of Naboo, having allied himself with Orn Free Taa and Toonbuck Toora. He was a small, green-skinned creature. Note that the Decipher customizable card games name this character Edcel Bar Gane (TPM, IG1, YJC2)

this was one of the most common female names given to human children across the galaxy. (GCG)

Eddawan, Galim
this man was the Senator to the Old Republic Senate from the planet Tyan, some 55 years before the Battle of Geonosis. He and his daughter were traveling to Alpha Nonce, when their ship was attacked and disabled by a pirate, who turned out to be Lorian Nod. Senator Eddawan and his daughter, Joli Ti, were never seen again, although their ship and a recording of Joli Ti's voice were used later to capture Senator Blix Annon. (LOJ)

Eddawan, Joli TI
this young girl was the daughter of Galim Eddawan, of the planet Tyan. During a mission to Alpha Nonce, Senator Eddawan's ship was captured by pirates and used as a decoy to also capture Senator Blix Annon. Both Senator Eddawan and Joli Ti were never seen again. (LOJ)

this quick-witted race of beings was native to the planet Fehern, in Trax Sector. They had an advanced technology during the height of the Old Republic, and were known for their unusual trading ships which plied the spacelanes of the sector. However, when the Empire first established a presence in the sector, their forces quickly subjugated the technologically-advanced Eddel. In the resulting war, much of the Eddelian technology was destroyed, and the Eddel were reduced to serving as slaves. (GMK)

Edderon "Torque" Soth
this male Ugnaught was a member of the Ugnaught Mechanics Union during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo, but was continually late in paying his dues. The Union finally issued a bounty for his capture, since he managed to leave Cloud City despite the call for his arrest. Jango Fett managed to capture Soth on Malastare, shortly after the Battle of Naboo, during his attempt to infiltrate Sebolto's operations. (BH)

Eddis, Stec
this man was a member of Klyn Shanga's Renatasian viligantes, who were searching out Vuffi Raa during the early years of the New Order. (LCF)

Eddriss Sark
this being was the chief of the Alliance's Intelligence organization, during the years following the Battle of Yavin. (SWSB)

this was the name for the planet Kashyyyk, used only by the Czerka Corporation many millennia before the Galactic Civil War. (KOTOR)

this was the Imperial Navy slang term for an Alliance A-Wing starfighter. (SWJ10)

Edge, The
this was one of Lando Calrissian's mystical references. (LCF)

this was the name of a group of anarchical terrorists who plagued Republic City on Coruscant, during the last decades of the Old Republic. The members of Edge-9 demanded the dismantling of the Republic's governmental structure and the elimination of its noble upper class, claiming that too many credits were flowing to the rich, instead of supporting the working classes. Despite their noble aims, Edge-9 quickly became a violent organization, relying on bombs and weaponry to get their point across. (CCW)

this city grew up in the plains the ring the jungles of the planet Varonat. It was one of the planet's two major cities, along with Tropis-on-Varonat. (SWJ1)

the strong wood of this tree was used to build houses. It was found on the prison moon Captivity. (RC)

Edgewood, Janson
this New Republic Commander discovered the growing base of power being formed by Jor Idrall on Tatooine. (WBC)

this dark-skinned man was one of the many Wing Guards who were loyal to Lando Calrissian, when he was the Baron-Administrator of Cloud City. A Sergeant in the Wing Guard, Edian felt a great disdain for those officers who accepted bribes or other forms of corruption. (CCG9)

Edic Bar
this was one of the five primary cities which floated in the atmosphere of the planet Genarius. SoroSuub Corporation maintained a corporate office on the city, in order to monitor its gas mining interests in the Cularin System. Edic Bar was considered a model of efficiency and beauty, with all of its architecture and layout being placed "just so" in order to maintain that appearance. Streets and thoroughfares were laid out to make movement through the city as simple and speedy as possible. SoroSuub was also involved in the layout and management of the city, in order to help reduce its operating expenses. (LFC)

Daala's Imperial shuttle at the Maw Installation. (JS)

this was the name given to the various laws and regulations established by the New Regime on Brigia, during the early years of the New Order. Edicts were issued for all manner of dictatorial issues, including the banning of all teachings about other worlds and cultures. (HSL)

Edict of Jiaan, The
this was one of two successful and damaging documentaries written by Armennion Ullgusta, and rumored to have been produced by Pret Swain. The documentary documented many aspects of the purge of the Jedi Knights, and earned Ullgusta a place on the Empire's most-wanted list. The Edict of Jiaan was also banned by the Empire. (BSS)

a planet known for its dynamic holosculptures. It is also known for its icefish. (ISB)

