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Random Weekend SW Fun (10/31&11/1)

Posted By Mike on November 1, 2009

Halloween fun and much more this week. Can you believe that Thanksgiving is already right around the corner? Can you believe that I think we all ask that every single year? Enjoy the randomness below!

In case you hadn't noticed, yesterday was Halloween and between Justin's post at TFN and Bonnie's mega post at the Official Starwars.com Blog, you should have no shortage of Star Wars Halloween links. ClubJade.net also has some great picture links. We may have spotted one or two more that we'll link to below but those posts handle the bulk of the load.

The Espinosas get highlighted as a Star Wars Halloween family by the North County Times.

Trick or treaters decended on the White House in an annual tradition and Star Wars was well represented in costumes including press secretary Robert Gibbs as Darth Vader. Click here for the AP story at Yahoo News. (via the Official Starwars.com Blog)

UK Star Wars fans can register with our friends at GalacticEmpire.net to win copies of the new Decide Your Destiny books - The Way of the Jedi and Tethan Battle Adventure. Click here for details!
(Thanks Stephen!)

Turns out that the coach of the Cleveland Browns, Eric Mangini, is a big Darth Vader fan and his kids like to dress up as Luke and Han for Halloween. Too bad such an affinity for the Force hasn't been any help for the struggling 1 and 6 Browns. If only Brady Quinn or Derek Anderson had some sort of Force sensitivity. But I digress...Click here for the write-up at WaitingForNextYear.com.
(Thanks Pete!)

See below for a few more links to the Official Starwars.com Blog that we may not have linked to or covered this week:

Director Richard Kelly Visits Skywalker
Yoga and Star Wars
Celebs Tweet Star Wars

Random video above: "Vader conducts Icelandic orchestra H?sk?lab??"
(via ClubJade.net)

Random video above: "The group of Darths" Beware as there may be some adult language in the background music but who the heck can tell!
(Thanks Tom!)

Random video above: "R2-D2 Pumpkin" I think we've posted this before, possibly recently, but it fits with the whole Halloween theme so...
(Thanks Tom!)

Have a great first week of November!

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