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Random Weekend Star Wars Fun (8/22&23) Posted By Mike on August 23, 2009
Another wide variety of randomness...Enjoy!
Fans excited for the Republic Heroes video game can visit for all sorts of fun tie-in material leading up to the October 6 release of the multi-platform game. (Thanks Paul!)
"There?s a great scene in the Cartoon Network original Star Wars Clone Wars series where Arc Troopers, pinned down and badly needing a fresher perspective, take a spherical probe droid camera and toss it high in the air. The camera gives the troopers a birds eye view of the entire city around them, spotting enemy positions and giving them great advantage when attacking. Well, someone must be a Star Wars geek because Uncle Sam and Remington Technologies have created the Eye Ball R1 Throwable Camera System."
How about a review of an old-school Star Wars game? Bill Thompson at EUC takes a critical look at Star Wars: The Clone Wars which came out on the Nintendo GameCube, Playstation 2 and Xbox between 2002 and 2003.
Lightsabre talks with Troy Denning, author of many Star Wars novels, including the recently released Fate of the Jedi: Abyss. You can also check out part two of their discussion with Brian Ono of eFx. Simply navigate to the star-interviews section of the site.
Random video above: "Gamescom 2009 opened by Captain Rex from Star Wars The Clone Wars Republic Heroes" (via
Random video above: "Admiral Ackbar 08" (Thanks Tom!)
Random video above: "Elevator - Jedi Jacob" (Thanks Tom!)
Random video above: Check out some of the Star Wars pieces that are a part of Willard Wigan's micro-sculpted creations from The Tonight Show. (Thanks Paul!)