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Random Weekend Star Wars Fun (4/11&12) Posted By Mike on April 11, 2009
Hope everyone is enjoying a nice holiday weekend...sitting by the computer...clicking on random Star Wars links...
Skipper from sent over the following and the pics above. Enjoy!
"We ran a pretty cool contest last year to support my small indy comic book called "Bizarre New World." The prize was a $500 FREE CUSTOM SABER, and the winner was Frank Wilson out of Texas. We asked him to send us pictures of him holding the prize, but he never did. Then out of nowhere the other day he sent us a damn fun surprise. It's rare to see images coming out of Iraq that actually make anyone smile these days. These pics are obvious proof the right guy won this prize! Hope you dig them."
Click on the pictures for larger views. Thanks Skipper!
The MTV Multiplayer Blog reports that statistics indicate that LEGO Star Wars has a higher replay value than Super Mario Galaxy on the Nintendo Wii. Click here to check out the comparable stats! (Source EUC)
Visit to learn about a kinder, gentler, Death Star laser looking to recreate the sun's power instead of destroying it. (Thanks Tom and Jim!) offers up the top ten most popular Jedi according to page visits. I hope they know that Ventress isn't exactly a Jedi...I'm sure they know! (Thanks Aaron!)
See below for some links to the Official Blog that we may not have covered or linked to this week...
Random video above: "The Jedi - Men in Tights" (Thanks Tom!)
Random video above: "Darth vader meet with Edward Elric" (Thanks Tom!)
Randon video above: "TIE Corps SSSD Sovereign Promotional Video" (Thanks Tom!)
Random video above: "Star Wars: ROTJ End Celebration (BSG Music Edit)" (Thanks Tom!)
Random video above: "TIE Fighter Scream" (Thanks Tom!)
Can't embed this one, but click here for a mash-up of The Battle of Endor from ROTJ and Predator! (BEWARE of a couple graphic scenes. They're quick, but they're there)