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Random Weekend Star Wars Fun (7/19&20) Posted By Mike on July 20, 2008
Lets start out with a few random articles tying into some of the big news of the week; Celebration Japan and The Force Unleashed (which made a big splash at E3).
Click here for "Sci-fi universe stops by for Star Wars Celebration Japan" from (Fun Star Wars tidbits at the end of the article)
Click here for the TFU write up at, "New 'Star Wars' Video Game Plugs Story Holes." (Thanks Tom)
And then just a couple of random videos...
"Star Wars Vs. Rush Hour" (Warning: a bit of cursing) Thanks to "Andrew-Wan Kenobi"!
"Star Wars Kids" (Thanks Tom)
And in case you missed them, make sure to click here for a couple new Spike TV Star Wars commercials.