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Random Weekend Star Wars Fun (8/8&9) Posted By Mike on August 9, 2009
This week is heavy on TFN reader submissions, which is always appreciated!
Actor Brandon Routh, whom you may remember from Superman Returns, talks with and refers to his new character in Dead of Night as being like Han Solo. (Thanks Tom!)
Star Wars shows up in the latest comic of Savage Chickens. Click here for not only the new comic, but a number of their Star Wars related comics as well. (Thanks Bridget!)
TFN reader John sent over some pictures of his one-of-a-kind Boba Fett costume in which he's riding on know like the ones that come out of his backpack...which has jets...'cause he's "Boba the Fett!" Click on the pics for full views. (Thanks John!)
Amanda Mae Meyncke at offers up her thoughts on what can be done to save the Indiana Jones franchise. (via
And just in case you missed it, provides an interview with Ray Park where he talks Darth Maul and Snake Eyes.
Random video above: "Star Wars The Old Republic - Dark Knights" - remix of the TOR trailer with music from Batman Begins and The Dark Knight (Thanks Tom!)
Random video above: "Star Wars Special Edition Edition - Dead Ringers - BBC" (Thanks Tom!)
Random video above: "Star Wars - Wrath of the Mandalorian (original)" (Thanks Tom!)