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Random Weekend Star Wars Fun (7/18&19)

Posted By Mike on July 19, 2009

From Star Wars shirts to Comic-Con to videos to Emmy nominations, the whole "random" thing really holds up...

Learn a bit about the crafts of Stitch Wars at the New Times. (via SW.com)

HideYourArms.com provides us with a fantastic list of 202 Star Wars t-shirts! (Thanks Andy!)

Variety examines the Comic Con fanboy mentality that takes hold once a year. (via SW.com)

The Hollywood Reporter recently gathered reactions from a number of Emmy Award 2009 nominees. Seth Green of Family Guy and Robot Chicken was among the lucky group: (via SW.com)

"Seth Green had two reasons to celebrate Thursday with nominations for Adult Swim's "Robot Chicken: Star Wars Episode II" in the best animated program and voice-over categories. The executive producer/creator (with Matthew Senreich) didn't know he'd been nominated until after he woke up. "My publicist had been trying to call me for a while, but I don't have a house phone," he said. "My cell phone was off, and she didn't reach me until after I woke up." Of the nomination, he said: "For me, it's so validating for our team, who work super hard on our show that is by all accounts a short-form ad-sponsored cable show. So it's really exciting to get nominated for anything, especially the straight-up Emmy." Green said he planned to celebrate by going to see Lord T and Eloise, an "aristocrunk group of intergalactic travelers who are the richest men in the universe and are coming to save our planet. They are prophets of rap music who are in Los Angeles. I have to go!"'

George Lucas is still making the bug bucks! Click here for the story at the BBC. (Thanks Cam!)

See below for a couple of links to the Official Starwars.com Blog that we may not have covered or linked to this week...

Michael Jackson?s Star Wars Collection
ILM: The Early Years on Super 8 Video

Random video above: "Star Wars Episode VII Cartoon" (Thanks Tom!)

Random video above: Star Wars - Drumhead" (Thanks Tom!)

Pic at the top of the post is a rather cool stylized Return of the Jedi poster by Tom Whalen. (via ClubJade.net)

Have a great week!

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