Edisser, Pont
this man served as a fireman aboard the fireship captained by Jikesh Valai on the planet Coruscant, during the era of the Clone Wars. Pont and Valia were on duty when Anakin Skywalker brought the remains of the Invisible Hand to rest on Coruscant' surface, during the First Battle of Coruscant. (X3)

this is regarded as the most difficult role to play in the Corellian tragedy Uhl Eharl Khoehng. The actor who plays is perfectly is assured of greatness. Adalric Brandl was given the part at the age of thirty, and hoped that his son, Jaalib, would eventually grow into the role. The Edjian-Prince was the determined son of a king who dies, leaving his small forest kingdom to the Prince. The Prince was not satisfied with the small holdings he inherited, and began to send woodsmen into the forest to chop down trees and make room for growth. However, the forest was ruled by the Eharl Khoehng, who tricked the Prince into sending all his subjects into the forest. The Edjian-Prince, consumed with the need to cut down the forest, sends every last citizen into the woods, until he is alone and frightened by the Eharl Khoehng. The Trickster King sends dreams of peace and safe passage to the Prince in dreams, and the Prince feels that he has one last chance to gain the forest. However, the Eharl Khoehng tricks him, trapping him in the forest for ten years before finally appearing. The Edjian-Prince learns that his subjects have been turned into the trees of the forest, and the only way to restore them is to acknowledge the Eharl Khoehng as king. The Edjian-Prince goes mad and refuses, then burns the forest to the gorund. He then submits himself to the Eharl Khoehng and mutters, "Long ... live ... the king." (SWJ8)

this was a little-known planet, covered with swampy jungles. (SWJ5)

this was one of the most common male names among the Corellian population. (GMR9)

Edor 76
this Khommite, the 76th clone of Edor, was distinguished in the history of the planet Khomm. (UANT)

see Evolution Droid (CCC)

Education Certificate
this Old Republic document proved a being's educational history, including all levels of schooling and the grades with which a being passed their coursework. (AOTCN)

Educational Corps
this branch of the Jedi Knights was similar in many respects to the Agricultural and Medical Corps. The EduCorps was comprised of students of The Force who were in training during the Old Republic, and educational services to the underprivileged children of the galaxy. Underlying this humanitarian goal was the idea that Jedi Padawans needed to understand that living beings needed to understand certain facts about their galaxy. (RESB)

see Educational Corps (RESB)

this Mandroxan Exports device shoots a cloud of phased particles which are attracted to other metals. When fired at a droid, the EDWX-843 disabled the droid by building up an electrical charge that disrupted the neural flow of the droid's computer systems. (GG11)

a race of small worm-like creatures native to the moon Trilos, some Ee exist on the planet Atraken. The Ee grow no longer than six centimeters, and have a grayish color that darkens near their heads. Their bodies are covered with all manner of sensory nerve endings, allowing them to detect changes around them. The Ee consume minerals and fungus on Trilos, burrowing through the rock to reach various veins of minerals. The Ee digestive process them converts the raw minerals into highly-refined ores, which are excreted. The Ee are intelligent, and determined that they can produce certain forms of ore based on which raw materials they ingest. The Ee also have tremendous egos, bolstered by the fact that they have certain Force-like mental powers. These powers include telepathy, telekinesis, changing temperature, and memory alteration. The Ee society has five distinct segments: Purifiers, which are adept at producing various alloys; Weavers, which take processed materials and form them into machines; Thinkers, who have a knack for theories and principles; Mindbenders, which have strong mental talents; and Bulwarks, which are the protectors of Ee society. Note that Ee technology is highly-advanced, but it is all of a scale that can be used by the Ee. (PG2)

Ee, Chaq-Quaj
this man was a noted expert in the martial art of teras kasi, during the years leading up to the Battle of Geonosis. (HNN5)

see EE-3 (GQRG)

this Blas-Tech blaster rifle model was popularized by Boba Fett, who used a sawed-off, modified version of this type of weapon. (RASB, MTS)

this name was common among Ithorian females. Although such names do not generally have meaning, Ithorians who studied their race's history learned that the name meant "a warm breeze on a cool day". (GCG)

see Ebareebaveebeedee (UANT)

this Alliance Captain served as one of the leader of the base on Taloraan, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. Eedan was a member of the Alliance's Ordnance and Supply division. (SWJ5)

this planet was governed by the Camblian Order, during the height of the New Order. (SWED)

this was a common name for Ewok females. Like other Ewok names, it referred to a spirit or character in the Ewoks' mythology. (GCG)

according to Ewok legend, this princess was half-wind-spirit, and could walk on leaves. (GCG)

Eeh'cra Niw'dug
this Em'liy deity was known as He Who Has Passed Beyond. (GMR1)

this Ithorian was a pet dealer on the planet Torina, during the height of the New Order. She ran Eeksa's Rare Exotics and Pets, and assisted a team of Alliance agents in locating Shondra Del shortly after the Battle of Yavin. (OE)

Eeksa's Rare Exotics and Pets
this pet store, located in Brindibarr on the planet Torina, was owned and operated by the Ithorian Eeksa during the height of the Galactic Civil War. The shop specialized in the acquisition of all kinds of unusual creatures, many of which were barely controllable. (OE)

this was one of the many Strike-class cruisers that made up the front lines of the Imperial Naval fleet. (XVT)

Eela Valotta
this female Twi'lek was one of the members of the Freedom Convoy, working on the planet Tatooine during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo. Along with Tray'la Sheek, she spent much of her time on Tatooine looking for ways to liberate the slaves of Jabba the Hutt. Unfortunately, this earned her a price on her head, when Jabba issued a bounty for her arrest. This bounty was later claimed by Jango Fett, when he was on Tatooine to seek an audience with Jabba. (BH)

this was a common name used by the Qwohog race. (UANT)

this Twi'lek female was a dance teacher in the city of Kala'uun, on Ryloth, during the early years of the New Order. A noted dancer in her own right, Eelie was known for her devil-may-care attitude and her fearlessness. She even convinced a Quarren starship captain to rename his ship Eelie's Luck. (GORW)

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