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Random Weekend Star Wars Fun (5/23&24)

Posted By Mike on May 23, 2009

It sure is a nice day for an afternoon...and for some random Star Wars fun...

Let's start with a few more TPM-related links in honor of the film's 10 year anniversary...

NBCLosAngeles.com celebrates 10 years of The Phantom Menace by proclaiming, "Let's All Celebrate By Standing in Line Somewhere."

HitFix.com is less than enthused.

Mad About Movies on OregonLive.com, on the otherhand, is a bit more positive and puts the progression of the Prequel trilogy above that of the Matrix trilogy.

Blast from the 10 years ago past: On February 1, 1999, Newsweek was "Waiting For Star Wars." (Thanks Steve!)

Our friends from JediNews.co.uk announce the following...

"Introducing JediNews.ca"

"Over the past two years JediNews.co.uk has become the UK's leading Star Wars fan site with fans from the UK as well as around the globe checking on news which is gathered "from across the galaxy". Building on this success, May 4th 2009 saw the launch of their sister site: JediNews.ca

JediNews.ca is committed to bringing Star Wars fans news from around the globe, but more specifically Canadian Star Wars news just for Canadians. As time goes on you can expect more Canadian headlines, links to Canadian sites and more Canada specific Star Wars tidbits.

Keeping checking in as more news is being added daily."

Head on over to Gizmodo to check out the 12 ft. long LEGO minifig scale Corellian Corvette! (Thanks Mike!)

See below for links to the Official Starwars.com Blog that we may not have covered or linked to this week...

Rotta the Hutt on Twitter Cam
Fans Twitter Phantom Menace Line Memories
Chris Pine Channels Han Solo for Star Trek
MakerBot Sings Imperial March and Makes a Vader
Real Soldiers Love Their Robot Brethren

Random TPM anniversary video above: "Star Wars Episode 1 - Phantom Menace Trailer by Scorpio (Live)" (Thanks Steve!)

Random TPM anniversary video above: "Light Saber Duel - The Phantom Menace"

Random video above: "Babelcolour Lightsaber Duel: Doctor Who vs Star Wars" (Thanks Tom!)

Random video above: "RETURN OF THE JEDI by DAVID LYNCH?" (via ClubJade.net)

Have a great week!

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