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Random Weekend Star Wars Fun (10/17&18)

Posted By Mike on October 18, 2009

Posting the randomness a little late this weekend, but better late than never...

Novelist John Scalzi breaks down why Chewbacca is "SciFi's Ultimate Sidekick" at the AMC blogs. (via ClubJade.net)

Animation World Network spotlights The Clone Wars and chat with Dave Filoni about the series. (via SW.com)

Haven't we seen the Eigenharp somewhere before? I guess the real question is, do you need a Bith to play it right? (via GadgetCrave.com)

According to Variety, Lucasfilm seems to be doing just fine during the recession: (via SW.com)

"There's been plenty of gloom about the state of the visual effects business in California, which lacks tax incentives and has high labor costs. Some vfx companies have looked to diversify, emulating Lucasfilm's portfolio, which includes feature films, games, animation and vfx.

But George Lucas said his company has been thriving because it resisted the temptation to diversify further.

"That word 'diversification' makes Harvard Business School logic but in the real world, we're better off doing what we know how to do, and protecting what we have," Lucas said.

Speaking about the contributions of Lucasfilm prexy Mich Chau, who was profiled in Variety's Women's Impact Report, Lucas credited her with resisting temptations to get into new businesses in search of quick money.

As a result, he said, "We're in unbelievably good shape," and Lucasfilm even benefited from the recession."

Speaking of Lucasfilm, looks like production is wrapping up on Red Tails per ABC2 News.

How about a random Republic Heroes review from our friend Michael at the New York Daily News. Like TFN, he also gives the game a 3.5 out of 5 with the header, "'Clone Wars: Republic Heroes' is for kids - and that's okay." (Thanks Michael!)

See below for some links to the Official Starwars.com Blog that we may not have covered or linked to this week...

How to Roar Like Chewbacca
Phill Jupitus and Noel Fielding: U2 vs. R2-D2
Peter Serafinowicz Mauls Buzzcocks
Yoda Costume for Kids Craft
World?s Smallest R2-D2?

Random video above: "Clones-Good day to die!" (Thanks Tom!)

Random video above: "R2-D2 Pumpkin' (Thanks Tom!)

Random video above: Enjoy some Dance Trooper fun! (via ClubJade.net)

Have a great week!

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