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Random Weekend Star Wars Fun (11/14&15)

Posted By Mike on November 15, 2009

Hope everyone is having a good weekend so far. Does Random Weekend Star Wars Fun make it even better? Who know's, but it's back all the same. Enjoy!

We wish our friends at Galactic-Voyage.com a happy birthday as November 14th marked 10 years for the fan site. Congrats to them and cheers to 10 more years of Star Wars interweb fun.

With the impending release of the new Star Trek film on Blu-ray and DVD, The Vancouver Sun looks at the Blu-ray extras and the Star Wars influence. Excerpt below:

"The disc includes a making-of documentary and commentary track, in which the filmmakers acknowledge a debt, not just to the original series, but to such cinematic touchstones as Star Wars and Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Writer Alex Kurtzman says he asked himself: "What can we learn from Star Wars here, as sacrilegious as that is?" In his view, classic Trek is like classical music, while the Star Wars saga was rock 'n' roll. "It felt like Star Trek needed a little more rock 'n' roll to connect to a modern audience," he concludes.

During the commentary, Abrams reveals that a fight scene atop an orbiting drilling platform was, in addition to being a last-minute addition to the script, written to match the kind of pacing seen in Raiders; specifically, the scene in which Indiana Jones fights a burly mechanic in front of a dangerously circling propeller-driven aircraft. Another shot, of Chris Pine as James Kirk pulling up on his motorcycle, Abrams refers to as "our Tatooine shot," a reference to Luke Skywalker's arrival by landspeeder in Star Wars."

(Thanks Tom!)

The good people over at Lightsabre chat with Eric Walker of the Ewok movies fame for their latest star interview. (navigate to the interview section of the site)

On the Death Troopers tip, NJOE.com recently interviewed author Joe Schreiber. If you're looking for reviews of the Star Wars horror novel, NJOE.com has spoiler and spoiler-free reviews while Jimmy and Jay provided their thoughts in an EU ForceCast microcast. In case you missed it, this microcast also featured an interview with Joe Schreiber.

See below for links to the Official Starwars.com Blog that we may not have linked to or covered this week...

Jaime King Picks Up Clone Wars DVD Box Set
R2-D2 Mailbox in Iraq
PVC Lightsaber Craft
Darth Vader Gives Blood
Star Wars Meets Shakespeare

Random video above: "Whose Line is it Anyway - SFX - Jedi" (Thanks Tom!)

Random video above: "Chewbacca gets Lifetime achievement award" (via ClubJade.net)

Have a great week!

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