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Random Weekend Star Wars Fun (11/8&9) Posted By Mike on November 9, 2008
Let the randommess commence...
Steve W. sent over the following:
"Ben Burtt demonstrates how he made Wall-e come to life and answers a ton of questions. This was a presentation I attended at Pixar and it?s seriously amazing to watch Ben as he demos how he made all the Wall-e sounds and what he bought on eBay to get new sounds. If you?re a fan of Wall-e and Star Wars, I really recommend watching some of this."
Received the following from Chris W. of Cleveland, OH:
"An article in the USA Today mentioned that voters in Otero County, New Mexico were to vote on a tax to help fund a spaceport there. The article showed a picture of the spaceport terminal, which has a shape resembling the Millennium Falcon minus the arm with cockpit attached."
Our friend Tom D. pointed us over to the fun video below - "Bounty Hunter The Interview":
Thanks Tom!
Chris Lee of Tenessee wants to build a full scale Millennium Falcon. See his Project Overview below and click here for more info: (via
"I have embarked upon an insane quest to build the ultimate Star Wars prop: a 1:1 scale ESB Millennium Falcon with complete, correctly scaled interior. Yes, I have completely lost my mind, just like most of my friends and family say. Except for my close Star Wars fan friends, who say "cool, can I help?".
I am assembling the team to help me make this a reality. So far I have an architect, a structural engineer, contractors in several trades, and many members of my local 501st and Rebel Legion groups.
Construction methods will include a welded steel frame atop concrete piers and footings with sheet steel over a marine plywood exterior skin that is weather-sealed with an industrial epoxy roof coating. A heated/cooled interior space will house all the amenities that a smuggler's ship would have."