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Random Weekend Star Wars Fun (5/16&17)

Posted By Mike on May 17, 2009

Like sands through the hourglass, the randomness continues...

In honor of George Lucas' birthday this past week, Wired.com takes a look back at "George Lucas' Biggest Hits and Misses" as well as salutes the "Birth of a Pop-Culture Jedi."
(via Starwars.com)

Geekdad at Wired.com reports on a Star Wars event in London, Ontario from a few weeks ago.
(via ClubJade.net)

Tom Hoeler at Chud.com asks, "Can Star Trek Save Star Wars?" Excerpt below:

"George...I mean...Mr. Lucas, if you are reading this please, consider the lesson.

Let someone else make a Star Wars film. This wouldn't even be uncharted territory. The best of the Star Wars films wasn't even directed by you (Empire Strikes Back). You don't need to fade away into the ether; just step aside and let someone else help you realize your vision. Someone like...Joss Whedon perhaps?

Collaborate on a story, guide him in the right direction as far as the concepts and rules of the Star Wars universe are considered; but then let him go. He and others grew up loving this franchise and can help take it in the right direction."

Star Wars ranks #10 on Moviefone's list of the best movies of the '70s. (Thanks Tom!)

See below for links to the Official Starwars.com Blog that we may not have covered or linked to this week...

Heroes Son Shows Star Wars Pride
Happy Birthday, George Lucas!
My Favorite Movie is Star Trek Wars
Darth Maul BBQ (Sith) Sauce?

Random video above: "Yoda realizes that it's all over" (Thanks Tom!)

Random video above: "MrFl4ttop's tribute : Grand Admiral Thrawn" (Thanks Tom!)

Random video above: "Join The New Jedi Order Today!" (Thanks Tom!)

Have a great week!

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