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Random Weekend Star Wars Fun (11/8&9)

Posted By Mike on November 9, 2008

Let the randommess commence...

Steve W. sent over the following:

"Ben Burtt demonstrates how he made Wall-e come to life and answers a ton of questions. This was a presentation I attended at Pixar and it?s seriously amazing to watch Ben as he demos how he made all the Wall-e sounds and what he bought on eBay to get new sounds. If you?re a fan of Wall-e and Star Wars, I really recommend watching some of this."

Click here and head on over to Collider.com to check it out. (Thanks Steve!)

More Ben Burtt links right here!

Received the following from Chris W. of Cleveland, OH:

"An article in the USA Today mentioned that voters in Otero County, New Mexico were to vote on a tax to help fund a spaceport there. The article showed a picture of the spaceport terminal, which has a shape resembling the Millennium Falcon minus the arm with cockpit attached."

Click here to check it out! (Thanks Chris!)

Our friend Tom D. pointed us over to the fun video below - "Bounty Hunter The Interview":

Thanks Tom!

Chris Lee of Tenessee wants to build a full scale Millennium Falcon. See his Project Overview below and click here for more info: (via ClubJade.net)

"I have embarked upon an insane quest to build the ultimate Star Wars prop: a 1:1 scale ESB Millennium Falcon with complete, correctly scaled interior. Yes, I have completely lost my mind, just like most of my friends and family say. Except for my close Star Wars fan friends, who say "cool, can I help?".

I am assembling the team to help me make this a reality. So far I have an architect, a structural engineer, contractors in several trades, and many members of my local 501st and Rebel Legion groups.

Construction methods will include a welded steel frame atop concrete piers and footings with sheet steel over a marine plywood exterior skin that is weather-sealed with an industrial epoxy roof coating. A heated/cooled interior space will house all the amenities that a smuggler's ship would have."

Finally, the Official Starwars.com Blog takes a detailed look back at the past week.

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