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Random Weekend Star Wars Fun (1/3&4)

Posted By Mike on January 4, 2009

Another year, yet more random fun...

Our friends at Galactic Binder give 20 reasons to love LEGO Star Wars:

"Dump a pile of Legos on the floor and grown men and children alike will be smiling for hours. Why? Because Legos are fun. A simple statement, but one that millions of people around the world have come to understand. Star Wars is also fun, so when you mix the two together... you've truly got something special. The Lego Star Wars crossover has flourished in recent years - with playsets and video games flying off shelves. We decided to scour the Lego Star Wars universe to share why we here at GalacticBinder love it so much!"

Wired.com presents "5 GeekDad New Year's Resolutions." Excerpt below:

"1. I will show all of my favorite geeky movies, TV shows, cartoons, etc., to my kids as they become old enough for each. I will not be disappointed?or at least will conceal my disappointment?if they don't like them as much as I did at their age. Unless they don't like Star Wars, in which case weeping openly is simply unavoidable.

2. Conversely, I will also contain my natural outrage if my kids think Jar-Jar Binks is hysterically funny and a great character. This will be harder than having the sex talk, but I will muster the strength somehow, because my kids are their own people and as such are entitled to their own opinions. Even if they are wrong."

The good people at ClubJade.net point us to Lando the cologne?

Some links to the Official Starwars.com Blog we may not have linked to previously...

Boss Nass and the Price of Gas
Japanese Star Wars Art Collection

Click here for "Attack of the Clones in 5 Seconds" at Topless Robot. (via ClubJade.net)

Click here to vote in MoviePhone's "Year End Movies Poll." Feel free to cast a vote for Indy! ((Thanks Tom!)

Friend of TFN, Mike F. stumbled across the above Star Wars drunk drving PSA from 1979. (Thanks Mike!)

Above Random Video: "Tie Pilot dancing to Pretty Woman Star Wars" (Thanks Tom!)

Above Random Video: "Star Wars Landspeeder Commercial" - from a 5th grader's homework assignment (Thanks Tom!)


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