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Random Weekend Star Wars Fun (10/10&11) Posted By Mike on October 11, 2009
After a few weeks hiatus, Random Weekend Star Wars Fun is back and bigger than ever! Enjoy...
"Darth Vader betrayed and murdered your father." from ANH lands at #2 on IGN's list of the top ten movie lies. This list explanations can tend to be on the adult oriented side and write-up for the Star Wars quote isn't the most positive, but any press is... (Thanks Ben!)
Here are a couple more adult oriented links as Kevin Smith doesn't tend to hold back the language. The writer/director weighs in on The Clone Wars, the upcoming live-action series and his Star Wars fandom at the following: provides a great 3 page interview with the voice talents of The Clone Wars, including Ashley Eckstein, James Arnold Taylor, Dee Bradley Baker, Tom Kane and even Dave Filoni. (Thanks Michael!)
"Halloween came to Sacramento early Wednesday morning as a group of six local science fiction lovers marched downtown dressed in Klingon, Death Star Trooper and Sith Lord costumes. Dozens of children and sci-fi fans flocked to take photographs and speak with the costumed characters.
Others gawked, laughed and one child even cried as they meandered from the California Museum down K Street and past the Capitol to Cesar Chavez Plaza.
The march was organized to promote The California Museum's new sci-fi exhibit "Out of this World: Extraordinary Costumes from Film and Television," which will run from Oct. 3 to Jan. 10. It will feature more than 50 props and costumes from some of Hollywood's most memorable sci-fi films."
Our friends at Lightsabre have a couple new interviews up from the past couple weeks including chats with Dan Wallace, co cartographer of The Essential Atlas (with Jason Fry), and Star Wars Insider editor Jonathan Wilkins. Simply navigate to the star interview section of the site to check out those, and many more, interviews.
Speaking of The Essential Atlas, the good people over at recently spoke with Dan Wallace, Jason Fry and Chris Tevas.
Check out the Jakks Pacific TV Games Motion: Star Wars over at reports on Natalie Portman being named the #4 actress to invest in per Forbes. (via